- 1. There is an acute shortage of water.
- 水严重短缺。
- 2. Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.
- 越南正遭受食品短缺之苦。
- 3. They face a desperate shortage of clean water.
- 他们面临无污染水源的严重短缺。
- 4. There is a shortage of fresh water on the island.
- 岛上缺少淡水。
- 5. Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.
- 现在花销太多就意味着明年现金短缺。
- 6. Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.
- 制造业受燃料短缺的影响最为严重。
- 7. A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.
- 资金短缺使得联合国无法监督救济工作。
- 8. For sure, there is little shortage of eye-popping scenery around here.
- 可以肯定的是,这里不缺乏令人着迷的景象。
- 9. The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.
- 这个国家经历了几个月的外汇短缺。
- 10. The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.
- 优质股票的缺乏使得一些投资者远离股票交易。
- 11. His action is indicative of growing concern about the shortage of skilled labour.
- 他的行为显示对于熟练工人短缺现象的日益关注。
- 12. Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor.
- 过高的房价使穷人负担得起的房源严重短缺。
- 13. The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of petrol to justify price increases.
- 一些石油公司为了找借口提高油价而策划谎报石油短缺,因而被起诉。
- 14. The shortage has caused prices to go very high.
- 这一短缺导致价格急剧上涨。
- 15. It has experienced a shortage of registered nurses.
- 它的注册护士人手短缺。
- 16. The shortage of teachers is tied up with the issue of pay.
- 师资紧缺和工资问题有密切联系。
- 17. The 22,000-student district discovered the shortage last month.
- 上个月,这个拥有22,000名学生的学区发现了这种短缺。
- 18. They want the public to understand the reason for the shortage.
- 他们想让公众了解短缺的原因。
- 19. The shortage of water poses a serious problem for the government.
- 水资源缺乏对政府而言是个严重的问题。
- 20. As a result, there has been a shortage of coffee throughout the world.
- 结果,全世界都出现了咖啡短缺。
- 21. The country's main manufacturer stopped sales due to a potato shortage.
- 该国的主要生产商由于马铃薯短缺而停止了销售。
- 22. Early indications are that Smith will have no shortage of farm members.
- 早期迹象表明,史密斯不会缺乏农场员工。
- 23. Only by using modern irrigation methods can we reduce water shortage in agriculture.
- 只有使用现代的灌溉方法,我们才能减少农业用水短缺的情况。
- 24. Energy conservation is of vital importance to us because our society is facing energy shortage.
- 节约能源对于我们而言至关重要,因为我们的社会面临能源短缺的问题。
- 25. Any shortage could push up grain prices.
- 任何短缺都会推动粮价上涨。
- 26. Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff.
- 许多公司苦于缺乏熟练员工。
- 27. The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.
- 该国水资源的匮乏很可能是灾难性的。
- 28. Thousands of penguins have already died from a shortage of krill.
- 数千只企鹅因为磷虾匮乏已经死亡。
- 29. Many stations needed repairs or rebuilding and there was a shortage of rolling stock.
- 许多车站需要维修或重建,而且铁路车辆不够。
- 30. There'll never be a shortage of people who consider themselves uniquely qualified to be president of the United States.
- 从不缺乏那种自认为特有资格成为美国总统的人。