- 1. He frowned with mock severity.
- 他沉下脸来,装出一副严厉的样子。
- 2. A prison sentence should match the severity of the crime.
- 刑期长短要和罪行轻重一致。
- 3. Objective assessment of the severity of the problem was difficult.
- 难以客观判定该问题的严重性。
- 4. The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries.
- 能否彻底康复取决于她受伤的严重程度。
- 5. You might ask the applicant to provide some measure of the expected frequency and severity of failures.
- 您可能会要求应用程序提供一些预计频率和失败的严重性的方法。
- 6. The government should take into serious consideration the emergency and severity of air pollution and take measures to deal with it.
- 政府应认真考虑空气污染的紧急性和严重性,并采取措施加以处理。
- 7. When probable manipulation is detected, a spam rank factor is applied to a site, depending upon the type and severity of the infraction.
- 当检测到有可能暗中操纵时,将视违规的类型和严重性给予一个网站一个垃圾等级系数。
- 8. Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational background, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants.
- 就年龄、性别、教育背景、抑郁症的严重程度和持续时间以及抗抑郁药物的使用这几点来说,这三组参与者都保持了平衡。
- 9. Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational back-ground, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants.
- 这三组参与者在年龄、性别、教育背景、抑郁症的严重程度和持续时间以及抗抑郁药物的使用上保持平衡。
- 10. The severity of the impact was increased because cattle, which were displacing sheep, are much more sensitive than sheep to the toxins contained in ragwort.
- 由于正在取代绵羊的牛对千里光草中含有的毒素比绵羊敏感得多,影响的严重程度有所增加。
- 11. Moreover, when the antibody was given to chimpanzees, it inhibited rhinoviral growth, and in humans it lessened both the severity and duration of cold symptoms.
- 此外,当把这种抗体注射到黑猩猩身上时,它能抑制鼻病毒的生长,而在人类身上,它能减轻感冒症状的严重程度和持续时间。
- 12. We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.
- 我们终于意识到问题的严重性,并通过支持和改进一系列工具、应用程序和方法以防止骗子得逞。
- 13. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
- 晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于身体的自然肤色。
- 14. The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior.
- 精致的门面同室内的简朴形成强烈反差。
- 15. "Only if we discuss the consequences of our biophysical limits," the December warning letter says, "can we have the hope to reduce their speed, severity and harm."
- 12月的警告信中写道:“只有当我们讨论生物物理极限的后果时,我们才有希望降低其速度、严重性和危害。”
- 16. "You should learn not to make personal remarks," Alice said with some severity; "it's very rude."
- “你应该学会不要人身攻击,”爱丽丝严肃地说,“这是非常粗鲁的。”
- 17. Overconsumption by the world's fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth.
- 这个世界的幸运儿所进行的过度消费成了一个环境问题,其严重程度也许只有人口增长问题能与之相提并论。
- 18. The consequence is quantified using a severity of consequence scale.
- 使用后果严重程度量表对后果进行量化。
- 19. His severity scared the children away.
- 他的严厉吓跑了孩子们。
- 20. This severity was a deliberate policy from the top.
- 这一严重性来自高层的慎重政策。
- 21. The risks are listed at the top, ordered by severity.
- 风险被列在最上方,并且严格的按照顺序排列。
- 22. The patient reduces the frequency and severity of relapses.
- 降低患者复发的频率和症状严重程度
- 23. They then rated the severity of their nausea four times a day.
- 每天要对患者呕吐症状的严重程度进行四次评估。
- 24. Did WHO remove severity from the definition of a pandemic?
- 世卫组织是否在大流行定义中排除了严重性?
- 25. Mr. Medvedev spoke this week about the severity of the problem.
- 梅德韦杰夫这个星期谈到了有关问题的严重性。
- 26. Avoiding asthma triggers can also reduce the severity of asthma.
- 避免哮喘诱发因素也可缓解哮喘的严重程度。
- 27. WHO continues to assess the severity of the pandemic as moderate.
- 世卫组织继续将这次大流行的严重程度定为温和。
- 28. Yet I remain unconvinced of the severity of digital echo chambers.
- 不过,我仍然怀疑数字回音室的严重性。
- 29. What we haven't known is the magnitude and severity of the problem.
- 我们尚不清楚的是这一问题的规模和严重性。
- 30. What we haven't known is the magnitude and severity of the problem.
- 我们尚不清楚的是这一问题的规模和严重性。