- 1. Dew wrote a forceful defense of slavery in the wake of this, which became kind of a seminal text for all future pro-slavery writers.
- 随后德夫为维护奴隶制写了一份有力的辩护,这份辩护成为支持所有后亲奴主义作家的开创性著作。
- 2. Because data entry is a seminal function in any CMS, Drupal offers a form API (see Resources) to describe form fields.
- 由于数据输入是任何CMS中的基本功能,Drupal提供一个FormAPI(参见参考资料)来描述表单字段。
- 3. Design patterns (Erich Gamma, et al., Addison-Wesley, 1995) : Read the seminal book on the use of patterns in software engineering.
- DesignPatterns (ErichGamma,etal .,Addison - Wesley, 1995):阅读这本介绍软件工程中模式的用法的经典书籍。
- 4. Josef Pieper’s seminal book, Leisure: The basis of culture written in the 1940’s warns us against what he calls the “Total World of Work.”
- 引起广泛影响的Josef Pieper的书,《悠闲》中讲到:1940年写成的文化基础警告我们要反抗他提出的“工作的全世界”。
- 5. Penguin this week celebrates its 75th year and is marking the anniversary by repackaging a series of seminal books from the 1960s to the 1980s.
- 企鹅公司本周举行了成立75周年庆典,为了纪念他们把自二十世纪60年代到80年代的一系列有重大影响的书籍重新包装了一下。
- 6. Thus, in his very thorough overview of OO analysis and design methods (covering over 800 pages), Graham lists over 50 seminal methods [Graham01].
- 因而在彻底的纵览了有关OO分析和设计方法后(包含800页以上),Graham列举了50种以上的有相当大影响力的方法(Graham01)。
- 7. The video generated 83, 000 signatures on a petition and was seminal in persuading the governor of New York, David Patterson, to rethink the cuts.
- 这段视频促成了在一份请愿书上的83000个签名,在说服纽约州州长大卫·帕特森重新考虑预算削减上起到了根本性的作用。
- 8. It suggests chronic exposure to mercury vapor may cause adverse effects on Sertoli's cells of spermatogenic epithelium and seminal vesicle function.
- 提示长期接触汞蒸气可能对男工生精上皮的支持细胞及精囊功能产生不良影响。
- 9. On one hand this study, inspired by the highly publicised murder of Kitty Genovese in 1964, is mentioned in every textbook and often dubbed 'seminal'.
- 一方面,这项研究受到了1964年广为流传的KittyGenovese谋杀案的启发,几乎出现在所有的教科书上,并被认为是十分重要和有学术影响力的。
- 10. In this seminal work, Dr Murphy combines time-honored spiritual wisdom with solid science-based analyses to explain the influence of subconscious mind.
- 在这部有重大影响的著作中,墨菲博士将博大精深、源远流长的励志名言与可靠的以科学为本的分析相结合,向我们说明了潜意识的影响力。
- 11. The vibrancy and mere existence rock music scene in Wuhan is largely thanks to Vox , the seminal and premier live music venue in a city of 9.7 million.
- 在武汉这个拥有970万人口的城市里极富活力与独特的摇滚乐现场,在很大程度上取决于Vox所呈现的精彩演出现场。
- 12. Textbooks are tools to educate students in virtue, therefore, it is a seminal step to explore and use Chinese textbooks loaded with traditional virtues.
- 教科书是对学生进行品德教育的凭借,因而,对语文教科书中承载的传统美德内容的开发与利用成为语文学科道德教育的重要一环。
- 13. But he said he would consider it a success if the organization, within one year, publishes "some seminal paper that drives the state of the art forward."
- 不过,他表示,如果该机构能在一年内发表“几篇原创性论文,推动当前工艺水平的进步”,那也算是一种成功。
- 14. As publisher Tim O’Reilly wrote in his seminal essay, “Piracy isProgressive Taxation, ” “being well-enough known to be pirated [is] a crowningachievement.”
- 出版商蒂姆·欧瑞利在他的一篇很有远见卓识的文章中谈到盗版是“累进税制”。 “作品能被广泛盗版,应该是一个很了不起的成就。”
- 15. He is the author and editor of over 30 books including one seminal book, well, many seminal books, but one in particular that I'll mention, Animal Liberation.
- 他曾撰写编辑书籍30余本,其中一本影响深远,当然,其中的很多都很有影响力,但是我要特别提到这一本,《动物解放》。
- 16. It works on any scale: from Giambattista Nolli's seminal ichnographic map of Rome (1748) to the geometrical perfection of the Dutch fortress of Coevorden (1647).
- 在任何尺度上都是如此:从诺利地图上具有创意的罗马平面图(1748)到库福尔登的荷兰要塞精准的几何形(1647)。
- 17. The ratio of the diameter and length of the lateral oviduct and seminal duct of reproductive individuals in T. ampliceps was larger than in O. formosanus (P
- 扩头蔡白蚁生殖蚁的侧输卵管直径与长度的比例和输精管直径与长度的比例明显大于黑翅土白蚁(P
- 18. Potassium antimonate was employed to ultrastructurally locate calcium ions in seminal root apical meristematic cells of maize seedings subjected to flooding stress.
- 采用焦锑酸钾沉淀法,对遭受淹水胁迫的玉米幼苗初生根根尖分生细胞内钙离子分布变化情况进行了电镜细胞化学观察。
- 19. IBRD's work in statistics has been seminal to the series of improvements in terms of poverty measurement and overall quality of data in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- 国际复兴开发银行在统计领域开展的工作,对拉美和加勒比地区贫困评估的改进和数据总体质量的提高发挥了根本性作用。
- 20. He had a profound impact on business-cycle research-his 1946 book, written with Wesley Clair Mitchell, was the seminal analysis of U.S. business cycles from 1854 to 1938.
- 他在商业周期研究领域有着深远的影响——他在1946年与韦斯利·克莱尔·米切尔合写的书中,富有创见地分析了从1854年到1938年的美国商业周期。
- 21. Here's where three great figures there are others but these are considered the seminal figures begin to raise questions which complicate the whole issue of consciousness.
- 看一下这三个伟大的人物,当然了还有其他的人物,但这三位影响最为深远,这三个人物开始提出了一些问题,这些问题使整个意识的问题复杂化了。
- 22. The polyphonic theory was the first presented by the Russian philosopher and literary theory whose name was Mikhail Bakhtin in his seminal work Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics.
- 复调理论是俄国哲学家、文论家巴赫金在《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》一书中最早提出的。
- 23. Get out your little black book, start calling all those ladies who turned you down, and let them know that you've discovered a cure for their Human Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity!
- 你还等什么那,赶快拿出你的黑色小本本,给那些让你失望的姑娘们打电话,告诉她们你为她们的过敏症专门制定了一个治疗方案!
- 24. And Hollywood has announced a remake of the martial arts classic "Enter the Dragon". Seminal 1973 Bruce Lee film is going to become a contemporary saga called "Awaken the Dragon".
- 好莱坞近期宣布,它将翻拍经典中国功夫影片《龙争虎斗》,这部由李小龙主演的经典功夫片将被改编成一个当代传奇故事,片名将更改为《龙之觉醒》。
- 25. When the final credits roll on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, young Canadians won't just be saying goodbye to the franchise but closing a seminal chapter of their childhood.
- 当电影《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》落幕时,加拿大的年轻人不只是告别了一个系列电影,而且还结束了童年时代的一个重要章节。
- 26. Moreover, the diptych version of “99 Cents” was made in 2001, two years after the original single image (pictured above), and well after his seminal compositions of the early 1990s.
- 此外, 《99美分》系列中的双连画版创作于2001年,与第一版单幅作品(上图)时隔两年,而距离他90年代的重大作品集更是遥远。
- 27. The new study in Psychological Science was designed to replicate visual tests on motion perception from seminal experiments in the 1970s, with the addition of variable external noise.
- 在心理科学上设计了一项项新的实验:重复了1970年关于运动知觉的视觉实验的基础上,增加了可变的外界噪音。
- 28. Since 1914, and a seminal paper by a German researcher called Carl Wieselsberger, scientists have known that birds flying in formation—a V-shape, echelon or otherwise—expend less energy.
- 1914年,一位名叫卡尔▪维塞尔斯伯格的德国研究员发表了一篇具有重大意义的论文,科学家们从中得知,鸟类在飞行的时候排成V字、梯形或倒过来时,会节省体力。
- 29. Since 1914, and a seminal paper by a German researcher called Carl Wieselsberger, scientists have known that birds flying in formation—a V-shape, echelon or otherwise—expend less energy.
- 1914年,一位名叫卡尔▪维塞尔斯伯格的德国研究员发表了一篇具有重大意义的论文,科学家们从中得知,鸟类在飞行的时候排成V字、梯形或倒过来时,会节省体力。