- 1. The figure gave a screech.
- 那个人影发出了一声尖叫。
- 2. The grandfather said these last words with such a wild voice, that it reminded Heidi of the eagle's screech.
- 爷爷说最后这句话时声音很粗野,这让海蒂想起了老鹰的尖叫声。
- 3. This is not a book about her marriage, but about the demons that screech in her ears following her marriage end.
- 这本书并不是关于她婚姻的,而是关于恶魔的,它们在她的婚姻结束后在她耳边尖叫。
- 4. The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear on the other side.
- 群猪的领头出现了,它仰着鼻子走过水渠,不得不尖叫着停下来,目送最后一只猪消失在另一端。
- 5. She suddenly let out a screech.
- 她猛地尖叫一声。
- 6. He heard the screech of brakes.
- 他听到了刹车的尖而刺耳声。
- 7. For Joseph, a colleague at Chloe's office, it is Bach playing on the stereo before the screech of brakes and the crunch of metal.
- 对克洛伊办公室的同事约瑟夫来说,音响里播放的是巴赫的音乐,然后是刺耳的刹车声和金属的嘎吱声。
- 8. The car skids, the tires screech.
- 汽车打滑了,车轮发出刺耳的声音。
- 9. I see a screech owl hooting at me.
- 我看到一只鸣角枭对着我喊叫。
- 10. To cry or screech like a cat in heat.
- 汽车尖叫一声煞住了。
- 11. He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.
- 刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。
- 12. TURKISH F-16 fighter jets screech across the skies.
- 16战机呼啸地划过土耳其的天空。
- 13. I screech, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!
- 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊著要冰淇淋!
- 14. Why does my cell phone screech when it is near my computer?
- 为什么手机在靠近电脑时,会发出尖锐的噪音?
- 15. Terrifying Screech - Raid-wide fear for 5 seconds. Magic effect.
- 惊恐尖叫-全团范围恐惧效果,持续5秒。魔法效果。
- 16. A screech of breaks made us look to see what had happened in the street.
- 只听一阵尖锐的刹车声,我们朝街上看发生了什么事情。
- 17. There's the low growl, the more intense medium growl, and the high-pitched screech.
- 这些人声包括低吼,更有力的中音咆哮,还有尖利的高音。
- 18. If there are any, they screech to a halt7 and wait patiently for them to cross the road.
- 一旦有人他们会紧急刹车,然后耐心地等待别人过去。
- 19. This is not a book about her marriage, but about the demons that screech in her ears following its end.
- 这不是一本关于她婚姻的书,而是有关恶魔的,它们在她的婚姻结束后在她耳边尖叫。
- 20. Just then the locomotive gave a sharp screech, and the train passed out into the darkness of the night.
- 火车随着一声惊人的汽笛声,在深沉的夜色里消失了。
- 21. It should be written upon Virgin Parchment, with the pen of the swallow and the blood of the screech-owl.
- 应当用燕子制成的笔和尖叫鸮的血液写在维尔京羊皮纸上。
- 22. It's a devil and it's Tasmanian. Not only does it make an extremely loud and disturbing screech, it stinks too. The ideal pet.
- 澳大利亚袋獾被有些人当作宠物养,可它实际上是一个小魔鬼,它不但发出刺耳的尖叫,还散发着体臭。
- 23. There is what sounds like a howl of outrage from the Decepticon, or it might just have been the screech of the air being rent asunder.
- 一个声音传来,似乎是那个狂派愤怒的嚎叫,也可能只是空气被撕裂的尖啸。
- 24. This devil is characterized by his black fur, pungent odor when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and ferocity when feeding.
- 这个魔鬼的特点是他的黑毛,刺鼻气味,非常响亮和令人不安的尖叫,喂食时的凶悍。
- 25. He was there for more than half an hour in that position, completely lost to the world, to the passers-by and to the screech of the parrots.
- 他以那个姿势坐在那里有半个多小时了,把世界、把路人和鹦鹉们的尖叫完全遗忘了。
- 26. Also known as the Quaker parakeet, its raucous screech normally echoes through the subtropical forests and grasslands of Bolivia and southern Brazil.
- 和尚鹦鹉,又叫僧鹦鹉,它刺耳的尖叫声通常在玻利维亚和巴西南部的亚热带森林里和大草原上回荡。
- 27. Afterburner systems, designed to operate up to a stoichiometric overall mixture strength , are always fairly close to combustion instability or screech.
- 要使加力燃烧系统在理论化学组成量的总混合浓度下还在一直工作,这样的设计通常都很接近于不稳定燃烧或振荡燃烧。
- 28. What seems to happen, the researchers reckon, is that when a screech on a chalkboard is generated, the sound is amplified within our ears to painful effect.
- 研究者们顺理成章地得出这样一个结论:当黑板被挂擦时,该声响在我们的耳内放大,加剧了痛苦。
- 29. What seems to happen, the researchers reckon, is that when a screech on a chalkboard is generated, the sound is amplified within our ears to painful effect.
- 研究者们顺理成章地得出这样一个结论:当黑板被挂擦时,该声响在我们的耳内放大,加剧了痛苦。