- 1. It was a delightful rural scene.
- 那是赏心悦目的乡村风光。
- 2. He has a romantic view of rural society.
- 他对于乡村地区有种不切实际的看法。
- 3. Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.
- 这次罢工对农村地区的打击最沉重。
- 4. Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.
- 农业是农村经济的基础。
- 5. The central plank of the bill was rural development.
- 这一法案的核心是农村发展。
- 6. Desegregation may be harder to enforce in rural areas.
- 废除种族隔离可能更难在乡村地区实施。
- 7. The survey was carried out in both urban and rural areas.
- 该调查在城市和乡村地区都开展了。
- 8. The landscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance.
- 该风景看上去主要保留了乡村风貌。
- 9. These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.
- 这些植物倾向于生长在更偏远的乡村地区。
- 10. In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.
- 在法国,欠发达的农村地区说自己的方言。
- 11. There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.
- 在农村地区创办企业享有税收减免。
- 12. Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life.
- 他早期的许多作品关注的是农村生活中一些鸡毛蒜皮的琐事。
- 13. This rural outpost, 400 miles northeast of Helena, has one stoplight.
- 这个在赫勒拿东北400英里处的农村居民点有一个交通信号灯。
- 14. The rural population has become increasingly politicized in recent years.
- 近年来,农村人口对政治愈来愈感兴趣。
- 15. In rural areas, the school is often the focal point for the local community.
- 在农村,学校常常是当地社区的活动中心。
- 16. Thousands were forced to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of work.
- 成千上万的人为了寻找工作被迫从农村涌进城市。
- 17. For many, the essence of French living is to be found in the rural heartlands.
- 对许多人来说,法国生活方式的精髓要到心脏地带的乡村去寻找。
- 18. She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn't the rural idyll she imagined.
- 她发现,她要搬入的这个宁静小镇并不是自己想象的那种乡村田园。
- 19. Rural residents are likely to find their lives in the boondocks too restrictive.
- 农村居民可能会发现他们在穷乡僻壤的生活太受限了。
- 20. Consort has a population of 714 and is about as rural and isolated as you can get.
- 康索特有居民714人,地处农村,极其偏远。
- 21. Rural schools were hamstrung by their inability to attract and keep experienced staff.
- 农村学校因不能吸引并留住有经验的教师而难以为继。
- 22. The government believes that more money should be spent on improving public transport in rural areas.
- 政府认为应该在改进农村地区的公共交通上花费更多的钱。
- 23. They'll entice thousands of doctors to move from the cities to the rural areas by paying them better salaries.
- 他们将通过支付更高的薪水怂恿成千上万的医生从城市迁往农村。
- 24. Why ruin rural ones?
- 为什么要破坏乡村呢?
- 25. It also helped to create jobs in rural areas.
- 它还帮助农村地区创造了就业机会。
- 26. These works have a strong flavor of rural life.
- 这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。
- 27. They look really dramatic in this rural setting.
- 在这个乡村环境中,它们看起来非常引人注目。
- 28. These works have a strong flavour of rural life.
- 这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。
- 29. It totally destroyed the state's rural landscape.
- 它完全破坏了该国的乡村景致。
- 30. Volunteers fill a need for teachers in rural areas.
- 志愿者满足了农村地区对教师的需求。