- 1. Mary Ann shot him a rueful look.
- 玛丽·安悔恨地瞥了他一眼。
- 2. He shook his head and gave me a rueful smile.
- 他摇了摇头,对我苦笑了一下。
- 3. Ellen gave me a rueful smile.
- 埃伦对我凄然一笑。
- 4. Reckless youth makes rueful age.
- 鲁莽的青春造成可怜的日子。
- 5. She managed a rueful little smile.
- 她勉强露出颇带惆怅的一丝笑容。
- 6. He was rueful for joining the army.
- 他感到后悔去参军。
- 7. The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh.
- 那男孩的第一声惨叫是一声惨笑。
- 8. His most rueful film is Now About These Women.
- 他最令人悲伤的电影是《这些女人们》。
- 9. He is by nature an optimistic man; his smile is rueful.
- 他天生就是个乐观的人,他的微笑让人心痛。
- 10. She could not help laughing at his rueful countenance.
- 她看他愁眉苦脸,忍不住笑起来。
- 11. Our marriage was a mistake, "she said, looking rueful."
- “我们的婚姻是个错误,”她说着,看起来懊悔不已。
- 12. In a more rueful letter written after they had agreed to separate, he calls her "My Lumps."
- 在他们同意分开后他写的许多忏悔信件中,他叫她“我的小傻瓜。”
- 13. The play is a rueful, wry observation about the way we are all subject to the ravages of time.
- 战乱的劫掠,野蛮的时代的到来,给学术带来了一场真正的灾难。
- 14. For Mr Semel, who is 64, a sale might also hold the appeal of a graceful exit. It would be a rueful one, however.
- 对64岁的塞梅尔先生而言,售卖交易也可能保持体面出局的风度,但他会心怀悔意。
- 15. It is last seen by its rueful owner, who omitted to use a wrist strap, describing a perfect parabola on its way to the depths.
- 倒霉的失主忘了系上腕带,于是看着他的照相机在空中画了一条完美的抛物线后沉入水中。
- 16. "If I met someone I really liked I'd chase her, " Gong told me with a rueful smile, "but if she was a practical girl I don't think I'd manage to catch her."
- 宫无奈的笑着告诉我:“如果我真的遇到了我喜欢的女孩,我会去追她,但是如果这个女孩太过实际,我想我没有办法可以追到她”。
- 17. The best antidote to such romanticism is perhaps the rueful reflection of Robert E. Lee, a gallant Confederate general: "It is well that war is so terrible!"
- 对于这种浪漫主义的最佳解药或许就是一位骁勇善战的联盟将军罗伯特•e•李做出的沉痛反思:“幸好战争是如此的残酷!”
- 18. The message has an emotional tone that is authentically sad/fearful/angry and at the same time, is by marked by a rueful calm, by gentleness, and by courage.
- 这里边有一种真正悲哀/恐惧/愤怒的情绪化腔调,与此同时又带有悔恨的平静、温顺和勇气。
- 19. She’d once seen Lawrence hunched over some papers in their kitchen—he threw her a funny, rueful look—but she did not recall a season of Whoppers and strawberry shakes.
- 她在她家厨房里见过劳伦斯一次,他在那儿折纸。 他丢给她一个滑稽、可怜的表情。
- 20. Most of us, I dare say, have spent a vacation or two at the beach rueful and distracted by something we've recently done, some conflict we've gotten ourselves involved in.
- 我敢说,大多数人在海滩度假的时候,都会有那么一两次,因为最近发生了一些事,或是卷入了什么争执,以致分心或懊丧。
- 21. After 2000 that was a blessing. Orders poured in, and Saarland—though once a bit of a joke to Germans in the Reich, the locals' rueful name for the rest of the country—outpaced Germany's growth.
- 2000年后萨尔州鸿运当头,一批批订单奔涌而至,昔日德意志(当地人对国家其他地区的称呼,含无可奈何之意)人公认的国家笑柄萨尔州终于抬起了头,其经济增长超过全国整体水平。
- 22. After 2000 that was a blessing. Orders poured in, and Saarland—though once a bit of a joke to Germans in the Reich, the locals' rueful name for the rest of the country—outpaced Germany's growth.
- 2000年后萨尔州鸿运当头,一批批订单奔涌而至,昔日德意志(当地人对国家其他地区的称呼,含无可奈何之意)人公认的国家笑柄萨尔州终于抬起了头,其经济增长超过全国整体水平。