- 1. Workers have erected scaffolding around the base of the tower below the roadway.
- 工人们已经在车行道下的塔基四周竖起了脚手架。
- 2. Marks in the roadway seem to indicate that he skidded taking a sharp turn.
- 从车道上的痕迹看,他似乎在急转弯时打滑了。
- 3. It swayed violently in a strong wind. Its roadway was damaged by vehicles. Its access was blocked by many people.
- 它在强风中剧烈摇晃。车辆损坏了道路。许多人堵住了通道。
- 4. By the time 250,000 were on the bridge, engineers noticed something terrible: the roadway was flattening under what turned out to be the heaviest load it had ever been asked to carry.
- 当25万人在桥上时,工程师们注意到一件可怕的事情:路面被有史以来最沉重的负荷压扁了。
- 5. Subjects played a computerized driving game in which the player must avoid crashing into a wall that materializes, without warning, on the roadway.
- 实验对象玩一款电脑驾驶游戏,在游戏中,玩家必须避免撞上毫无征兆突然出现在路上的墙壁。
- 6. In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway.
- 古时候,一位国王将一块巨石放在路上。
- 7. It will also allow the roadway that runs on top of the Hoover Dam to close.
- 有了胡佛大桥,胡佛大坝顶端的公路就可以关闭了。
- 8. The houses have been dug out by hand, and the dirt piled in mounds on the roadway.
- 房屋已经用手扒出来了,而淤泥则堆在大马路上。
- 9. One mile (1.6 kilometers) of such a roadway could potentially power up to 500 homes!
- 一英里(1.6公里)这样的公路能有最多供五百户住宅使用的能量!
- 10. As I nodded in and out of sleep, I suddenly realized that much of the roadway was unfamiliar.
- 就在醒醒睡睡当中,我突然意识到这里大部分的道路都不是我所熟知的。
- 11. Last year the highway was redesigned to broaden the curves and improve roadway visibility.
- 去年高速公路进行了改造,加宽了弯道并改善了视野。
- 12. When the King wanted a new building or new roadway constructed, he turned to my grandfather.
- 当国王需要建造新的房屋或铺设道路的时候,他就会找我的祖父。
- 13. Battered and twisted, the Department of Corrections van lays on its side next to the deserted roadway.
- 被撞烂的惩教处押送车成90度翻转躺在荒凉的路面旁。
- 14. A toll could be placed on a roadway, raised if traffic bogs down, and reduced if there's spare capacity.
- 一种过路费将出现在道路上,如果交通拥堵费用就会上涨,道路闲置时就下降。
- 15. Stockholm — with a low index score of 15 — Melbourne and Houston had the most pain-free roadway traffic.
- 斯德哥尔摩的通勤痛苦指数最低,仅为15,斯德哥尔摩、墨尔本和休斯顿的道路交通状况最为乐观。
- 16. Where they stopped, dense thickets of cedars and ju nipers and birch crowded the roadway on both sides.
- 他们停下车。车道两边长满了茂盛的雪松、杜松和白桦树。
- 17. How softly the turf had carpeted the untraveled avenue — he could no longer feel the roadway beneath his feet!
- 无人走过的林荫道上覆盖着草皮,那么柔软——他再也无法感觉到脚下的路面!
- 18. Therefore, the redesign clearly did not improve the curves and roadway visibility enough to make a difference.
- 因此,改造显然并没有对于弯道和道路视野起到足够的改善。
- 19. We think that that's all due to this idea of distraction, and just not paying attention to roadway circumstances.
- 我们认为所有这些都是注意力不集中所造成的,他们不注意路上的情况。
- 20. Once on the skyway, there was no shoulder for three and a half miles, as the elevated roadway spanned two rivers.
- 一旦上了高架路,大概有3.5英里长的路面是没有露肩的,因为这一段高架路要跨越两条河。
- 21. Wikitude drive works by using an Android tablet or smart phone's camera to capture the roadway in front of the driver.
- Wikitude Drive通过Android平板电脑或只能电话的摄像头来拍摄司机前面的道路。
- 22. Obviously in pain, Lincoln turns his head and sees the headlights of a single car come to a stop on the roadway above.
- Lincoln明显疼得要命,他转动着头,通过辨识车头灯灯光,他意识到有一辆车停在了事故现场的路面上。
- 23. A roadway lane, for instance, could be closed off and used for a light-rail line that can carry more passengers per hour.
- 例如,一个机动车道可以被关闭用做轻轨,那样每小时就能搭载更多乘客。
- 24. Integration of roadway worker safety and train control can create efficiencies that protect workers while preserving capacity.
- 将铁路员工的安全与列车控制相结合,可以在保证载客量的同时,更高效地保护员工安全。
- 25. Integration of roadway worker safety and train control can create efficiencies that protect workers while preserving capacity.
- 将铁路员工的安全与列车控制相结合,可以在保证载客量的同时,更高效地保护员工安全。