- 1. His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him.
- 他的激进和拒绝让步使他受到了孤立。
- 2. Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism.
- 琼斯自己是个奇特的激进主义和保守主义的混合体。
- 3. He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism.
- 戈德温主要在他的影响下信仰了政治激进主义。
- 4. His radicalism may be curbed.
- 他这种激进主义可能受到抑制。
- 5. O There is no distinctive Jewish radicalism.
- o犹太人的激进主义并无特别之处。
- 6. And yet Nigeria has a rich history of radicalism.
- 无独有偶,尼日利亚的激进主义历史也很是悠久。
- 7. Others, like Gordon Wood, have insisted on its radicalism.
- 而另一些历史学家,如戈登·伍德,则坚持其激进主义。
- 8. We are using the tools and techniques from SOA but no radicalism about it.
- 我们使用来自SOA的工具和技术,但并非是SOA激进派。
- 9. The call was for radical solutions: if only there had been some radicalism on offer.
- 确实需要一些根本的解决方案:假如曾提供一点激进主义思想的话。
- 10. The father of the Nigerian "Christmas bomber" reported his son's radicalism to the U.
- 尼日利亚之父“圣诞轰炸机”报告了他的儿子对美国大使可能采取极端手段。
- 11. Mr King, alongside Andy Haldane, the author of a number of imaginative papers on finance, leans towards radicalism.
- Mr King以及在很多关于财政方面发表有很多富有想象力文章的作者AndyHaldane都倾向于激进。
- 12. If we ignore internal drive of martial ethos, it will be impossible to characterize the whole picture of May 4th radicalism.
- 如果忽略尚武思潮这一内驱动力,我们就会失去对五四激进主义基本性质的科学描述与整体把握。
- 13. Though there is no evidence that the general Palestinian mood is becoming violent, they discern a distinct rise in radicalism.
- 尽管没有证据表明巴勒斯坦人的情绪变得暴躁和极端,但他们清楚地看到巴勒斯坦内部正在上升的极端主义。
- 14. Short of such radicalism, many people ask what is wrong with being a backwater of wealth and civility in an out-of-kilter world.
- 短的激进主义,很多人问什么是错的财富和文明已经在一个发挥有失水准的世界。
- 15. As China's global influence continues to grow, I would not bet on Washington's current radicalism prevailing over Beijing's conservatism.
- 如果中国的全球影响继续扩大,我可不敢保证华盛顿现在流行的激进主义一定能盖过北京的保守主义。
- 16. Unable to dismiss his proposals as crazy radicalism, the other candidates have to be both bolder and more detailed than they would like.
- 其他候选人因为无法用狂妄激进主义来反驳他的提案,因此他/她们必须以同样地大胆及更详细的(超出他们原意的)计划来超越爱德华兹。
- 17. China in now has already been aware of this as well now, hence bring about a the wave English of another wave study violent radicalism.
- 现如今的中国也早已意识到了这一点,于是掀起了一浪又一浪的英语学习狂潮。
- 18. An extra step from truth, thus, lands us in absurdity. That single word later gave RisE to both cultural radicalism and cultural nihilism.
- 真理向前多跨一步就是谬误。把“流传下来的”误为“传统的”,虽一词之差,却隐含着产生文化激进主义和文化虚无主义的危机。
- 19. For America, the worry is that "clean skin" European citizens, with no known record of radicalism, could be used to attack the United States.
- 对美国来说,忧虑就是,没有可知的激进主义记录的“皮肤干净的”欧洲公民也可以被用来袭击美国。
- 20. We all know that posting photos of ourselves dancing on bar tops and/or partaking in acts radicalism probably won’t help our image in the eyes of an employer.
- 想必大家都知道我们在酒吧买醉的照片或者在激进主义活动中现身绝对不会让我们在老板眼里留下一个好印象。
- 21. We all know that posting photos of ourselves dancing on bar tops and/or partaking in acts radicalism probably won’t help our image in the eyes of an employer.
- 想必大家都知道我们在酒吧买醉的照片或者在激进主义活动中现身绝对不会让我们在老板眼里留下一个好印象。