- 1. She wishes to pursue a medical career.
- 她希望从事医学工作。
- 2. She returned to London to pursue her acting career.
- 她返回伦敦去从事她的表演事业。
- 3. He continued to pursue his goal of becoming an actor.
- 他继续追求他成为演员的目标。
- 4. After college she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.
- 大学毕业后她仍无法决定自己要追求什么事业。
- 5. His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.
- 他同迪斯尼的协议不久就将结束,这可以使他腾出手来从事自己的项目。
- 6. They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.
- 他们希望他能为国家的和谐而追求一种中立而平衡的政策。
- 7. I pursue the vision that eludes me.
- 我追求着我无法企及的愿景。
- 8. Do you have the courage to pursue your dreams?
- 你有勇气去追求你的梦想吗?
- 9. Why should we even have to decide whether to pursue truth?
- 为什么我们还要决定是否去追求真相?
- 10. A student's primary education goal is to pursue knowledge.
- 学生的基本教育目标是追求知识。
- 11. However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies is important.
- 然而,有空闲时间放松和追求爱好是很重要的。
- 12. Some people hunger for fame and fortune while some others pursue happiness.
- 有些人渴求名利,而有些人则追求幸福。
- 13. If you make up your mind to pursue your goal, you should begin to study hard.
- 如果你下定决心要追求你的目标,那么你就要开始努力学习了。
- 14. This way, you'll find out if marketing is something you really want to pursue.
- 这样你就会发现,市场营销是否是你真正想追求的东西。
- 15. You should pursue a career where you can make good use of your creative thinking.
- 你应该追求能够充分发挥你创造性思维的事业。
- 16. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture.
- 相反,他们转而热情地追求一种据说更为现代的文化。
- 17. Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone has the courage and determination to pursue it.
- 每个人都渴望成功,但是不是每个人都有勇气与决心去追求成功。
- 18. Social good, according to this thinking, is achieved when individuals are free to pursue their self-interests.
- 根据这种思想,当个人可以自由地追求自己的利益时,社会公益就实现了。
- 19. The general public has realized that it's unwise to pursue economic development at the sacrifice of the environment.
- 现在大众已经意识到,以牺牲环境为代价来追求经济发展并不明智。
- 20. The desire for self-improvement has led many students to pursue educational opportunities beyond physical classrooms.
- 自我提升的渴望使很多学生追求物理课堂之外的学习机会。
- 21. Men must consider eating, drinking, clothing and finding shelter before they can pursue entertainment and recreation.
- 人在追求娱乐和消遣之前,必须考虑吃、喝、穿、住。
- 22. Guided by science, we do not drift off course anymore but further pursue other sophisticated technologies with purpose.
- 在科学的指导下,我们不再迷失方向,而是更有目的地进一步追求其他的精良技术。
- 23. We have decided not to pursue the matter.
- 我们决定不再追究这件事。
- 24. We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality.
- 我们力行中立的政策。
- 25. The paparazzi pursue Armani wherever he travels.
- 狗仔队追着阿玛尼到他去的任何地方。
- 26. We intend to pursue this policy with determination.
- 我们准备坚决贯彻这项政策。
- 27. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies.
- 政府将自由实行其经济政策。
- 28. He will pursue a trade policy that protects American workers.
- 他将努力实行保护美国工人的贸易政策。
- 29. Freedom to pursue extracurricular activities is totally unrestricted.
- 参加课外活动的自由完全不受限制。
- 30. They are showing a marked disinclination to pursue these opportunities.
- 他们对争取这类机会明显表现出不情愿的态度。