- 1. Their parents had a puritanical streak and didn't approve of dancing.
- 他们的父母管教颇严格,不赞成跳舞。
- 2. Portland is not a puritanical city.
- 波特兰并不是个清教徒式的城市。
- 3. Some blame America's puritanical culture.
- 有些人谴责这种清教徒式的美国文化。
- 4. Those who remembered when it was plentiful were puritanical about food.
- 这组词的共同意思是“丰富的”。
- 5. And how about his generalisations about stuffy, puritanical Anglo-Saxons?
- 那么,对古板拘谨的盎格鲁-撒克逊人,他的概括又如何呢?
- 6. I'm not against the coffee bars for puritanical reasons, but because it USES women's bodies for commerce.
- 我不是用清教徒的动机反对这些咖啡馆,但是他们不该把女性的身体作商业用途。
- 7. The solution doesn't lie in puritanical self-restraint or in a defensive insistence that there's nothing wrong.
- 解决的方式不在于像清教徒那样进行自我约束,或者是进行无意义的持续辩护。
- 8. The secret (whisper it, lest puritanical greens find out) is that electric motors are better than combustion engines.
- 秘密在于(小声点,以免极端环保主义者发现这一点)电动引擎比燃动引擎优越。
- 9. Unfortunately, this puritanical view of personal resolve plays down how our surroundings and mental state determine what we eat.
- 不幸的是,这种清教徒式的个人决心使得周围环境和精神状态对“吃什么”的决定作用大为减轻。
- 10. President Obama is right about the need for more responsibility, but for those of you who have been responsible, this is the time to disregard those puritanical whispers and buy something fun.
- 奥巴马说人们要有担当,这没错。但是对那些一贯负责任的人来说,现在无需理会那些清教徒的耳语,去买些有意思的玩意儿吧。
- 11. There are some moments of navel-gazing from the almost puritanical reformed characters, and some passages verge on the absurd, but Mr Shone maintains a pace that whips the story back to reality.
- 书中有些片段是[color=#0000ff]被清教徒[color=#0000ff]戒律洗脑的人物在纸上谈兵,而有些段落则接近荒诞,但肖尼保持步调让故事回到现实。
- 12. They adhered to an old-fashioned and somewhat puritanical morality, and criticized their friend Ingrid Bergman for destroying her film career by having an illegitimate child with Roberta Rossellini.
- 他们都恪守着一套古旧乃至有些苛刻的道德标准,因而对英格丽·褒曼与导演罗伯托·罗西里尼同居并未婚生子的行为颇有微词。
- 13. They adhered to an old-fashioned and somewhat puritanical morality, and criticized their friend Ingrid Bergman for destroying her film career by having an illegitimate child with Roberta Rossellini.
- 他们都恪守着一套古旧乃至有些苛刻的道德标准,因而对英格丽·褒曼与导演罗伯托·罗西里尼同居并未婚生子的行为颇有微词。