- 1. Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?
- 通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?
- 2. We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.
- 我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。
- 3. She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser."
- 她拒绝提升科林,只让他做低级别的“法律顾问”。
- 4. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.
- 你们没有必要牺牲环保来促进经济增长。
- 5. Politicians are eager to promote their "happy family" image to curry favour with voters.
- 政客们积极推广其“幸福家庭”的形象以讨好选民。
- 6. The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist's career.
- 经纪人应以最大的努力来推动其演艺人的事业发展。
- 7. The group is working to promote the adoption of broadband wireless access over long distances.
- 该集团正在致力于推广远距离宽带无线访问的采用。
- 8. The Environmental Defense Fund has been given $800,000 in federal grants to promote smart growth.
- 环境保护基金会得到了80万美元的联邦政府拨款以推广城镇智能发展。
- 9. The aim of the current round of talks is to promote free trade and to avert the threat of increasing protectionism.
- 本轮会谈的目的是促进自由贸易,消除日益加剧的贸易保护主义的威胁。
- 10. It may promote creative thinking.
- 它可以促进创造性思维。
- 11. They want to promote guilt free fur.
- 他们想推广无愧于心的皮草。
- 12. The rest of us have to promote ourselves.
- 剩下的人必须提升自己。
- 13. How do enterprises promote their products?
- 企业如何推广自己的产品?
- 14. Promote efficiency and increase food variety.
- 提升效率和增加食物种类。
- 15. Here you're trying to promote this great music genre.
- 你正试图在这里推广这种伟大的音乐流派。
- 16. The meeting discussed how to promote this latest product.
- 会议讨论了如何推广这种最新产品。
- 17. An international movement was launched to promote its use.
- 一场国际运动的推行使得它的应用得以推广。
- 18. We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.
- 我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势来推销我们的新型牙膏。
- 19. The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.
- 会议讨论了如何促进两国的合作。
- 20. Our mission is to promote, protect, and advance the social work profession.
- 我们的使命是促进、保护和推进社会工作职业。
- 21. All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.
- 我们所有的项目都旨在促进贫困和偏远社区的发展。
- 22. I help with their media content and create videos that promote their campaigns.
- 我帮助制作媒体内容和做视频,用来促进他们的宣传。
- 23. Kapur has identified three conditions that promote this kind of beneficial struggle.
- 卡普尔指出了促进这种有益斗争的三个条件。
- 24. The goal should be to promote pedodiversity, and through this, biodiversity in general.
- 我们的目标应该是促进土壤的多样性,并通过这种方式,从大体上改善生物多样性。
- 25. Many of the countries that Karen visits have government offices that promote handicrafts.
- 凯伦访问过的许多国家都设有政府机构来推广手工艺品。
- 26. Governments need to formulate energy policies that promote economically and environmentally sound development.
- 各国政府需要制订促进经济和环境充分发展的能源政策。
- 27. The aim is to promote closer economic integration.
- 目的是进一步促进经济一体化。
- 28. The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.
- 这个乐队已开始巡回宣传他们的新唱片。
- 29. The Dove Foundation aims to promote wholesome family entertainment.
- 达夫基金会旨在倡导有益身心的家庭娱乐。
- 30. It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
- 给这样一个危险的产品做宣传广告是极不道德的。