- 1. A growth rate of 4% is projected for next year.
- 预计明年的增长率为4%。
- 2. Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.
- 影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。
- 3. The unemployment rate has been projected to fall.
- 据预测失业率将下降。
- 4. The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.
- 本书的下一版计划于三月发行。
- 5. 13% of Americans are over 65; this number is projected to reach 22% by the year 2030.
- 13%的美国人在65岁以上;这个数字预计到2030年会达到22%。
- 6. His business is projected to earn him 100,000 dollars.
- 他的生意预计能赚10万美元。
- 7. A previous Pew Research Center analysis projected that as many as one-in-four of today's young adult may never marry.
- 皮尤研究中心此前的一项分析预测,当今年轻人中可能有多达四分之一的人这辈子都不会结婚。
- 8. The brunt of the blast is projected straight ahead, forcing a powerful spike of metal, usually copper, into and through the armour.
- 爆炸的正面直接投射在装甲上,迫使强大的金属尖刺(通常是铜)穿透装甲。
- 9. With new technological advances and mass production, projected cost declines should make wind power one of the world's cheapest ways to produce electricity.
- 随着新的技术进步和大规模生产,预计成本的下降将使风力发电成为世界上最便宜的发电方式之一。
- 10. The U.S. hotel industry is projected to end 2010 with increases in two of the three key performance measurements, according to STR's monthly forecast update.
- STR的每月预测更新数据显示,2010年美国酒店业的三个关键绩效评估指标中,预计有两个会提升。
- 11. If one compares the image of the woman in the women's magazine with the goods advertised by those periodicals, one realizes how useful a projected image can be commercial.
- 如果把女性杂志上的女性形象与这些杂志上的广告进行比较,你就会意识到这些投射的形象在商业上是多么有用。
- 12. Economists projected that the federal government would collect a far lower percentage of total tax owed by delinquents than did state governments implementing similar programs.
- 经济学家预计,联邦政府征收的拖欠税款占总税款的比例,将远低于实施类似计划的州政府。
- 13. The United States petroleum industry's cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade.
- 在这十年结束之前,美国石油工业达到环保标准的成本预计为每桶精炼石油价格的10%。
- 14. The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.
- 电影播放技术由最初的“西洋镜”的形式演变而来,直到其发展到一个时期;在这个时期中,影像被投影到幽暗的影院屏幕之上,电影才作为一种大众消费的形式而出现。
- 15. He projected himself as a man worth listening to.
- 他装成很有见地的样子。
- 16. The projected housing development will go ahead next year.
- 计划中的住宅建设将于明年动工。
- 17. Researchers in many areas have projected the widespread collapse as "a credible scenario this century".
- 许多领域的研究人员已经预测到普遍崩溃将会是“本世纪的一个可信情景”。
- 18. The stone was projected into the air.
- 石头被射向天空。
- 19. It projected that the number would double by 2030.
- 报告预测,到2030年,这一数字将翻一番。
- 20. Since the strings faced upward, the sound was projected toward the ceiling rather than outward toward the audience.
- 既然琴弦是朝上的,声音就向天花板传了,而不是向外传到观众那。
- 21. If you factor in the projected rates of technological change, either your skills will become unnecessary, or your industry outdated.
- 如果你考虑到技术变化的预期速度,那么你的技能将变得很多余,或者你的行业会成为过去式。
- 22. The Roman genius was projected into new spheres—especially into those of law, military organization, administration, and engineering.
- 罗马的天才们突破了新的领域——尤其是法律、军事组织、行政管理和工程领域。
- 23. When the blocks of masonry with which they built were not in scale with the projected scheme, the real joints were concealed and false ones introduced.
- 当他们所建造的石方与规划方案不成比例的时候,他们会将真正的接合处隐藏起来,引入假的接合处。
- 24. It's become so iconic that attempts to change its taste in 1985—sweetening it in a move projected to boost sales—proved disastrous, with widespread anger from consumers.
- 它变得非常具有标志性。1985年,人们试图改变它的口味,并计划通过增加甜味来提高销售量,但事实证明,这种尝试是灾难性的,消费者普遍感到愤怒。
- 25. It's become so iconic that attempts to change its taste in 1985—sweetening it in a move projected to boost sales—proved disastrous, with widespread backlash and anger from consumers.
- 它变得如此经典,以至于1985年它试图改变口味、通过增加甜味来提高销量的时候出现了灾难性的结果,遭遇了消费者的普遍反对和愤怒。
- 26. What is your projected revenue in Year 2 (2009) after going public?
- 上市后第二年(2009年),您的预计收入是多少?
- 27. Our projected visit had to be cancelled.
- 我们计划中的访问不得不取消。
- 28. The jobless rate is 5% and projected to fall.
- 失业率为5%,且预计将进一步下降。
- 29. A bizarre giant smile is projected onto the walls.
- 怪诞的巨大微笑被刻在城墙上。
- 30. A bizarre giant smile is projected onto the walls.
- 怪诞的巨大微笑被刻在城墙上。