- 1. Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.
- 大多数年轻妇女觉得生儿育女是一种生理需要。
- 2. Your duty to procreate.
- 你有责任去生儿育女。
- 3. Why are young Japanese so loth to procreate?
- 为什么日本的年轻人这么抵触生育?
- 4. Why are so few young Japanese willing to procreate?
- 为什么日本的大多数年轻人都不愿意生孩子?
- 5. She said she is not here to procreate, not for fuel.
- 她说她来世上不为生儿育女,不为柴米油盐。
- 6. Some have even taken it as a cue to get married and procreate.
- 一些人甚至把这种毁灭看成是结婚和生育的暗示。
- 7. Did you know that the domestic Turkey is unable to procreate naturally?
- 你们知道家养火鸡是不能自然繁殖的吗?
- 8. The right of procreation includes the right to procreate, the right n...
- 生育权的内容应包括生育的权利、不生育的权利和如何生育的权利。
- 9. ‘I wouldn't go rushing off to procreate on the basis that tomorrow my fertility might drop.’
- 我将不会因我的生育能力明天可能衰退而急于生孩子。
- 10. Men are equipped to hunt and chase lunch, find their way home, fire-gaze and procreate - that's it.
- 男性的能力则是捕猎,追逐,找到回家的路,凝视,生育后代,仅此而已。
- 11. It should be recognized by law when citizens adopt modern techniques to realize their procreate rights.
- 公民采用现代技术手段实现其生育权时,应得到法律的认可。
- 12. The stipends also provide a substantial incentive for royals to procreate since the stipends begin at birth.
- 还有很多鼓励皇室成员生育的津贴,刚出生的孩子就享有津贴。
- 13. Menopause syndrome is a common disease which occurs during the interim from procreate phase to agedness phase.
- 更年期综合征为妇女由生育期向老年阶段过渡时期的常见病、多发病。
- 14. The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible.
- 不要把殖民卫星完全殖民化的原因是你希望殖民者可以尽可能的繁殖。
- 15. Evolutionary success is not just a mad dash to procreate; it also requires as many descendants to survive as possible.
- 物种的成功进化并非只依赖于疯狂地繁殖,还要后代尽可能地存活。
- 16. What if, Belkin asks, the dynamic I found myself in was reversed, and women now saw men as "too old" to procreate with?
- Belkin问道,如果我们置身其中的机制完全颠倒了,女人开始觉得男人“太老了”,不能生育了,会出现什么情况呢?
- 17. Much of what we are about centers on the same impulses to eat, procreate, fight or flee that motivated Fred Flintstone.
- 人之所以为人, 大多基于饮食、男女、斗争、避凶的冲动,在原始社群就是这样了。
- 18. Infatuation is nature's biological trick to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.
- 迷恋期是自然界确保男人和女人有足够时间繁殖后代的生物学陷阱。
- 19. Imagine all the things we could do without having to shop: play and pray, create and relate, read and walk, listen and procreate.
- 请想象所有不用去商店就可以做的事:游戏,祷告,创造,沟通,阅读,行走,倾听,生育。
- 20. It is, in fact, a biological trick by nature to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.
- 实际上,这是一个生物学上的陷阱,它能确保男男女女们有足够的时间繁殖后代。
- 21. The hurt to healthy of Lead contains the foul-up of nerve System and Procreate System. Such us slowly upgrowth of nerve and body.
- 与铅有关的健康危害包括神经系统和生育系统紊乱、神经核身体发育迟缓。
- 22. Conclusion: experiment results is cue, that drinking magnetized water could significance improve fertility or procreate ability of ribbits.
- 结论:实验结果提示饮用磁处理水能显著提高家免的生殖能力。
- 23. During the subsistence and procreate of Ku-cong minority, it created an unique highland culture, and the garment is one important part in it.
- 苦聪人在生存和繁衍中,创造了独具特色的苦聪人高山生活文化,而民族服饰文化就是其中的重要组成部分。
- 24. The right of procreation is a right conferred by law to the married people and other women to decide whether to procreate and how to procreate.
- 生育权是已婚夫妻和其他妇女依法所享有的决定是否生育以及如何生育子女的人身权。
- 25. What this shall mean is that any lineage incapable of ascending in any species, including humanity, shall perish, and not continue to procreate.
- 这意味着任何物种包括人类中不能提升的任何血统都将毁灭而不能继续产生。
- 26. "I always wanted to procreate with someone outside my gene pool because I think you get a more beautiful and genetically superior baby," she said.
- “我总想和具有不同基因库的人生育。因为我认为这样会得到一个更美而且基因更优良的婴儿,”她说。
- 27. Every survivor gets a chance to procreate (and it is important that procreation is never denied to a survivor, only made less likely if he is less fit).
- 每个幸存者都会有机会繁衍(重要的是任何幸存者都可能会繁衍,如果不太适应的话,仅仅是降低了可能性)。
- 28. Then measure each individual's fitness (measured as a function applied to the individual's DNA) and make the individual more likely to procreate if he is more fit.
- 然后衡量每一个个体的适应性(把它看作是适用于个体的DNA的官能来衡量),并且使那些更适应的个体更有可能繁衍。
- 29. Then measure each individual's fitness (measured as a function applied to the individual's DNA) and make the individual more likely to procreate if he is more fit.
- 然后衡量每一个个体的适应性(把它看作是适用于个体的DNA的官能来衡量),并且使那些更适应的个体更有可能繁衍。