- 1. After her pro playing career, she coached a golf team in San Jose.
- 在职业球员生涯结束之后,她在圣何塞训练一支高尔夫球队。
- 2. In the professional theatre, there is a tremendous need to prove that you're a pro.
- 在专业剧院里,证明自己是个专业人士是非常必要的。
- 3. Pro gaming is certainly big business.
- 专业的游戏行业当然是一个大产业。
- 4. Being a pro gamer is an easy way to make money.
- 成为一名职业游戏玩家是一种简单的赚钱方式。
- 5. You see, we can all learn something from these pro athletes!
- 你瞧,我们都能从这些职业运动员身上学到东西!
- 6. Even some of these—such as pro football and TV premieres—have become popular.
- 甚至其中的一些——如职业足球赛和电视节目首映——也变得流行起来。
- 7. This man pretends his Apple desktop is the new iPad pro and cradles it in his arms.
- 这名男子假装他的苹果桌面是新的iPadpro,并把它抱在怀里。
- 8. Move up to the $30 pro account and you get unlimited storage space for your shared photos.
- 升级到30 美元的专业账户,你就可以无限制地存储共享照片。
- 9. Pro SEO's would not be so obvious and stupid as to blatantly use keywords as a person's name when the links are no followed.
- 如果网页链接打不开,专业的搜索引擎优化是不会这么直白和愚蠢地公然使用关键字做人名的。
- 10. The storyline seems to be that Apple wants to insert the new portable in between the current 13-inch MacBook Pro and the 9.7-inch iPad.
- 故事的主线似乎是,苹果希望在目前13英寸的 MacBookPro和9.7英寸的 iPad之间插入新的便携式电脑。
- 11. Prices will increase pro rata.
- 价格将相应提高。
- 12. Most of the electorate is pro-choice.
- ...大多数选民都主张女性有权选择人工流产。
- 13. He has always been pro the environment.
- 他一向支持环境保护。
- 14. He's very pro-Europe.
- 他非常支持欧盟。
- 15. Younger voters are strongly pro-European.
- 年轻选民是坚定的亲欧派。
- 16. Florida is a stronghold for pro-choice activists.
- 佛罗里达是一个主张堕胎合法的活跃分子们的大本营。
- 17. A pro tem committee was formed from existing members.
- 由现有的委员组成了一个临时委员会。
- 18. The pro-life movement has right-wingers and left-wingers.
- 反对人工流产运动中有右翼成员也有左翼成员。
- 19. I enclose a pro forma for you to complete, sign and return.
- 谨附估价单一份,请填好并签字后寄回。
- 20. If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices.
- 如果成本增加,价格就会相应上涨。
- 21. They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis.
- 他们在互利的基础上进行大量的信息共享。
- 22. Pro-democracy activists say a new electoral roll should be drawn up.
- 亲民主派活动分子们说应当起草一份新的候选人名单。
- 23. He was at the forefront of the pro-democracy campaign in the country.
- 他处在该国民运的最前沿。
- 24. Americans have always been very pro business, pro competition, pro free market.
- 美国人一向很支持商业,支持竞争,支持自由市场。
- 25. They are paid their salaries and are entitled to fringe benefits on a pro-rata basis.
- 他们领工资,同时还能按比例享受附加福利。
- 26. All part-timers should be paid the same, pro rata, as full-timers doing the same job.
- 所有兼职人员都应按比例地与全职人员同工同酬。
- 27. The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a pro rata return of capital to shareholders.
- 现金或临时凭证会提供给股东作为资本按比例收益的一部分。
- 28. What it pays for is often a pro-industry finding.
- 它的付出所得到的往往是有利于行业的发现。
- 29. Some pro-gamers practice for fourteen hours a day.
- 一些职业玩家每天练习14个小时。
- 30. Educational shows have pro-education and pro-social goals.
- 教育类节目的目的是既有利于教育又有利于社会。