- 1. The priest sacrificed a chicken.
- 牧师献祭了一只鸡。
- 2. The priest anointed her with oil.
- 神父为她傅油。
- 3. The priest intoned the final prayer.
- 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。
- 4. They were married by the local priest.
- 本地牧师为他们主持了婚礼。
- 5. The priest blessed the bread and wine.
- 神父祝圣了面饼和葡萄酒。
- 6. He had trained to be a Catholic priest.
- 他接受培训成了一名天主教神父。
- 7. He was ordained (as) a priest last year.
- 他去年接受任命为神父。
- 8. The priest prepared the body for burial.
- 牧师为尸体做好了下葬的准备。
- 9. He earned the appellation "rebel priest."
- 他得了一个“叛逆牧师”的称号。
- 10. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1982.
- 他在1982年被任命为天主教神父。
- 11. He portrays a whisky-sodden Catholic priest.
- 他塑造了一个喝威士忌喝得烂醉的天主教神父。
- 12. He intuited that the old priest was hiding information.
- 他从直觉感到这位老牧师有所隐瞒。
- 13. The priest and choir in their lace surplices led the service.
- 穿着蕾丝白色罩袍的牧师和唱诗班主持了仪式。
- 14. The old priest tried to put them off, saying that the hour was late.
- 那位老牧师试图把他们搪塞过去,说时间太晚了。
- 15. Dr. Thomas Bracken describes the case of a 45-year-old Catholic priest much given to prayer whose left knee became painful.
- 托马斯·布拉肯医生描述了那个病例:一名45岁天主教牧师由于经常祈祷导致左膝疼痛。
- 16. Tis the priest, Father Andrew!
- 那是神父,安德鲁神父!
- 17. The priest sacrificed a sheep.
- 牧师献祭了一只羊。
- 18. He confessed to the priest before he died.
- 他死前向神父忏悔。
- 19. The principal person in the procession was a priest.
- 游行队伍中的主要人物是一位牧师。
- 20. He was led forth, and a priest was brought who was to say a mass for his soul.
- 他被领了出来,有一位牧师来为他的灵魂的做弥撒。
- 21. My stepfather was a former priest, one of the early black men ordained to the priesthood in the United States.
- 我的继父曾是一名牧师,是美国早期被任命为牧师的黑人之一。
- 22. After five hours of fruitless chatting with the priest and the police, the woman climbed out on to the window sill.
- 在跟牧师和警察聊了五个小时毫无结果之后,那女人悄悄地爬到了窗台上。
- 23. As a result of divination, Apollo was angry with the Greeks. Because Agamemnon robbed his father's maiden, and his father was the high priest of Apollo.
- 占卜的结果是,阿波罗对希腊人发怒了。因为阿伽门农抢了自己父亲的女仆,而他父亲是阿波罗的大祭司。
- 24. As a priest and policeman talked to her through loudhailers from the street, John and his colleague quietly made their way up the stairs of the six-story building to the roof.
- 当一位牧师和警察在街上通过扬声器与她交谈时,约翰和他的同事悄悄地爬上了这栋六层楼的屋顶。
- 25. The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown.
- 这位牧师胡乱地整了整长袍上的褶皱。
- 26. Lie me no lies, sir priest, play me no deceptions!
- 不要欺骗我,神甫先生,不要欺骗我!
- 27. The good priest that is called Father Andrew taught me, of his kindness, from his books.
- 那位被称为安德鲁的善良神甫,仁慈地用他的书教导了我。
- 28. One penny every week the good priest that teacheth me shall have; mother, Nan, and Bet the other four.
- 我每个礼拜要给一个便士给教我的那位好心的神甫;剩下的四个就给妈妈、南恩和白特。
- 29. This was the work of Layamon, a parish priest of Ernley.
- 这是伍斯特郡的教区牧师拉亚蒙的工作。
- 30. This was the work of Layamon, a parish priest of Ernley.
- 这是伍斯特郡的教区牧师拉亚蒙的工作。