- 1. In charge of each will be a former Anglican prelate.
- 负责人要是曾经的圣公会高级教士。
- 2. A young lady fall in love with the estimable prelate.
- 一个年轻女士爱上了这位可尊敬的高级教士。
- 3. He is the most senior prelate to have been linked to the scandal.
- 他是牵涉此次丑闻中最高级别的教士。
- 4. Nobody is a civil Lord, a prelate or a bishop while he is in mortal sin.
- 没有人会是一个民间的主,一个总主教或主教,而他是在大罪。
- 5. F in principle, the prelate of the First Order is without authority over the nuns.
- 在原则上,总主教的第一个命令是没有权力修女。
- 6. There were some, however, who refused to yield to the authority of pope or prelate .
- 虽然如此,还有少数人坚决不承认教皇或主教们的权力。
- 7. The bad life of a prelate means that his subjects do not receive orders and the other sacraments.
- 不良的生活一个总主教还意味着他的科目,也没有获得订单和其他圣礼。
- 8. The plump Shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate, patron of arts in the middle ages.
- 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。
- 9. The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate , patron of arts in the middle ages.
- 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。
- 10. Give me ", said the prelate, a just tribunal, or allow me to meet my accusers face to face in your presence."
- “给我说:”总主教,“正义法庭,或允许我满足我的控诉,面对面地在你的存在。”
- 11. But neither criticism will do the 63-year-old prelate much harm in the places where he is likely to make a difference.
- 但是两种批评都不会对这位想要有所作为的63岁高级教士有多大伤害。
- 12. Auschwitz is also a "special place" because it is where Polish Franciscan friar Saint Maximilian Kolbe was killed, the prelate added.
- 他续说,奥斯威辛是一个“特别地方”,因为波兰方济会士圣高比神父(MaximilianKolbe)就是在这里被杀害。
- 13. The retired prelate told visitors that he gave his health condition “full marks” but said he felt tired as his fast entered the final day.
- 禁食进入最后一天(十月廿一日),他告诉来访者,自己的身体状况「一百分」。
- 14. In the Russian Orthodox world, many will miss the prelate who oversaw the church's revival after acting, in his early life, as a loyal servant of the Soviet state.
- 在俄罗斯的东正教世界,很多人都会怀念这位高级教士,这位早期为苏联忠心服务,而后来帮助教庭复苏的主教。
- 15. In the Russian Orthodox world, many will miss the prelate who oversaw the church's revival after acting, in his early life, as a loyal servant of the Soviet state.
- 在俄罗斯的东正教世界,很多人都会怀念这位高级教士,这位早期为苏联忠心服务,而后来帮助教庭复苏的主教。