- 1. There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.
- 教育公众和营造恐慌倾向之间只有细小的区别。
- 2. Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.
- 这也不能解释为什么在一个由父母一方决定利手的物种中,当后代具有相同的遗传倾向时,他们并非完全是右撇子或左撇子。
- 3. Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right-or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.
- 这也不能解释为什么在一个由父母一方决定用利手的物种中,当后代具有相同的遗传倾向时,他们并非完全是右撇子或左撇子。
- 4. Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right- or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.
- 这也不能解释为什么在一个由父母一方决定用手习惯的物种中,当后代具有相同的遗传倾向时,他们并非完全是右撇子或左撇子。
- 5. It is caused by hormones and mediated by genetic predisposition.
- 造成秃顶的原因是激素诱导与遗传倾向。
- 6. It shares, however, with structuralism a theoretical predisposition.
- 但它和结构主义,有一个共同的理论倾向。
- 7. But he did not indicate a predisposition to raise interest rates soon.
- 但他没有表示出将很快加息的倾向。
- 8. Some people are born with a predisposition to succeed in certain areas.
- 有些人天生就具有在某些领域取得成功的资质。
- 9. This predisposition is being reinforced by two big changes in the emerging world.
- 新兴国家正在发生的两大转变强化了这种倾向。
- 10. Our predisposition to believe in a supernatural world stays with us as we get older.
- 我们这种相信存在着一个超自然世界的固有倾向将一直伴随我们到终老。
- 11. This might indicate a predisposition to elevated mood and mania, they speculate.
- 他们推测这可能表示易于情绪高涨或躁狂的体质。
- 12. We found that there is a genetic predisposition by people with migraines to be depressed.
- 我们发现,抑郁的偏头痛患者有遗传素质。
- 13. Our predisposition is to be aware of as much of what's going on around us as possible.
- 我们易受伤害的体质要求我们尽可能的对周围发生的事情保持敏感。
- 14. Perhaps a genetic predisposition for absolute pitch is more common among Asian populations.
- 也许音高辨别力的基因素因在亚洲人中更加普遍。
- 15. Obviously something is priming the risk, and it looks like that may be a genetic predisposition.
- 显然是某种因素引发了这种风险,看上去这很可能是一种遗传倾向。
- 16. Such chips can provide important clues about predisposition to disease and response to therapy.
- 而这样的芯片能够对人的疾病或是疾病愈后进行预测。
- 17. The research shows that some illnesses may require a combination of genetic predisposition and infection.
- 这项研究表明,有些疾病是遗传基因易感性和病毒感染的共同作用引发的。
- 18. The researchers also found that people who have a genetic predisposition to anxiety do not tend to avoid coffee.
- 研究人员还发现,患有遗传性易感焦虑的人并没有拒绝咖啡的趋势。
- 19. A person with a predisposition to this problem may become symptomatic when the elbow is flexed beyond 90 degrees.
- 手肘弯曲超过90度时,有易患此病体质的人可能就会出现病状。
- 20. Research shows that those who suffer from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol may have a genetic predisposition to the disease.
- 研究表明毒瘾者或酗酒者可能在基因上就倾向患有此类疾病。
- 21. Often preventable, it can result from excess body weight and physical inactivity, and sometimes, a genetic predisposition.
- 大多可以预防,主要是因体重过重和缺乏身体活动所致,有时由遗传易感性造成。
- 22. I also address the issue of avoiding the mess in the first place by protecting your spouse from your unfaithful predisposition.
- 其中,我也发表了一些文章,它们是关于如何在有不忠实的倾向的情况下保护自己的另一半不受伤害,以此来把那些不该有的想法消灭在萌芽状态。
- 23. "There may be genetics and predisposition here to both becoming highly successful and also at risk for autism," Durkin said.
- “有可能存在某种基因或特征,在给人带来成功的同时,也带来患孤独症的风险。”Durkin表示。
- 24. The most commonly implicated causes of obesity are well known: poor diet, lack of physical activity, and genetic predisposition.
- 肥胖最主要的原因众所周知:不良的饮食习惯,缺乏体育锻炼,以及遗传性肥胖。
- 25. She developed breast cancer at the age of 37, leading the researchers to believe she had a genetic predisposition to the cancer.
- 她37岁时就得了乳腺癌,研究人员就此认为是她基因上的问题导致她容易得癌症。
- 26. The researchers noted that similar genetic variations existed in humans giving them a potential predisposition for cigarette addiction.
- 研究者发现在人类身上也存在相同的问题,会导致潜在的尼古丁上瘾。
- 27. Scientists have been studying twins to figure out the impact of genes on everything from math ability to predisposition for breast cancer.
- 科学家一直在双胞胎身上做研究,试图寻找出基因在各个方面所带来的影响,从人们的数学能力到患有乳腺癌的概率。
- 28. Scientists have been studying twins to figure out the impact of genes on everything from math ability to predisposition for breast cancer.
- 科学家一直在双胞胎身上做研究,试图寻找出基因在各个方面所带来的影响,从人们的数学能力到患有乳腺癌的概率。