- 1. Joe Bob took out his pipe and dug it into a pouch of tobacco.
- 乔·鲍勃拿出他的烟斗伸进一个烟袋中。
- 2. The melon is kind of a large sac-like pouch, made up of fat tissue.
- 甜瓜是一种大的囊状袋子,由脂肪组织构成。
- 3. Some marsupials can care for three newborns in their pouch at the same time.
- 有些有袋目动物可以同时在育儿袋中抚育三个刚出生的婴儿。
- 4. The kangaroo has a pouch where babies live until they can hop around on their own.
- 袋鼠有一个育儿袋,袋鼠宝宝一直住在里面直到它们自己能到处蹦跳。
- 5. A five-month-old red-necked wallaby joey pokes her head out of her mother's pouch at Taronga zoo, Sydney, Australia
- 澳大利亚悉尼塔瑞噶野生动物园中,一只五个月大的红颈小袋鼠从妈妈的育儿袋里探出头来。
- 6. The joey, from just south of Sydney, was born the size of a jellybean and spent six months inside his mother, Lily's pouch.
- 来自悉尼南部的这个幼袋鼠出生时只有一颗软芯糖豆儿那么大,在它丽丽妈妈的育儿袋里呆六个月。
- 7. To ensure the eggs receive a warm welcome she carries the egg pouch in her mouth presenting it to the sky following the sun.
- 为了保证卵能得到一个温暖的迎接,她把育儿袋叼在嘴上,然后面向天空中太阳的方向。
- 8. During diapause, a young kangaroo stays in the female's pouch and growth of a second fertilized egg inside the uterus is delayed.
- 在滞育期间,小袋鼠呆在雌袋鼠的育儿袋里,因而推迟了子宫内第二个受精卵的发育。
- 9. Just as he was losing consciousness, he heard a faint squeak and looked down to see a baby wallaby that had fallen from its mother's pouch.
- 就在他即将失去知觉时,他听见微弱的叫声,循声看去,他看见一只小袋鼠从妈妈的育儿袋掉下来。
- 10. From another section of the pouch, he extracted several wooden matches, counted them in his palm, and returned all but one to the waterproof compartment.
- 他从革袋的另一处取出几支木制火柴,放在手掌里数了数,留下一支,其余全放回防水袋中。
- 11. Among other benefits, this allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.
- 在其他好处中,这使她能够在干旱和食物短缺时期冻结胚胎的发育,直到育儿袋中的后代有能力自己离开。
- 12. She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.
- 她把钱装在脖子上挂的荷包里。
- 13. A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a "petal pouch" that contains both pollen and a sticky nectar reward.
- 一只摇蚊把它的头伸进一个“花瓣囊”里,收集可可花的花粉,“花瓣囊”里既有花粉,也有粘稠的花蜜。
- 14. This allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.
- 这使她能够在干旱和食物短缺时暂缓胚胎的发育,直到育儿袋里的后代能够独立生活。
- 15. It comes in a velvet pouch and the high-quality refill can be replaced.
- 它带有绒布袋,还可以替换高质量的笔芯。
- 16. The exteriorized section became known as the Heidenhain or Pavlov pouch.
- 外化的部分被称为海登海因或巴甫洛夫袋。
- 17. The kangaroo needs a bigger pouch for her babies.
- 这只袋鼠需要一个更大的育儿袋来装她的宝宝。
- 18. Make sure you have a waterproof pouch for your camera.
- 要确保你的相机有防水罩。
- 19. Drop the medicine into the pouch and gently close your eyes.
- 将药物滴入袋内,轻轻合上眼睛。
- 20. He sealed it in a leather pouch strapped over his heart.
- 他将信封进绑在胸口上的衣袋里。
- 21. It has a soft, hypoallergenic fibre filling supported by a water pouch.
- 它有着柔软的,低致敏性的纤维,填充在水袋里。
- 22. These aluminum chopsticks slide out of a fabric pouch and snap together.
- 轻轻把这双铝制的筷子滑出它的绒线口袋,啪地一下合二为一。
- 23. As he got closer, he reached into his pouch and handed Marcus a game ball.
- 等他走近后,他的手伸向口袋并拿出了一个比赛用球。
- 24. But Arniston Bay's pouch is the subject of a marketing blitz in Britain.
- 而ArnistonBay的袋装葡萄酒却是抢占英国市场的主题。
- 25. Male seahorses are equipped with a brood pouch on their ventral, or front-facing, side.
- 雄海马腹部(前面)有一个育儿袋。
- 26. "Two men were there and gave me a pouch and said: 'a gift for you'," she told the trial.
- 她告诉法庭,“两个人站在那儿,给了我一个袋子,说是‘礼物’”。
- 27. Jesse watched as he opened the compartment with the ginseng root, then the smaller pouch.
- 杰希看着他打开了装着人参的夹层,然后打开了小袋子。
- 28. My father reached into his pants and untied the pouch in which he carried all his money.
- 我父亲伸手到裤子口袋里,解开小口袋,那是他所有的钱。
- 29. The large water birds with a large throat pouch are found on all continents except Antarctica.
- 这种大型水鸟的喉部有一个大大的囊袋,它生活在南极洲之外的其他大洲。
- 30. The large water birds with a large throat pouch are found on all continents except Antarctica.
- 这种大型水鸟的喉部有一个大大的囊袋,它生活在南极洲之外的其他大洲。