- 1. Her father was a Polish count.
- 她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。
- 2. The room smelt strongly of polish.
- 那个房间里散发着浓浓的上光剂的气味。
- 3. Can you polish the top of the table?
- 请把桌面擦亮好吗?
- 4. She's fluent in Polish.
- 她的波兰语很流利。
- 5. Wax polish preserves wood and leather.
- 上光蜡可保护木材和皮革。
- 6. They just need to polish their technique.
- 他们只需要改进一下自己的技艺。
- 7. Well, I think she's either Russian or Polish.
- 嗯,我看她不是俄罗斯人就是波兰人。
- 8. He recognized the Polish cadences in her voice.
- 他听出了她声音中抑扬顿挫的波兰腔。
- 9. Yesterday's resolution says the present Polish border is "inviolable."
- 昨天的决议说现有的波兰边界是“不可侵犯的。”
- 10. Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.
- 然而德国坚持对波兰煤炭的进口限制。
- 11. He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.
- 他是波兰地下组织的信使,被空降到了华沙。
- 12. The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history.
- 天主教在整个波兰历史中扮演了重要的角色。
- 13. It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone.
- 经过了大量的抛光和擦拭后,这块黄铜才露出光芒。
- 14. East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish Corridor.
- 1919年,波兰走廊把东普鲁士和德国其他地方分隔开了。
- 15. I still remember how long it took to polish the legs of our coffee table.
- 我依然记得擦亮我们的咖啡桌子腿儿要花多长时间。
- 16. To polish up your article, you can use more figures of speech such as metaphors.
- 为了给你的文章润色,你可以更多地使用例如比喻等修辞手法。
- 17. It was created by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, a Polish Jewish doctor specialized in eye diseases.
- 它是由专门治疗眼疾的波兰犹太医生路德维希·拉扎尔·扎曼霍夫创建的。
- 18. In Poland in the 1960s, according to a Polish woman who e-mailed me, "the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet."
- 据一位波兰妇女给我发电子邮件说,在20世纪60年代的波兰,“当局介绍了《搭便车者手册》。”
- 19. The Russian, Greek and Polish storks flew as far as South Africa, while those from Spain, Tunisia and Germany flew only as far as the Sahel.
- 俄罗斯、希腊和波兰的鹳鸟飞到了南非那么远的距离,而来自西班牙、突尼斯和德国的鹳鸟却只飞到了萨赫勒地区。
- 20. For a long time biologists believed that male deer used buck rubs not only to clean and polish antlers but also to provide practice for the ensuing male-to-male combat during the rut.
- 长期以来,生物学家们认为雄鹿擦痕不仅可以清除并磨光鹿茸,还可以借此练习发情期时雄鹿之间的角斗。
- 21. I give it a polish now and again.
- 我不时把它擦亮。
- 22. The Polish word for 'window' is neuter.
- 波兰语里“窗户”一词是中性的。
- 23. The opera lacks the polish of his later work.
- 这部歌剧缺少他后期作品中所具有的上乘境界。
- 24. Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.
- 要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。
- 25. He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster.
- 他用柔软的抹布将柜台擦得亮亮的。
- 26. The still air smelled faintly of furniture polish.
- 久未流通的空气中有股淡淡的家具漆的气味。
- 27. She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician.
- 她所演奏的大提琴颇有资深音乐家的风格。
- 28. It was the president who persuaded the West to write off Polish debts.
- 是总统说服西方国家勾销波兰债务的。
- 29. I'll polish off the whole bag.
- 我要完成整个袋子的设计。
- 30. He would polish it whenever he had a rest.
- 他一休息就打磨它。