- 1. There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet.
- 有很多毁灭那个星球的方式。
- 2. Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.
- 土星是太阳系的第二大的行星。
- 3. The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth.
- 这个新发现的行星大约是地球大小的10倍。
- 4. In 1664 Hooke observed a reddish spot on the surface of the planet.
- 1664年,胡克观察到了那颗行星表面的一个微红的斑点。
- 5. Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life.
- 科学家仔细察看行星照片,寻找生命迹象。
- 6. The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.
- 新发现的这个天体的运行轨和任何其他行星的不同。
- 7. We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.
- 我们繁衍得如此之快,以至于人口数量威胁到地球的生态系统。
- 8. The planet is one of 119 known extra-solar planets, objects that orbit stars other than the sun.
- 这是119颗太阳系外行星中的一颗。这些行星围绕除太阳外的其他星体运行。
- 9. Extracting information about the large-scale composition of a planet from a sample weighing a millionth of a gram was a fascinating example of scientific endeavour.
- 从重量为百万分之一克的样品中提取有关行星宏观组成的信息是一个极为有趣的科学尝试实例。
- 10. Is there a core in the planet?
- 这个星球有核心吗?
- 11. Their enemies ruined their planet.
- 他们的敌人摧毁了他们的星球。
- 12. Rock on a planet is also important.
- 行星上的岩石也很重要。
- 13. It was way too faint to be a planet.
- 它太暗了,不可能是行星。
- 14. Once, there was a little grey planet.
- 曾经,有一个小小的灰色星球。
- 15. Our planet has shrunk.
- 我们的星球缩小了。
- 16. The next planet out, Uranus—after Saturn.
- 土星之后的下一颗行星是天王星。
- 17. That's key to understanding planet formation.
- 这是理解行星形成的关键。
- 18. We can't sit by and watch our planet destroyed.
- 我们不能坐视地球被破坏而不理。
- 19. Why are they so unevenly spread across the planet?
- 为什么它们在地球上分布得如此不均匀?
- 20. This planet sits in the southern constellation of Fornax.
- 这颗行星位于天炉星座的南部。
- 21. This would change the geography of the planet considerably.
- 这将大大改变地球的地形。
- 22. The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
- 木星表面可能根本就不是固体的。
- 23. The name Vulcan was given to the undiscovered planet.
- “伏尔坎”这个名字被用来给未被发现的星体命名。
- 24. He thinks being a father is easy. What planet is he on?
- 他认为做父亲很容易。他真是天真!
- 25. The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.
- 这些可能正在使行星变暖的气体,其重要影响将在许多年之后显现。
- 26. Mars is a planet and is the fourth closest planet to the Sun.
- 火星是一颗行星,是离太阳第四近的行星。
- 27. Will robots control our planet?
- 机器人会控制我们的星球吗?
- 28. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the next planet beyond the Earth.
- 火星是离太阳第四远的行星,也是地球之外的下一个行星。
- 29. The whole planet is drier and drier.
- 整个地球变得越来越干燥了。
- 30. The whole planet is drier and drier.
- 整个地球变得越来越干燥了。