- 1. He is interested in philology very much.
- 他对语言学很感兴趣。
- 2. Philology would never be of much use to you.
- 语文学对你不会有很大用途。
- 3. In west, the philology is attached to the linguistics.
- 在西方,文语文学则附属于语言学。
- 4. Steno is a part of applied philology it belongs to information science.
- 速记是应用语言学的一个组织部分,属于信息学科。
- 5. I try to use history and philology study methods in my thesis, which has four parts.
- 本课题运用历史学、文献学的方法,分四大部份进行研究。
- 6. I don't know the philology side, I don't know what disables to metaphysical questions.
- 我不知道者从语言学上来说对不对,我也不懂从形而上学角度看,有什么问题。
- 7. We want to strengthen the study of philology and hermeneutics in Mo-jing logic research.
- 我们要加强墨经逻辑研究中的文字学和解释学研究。
- 8. This symbolizes the return of Chinese classical literary studies to the traditional philology.
- 由此,中国古典文学的研究呈现出向传统文献学回归的迹象。
- 9. This extension is not the same as the so - called "Reverse Allocution" in traditional philology.
- 这种引申与传统文字学上所说的“反训”不是一回事。
- 10. In this dissertation, we study the sleep-wake theory of Huang di Nei Jing in the view point of philology.
- 本论文从文献学角度对《黄帝内经》的睡眠-觉醒理论进行了研究。
- 11. The former is based on Chinese philology and historical documents rather than the value of humanistic thoughts.
- 西方古典学以语言学为基础,非常注重希腊罗马人文思想的发掘与理解。
- 12. A semester of baseball coaching, for example, earns the student as many credits as a semester in French philology.
- 例如,训练棒球的一个学期,可以为学生赢得与法国语言学方面所花费一个学期一样多的学分。
- 13. It is a superphilology, and also primary philology in the other sense, which lies in searching value of human being.
- 在某种意义上,它又是一种元语言学,因为直接关涉人的生存状态和价值意义。
- 14. The formation of the concept of Chapter is based on the theories of psycholinguistics, philology and applied linguistics.
- “篇章”概念的形成是以心理语言学理论、语言学理论、语用学理论为基础的。
- 15. Professor Kinski, Department of Slavic Philology and member of The Third-World Countries Literature Center at City Library.
- 金斯基教授,斯拉夫语文学系,并且是市立图书馆第三世界国家文学中心的成员。
- 16. Nietzsche met Wagner in Leipzig shortly before taking up his appointment to the chair of Classical Philology in Basel in1869.
- 尼采在1869出任巴塞尔大学古典哲学教授一职前不久,在莱比锡遇见了瓦格纳。
- 17. My Dear Otani, To study philology, with the idea of becoming a philologist, scarcely seems to me a hopeful undertaking for you.
- 亲爱的大谷——要想成为语言学家而学习语言学,我看这对你不是什么有希望的事业。
- 18. But it is a long team and arduous task to implement aesthetic education of philology. It needs us continuously explore and practice.
- 但全面实施语文美育将是一个长期而艰巨的任务,有待我们不断地探索实践。
- 19. Radical of philology principles is intended to focus on ideographic nature and radical of indexing principles lays emphasis on indexing.
- 侧重表意功能的为文字学原则部首,侧重检字功能的则为检字法原则部首。
- 20. Dai Zhen was the most famous textual criticism of Qing Dynasty and there were important positions in the history of Chinese language philology.
- 戴震是乾嘉时期最著名的考据学家,在中国语言文字学史上有着重要的地位。
- 21. This paper mainly used ways of philology and constructing scenes to discuss significance and possibility of college libraries' aesthetic education.
- 本文主要运用文献法和情景构建法,讨论了高校图书馆实施美育的重要意义及其可能性;
- 22. Her father was a schoolteacher, and she went on to pursue graduate studies at the Sorbonne, where she specialized in French literature and philology.
- 她的父亲是一名教师,而她在巴黎大学攻读了研究生课程,专业是法国文学与哲学。
- 23. For sure, I was pretty disgusted in those less funny courses such as the philology: why should I study so much Oracle-bone Inscriptions and King Wins?
- 反正那四年的时间多数还是花在了读书上,当然,一些不好玩的课程如文字学,我还是比较讨厌的:我要认识那么多甲骨文钟鼎文干嘛?
- 24. Thirdly elaborating the value of Taoist document in the ancient works and dictionary compiling by the knowledge of Philology, Phonology and Hermeneutic.
- 第四、五章则是融合文字、音韵、训诂等知识对道书中潜藏的语言和文献材料进行探索,揭示它们在辞书编纂和古籍整理方面的价值。
- 25. Liang Qichao was the first person who brought forward the theory of philology into China and explained the connotation, category and research meaning of philology.
- 梁启超是文献学和中国文献学的最早提出者,并对文献学的内涵、范畴以及研究意义等进行了较为丰富的阐释;
- 26. The Chinese historical philology is a special discipline focusing on the study and coordination of the historical documents and aiming at their recovery and exploitation.
- 中国历史文献学是一门以历史文献及其整理研究工作为研究对象的,以复原、求真和致用为主要任务的专科文献学。
- 27. The Chinese historical philology is a special discipline focusing on the study and coordination of the historical documents and aiming at their recovery and exploitation.
- 中国历史文献学是一门以历史文献及其整理研究工作为研究对象的,以复原、求真和致用为主要任务的专科文献学。