- 1. This trend of social pervasiveness will continue.
- 这种社会网络的渗透将继续。
- 2. Because of its pervasiveness and cognitive characteristics, metaphor is widely applied to the field of language study.
- 由于其普遍性和认知特性,隐喻被普遍应用于语言学习领域。
- 3. Metonymy, like metaphor, is also an important cognition means and because of its pervasiveness, contributes a lot to polysemy.
- 换喻和隐喻一样,是认知的重要手段,因其普遍性,对于词义的衍生有着重要的贡献。
- 4. We'll use scenarios to illustrate the trade-offs between ease of implementation and pervasiveness of the integration for each solution.
- 我们将通过一些场景来说明,对于每个解决方案而言,实现的方便性与集成的普遍性之间的权衡。
- 5. Performing samyama on their power of cognition, real nature, egoism, all-pervasiveness, and functions brings mastery over the sense organs.
- 对其认知、本性、自我、遍布(互连性)以及功能性作三夜摩冥想,便可掌控这些感官。
- 6. The complexity of the code for handling parameters, as well as its pervasiveness and quantity, suggests that it should be treated as a first-class citizen within Struts.
- 处理参数的代码的复杂性,以及它的广泛性和数量,意味着应该将它当做Struts中的一等公民。
- 7. To get a good look at the pervasiveness of the stigma attached to dark skin in India all you have to do is look at the want ads for Brides and Grooms in the newspaper.
- 要好好了解这些以印度人暗沉肤质为依托的瑕疵性广告,人们只需去看看报纸上那些为新娘新郎打的促销广告。
- 8. Because of the pervasiveness of the Web in our lives, developers must focus on helping consumers access information quickly and avoid the clutter around desired content.
- 由于Web在人们生活中的普及,开发人员必须要侧重于帮助用户最快地访问信息并避免围绕所需内容出现任何混乱。
- 9. Moreover, it is likelier that the economy, supported by low interest rates and stimulus programmes, is reviving IT, rather than the other way around—a function of IT’s increasing pervasiveness.
- 再者,促进IT业复苏的更有可能是有低利率及刺激计划做支撑的经济,而不是其他原因——比如IT业越来越无孔不入的某项功能。
- 10. Moreover, it is likelier that the economy, supported by low interest rates and stimulus programmes, is reviving it, rather than the other way around-a function of it's increasing pervasiveness.
- 再者,促进IT业复苏的更有可能是有低利率及刺激计划做支撑的经济,而不是其他原因——比如it业越来越无孔不入的某项功能。
- 11. Like wine having been stores away in a cellar for a long time, solitariness will not lose her fiery character; on the contrary, she will acquire more subtleness of taste or pervasiveness of aroma.
- 不过,寂寞如酒,在长时间的封存和孤独中,不但没有消失它原有的火一般的热烈,反而更增添了几分幽幽的抑或是浓郁的芳香。
- 12. Like wine having been stores away in a cellar for a long time, solitariness will not lose her fiery character; on the contrary, she will acquire more subtleness of taste or pervasiveness of aroma.
- 不过,寂寞如酒,在长时间的封存和孤独中,不但没有消失它原有的火一般的热烈,反而更增添了几分幽幽的抑或是浓郁的芳香。