- 1. The perpetrator of the crime does not have to be traced before you can claim compensation.
- 不一定非要抓住罪犯之后你才能够索赔。
- 2. The trail led straight to the perpetrator.
- 这条线索直接指向那个罪犯。
- 3. You mean you saw the perpetrator stealing the vehicle?
- 你的意思是你看到窃犯偷你的车了吗?
- 4. In that case it has become conspiracy of a perpetrator.
- 如果那样的话,它已经成了罪犯的同谋了。
- 5. And then, 17 years later she saw the perpetrator face-to-face.
- 后来,17年后,她与行凶者会面。
- 6. But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.
- 但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。
- 7. The ability to detect and catch a perpetrator, however, is less common.
- 然而,检测并捕捉入侵者的能力却并非同样普遍。
- 8. His energy was the energy of a perpetrator, but he could not see the victims.
- 他的能量是施害者的能量,但他却看不到受害者。
- 9. Forgiving the perpetrator for his action does not mean you stop judging the deed.
- 原谅犯事者并不代表你已经停止裁定这件事。
- 10. The perpetrator was condemned by the audience and was taken away after the incident.
- 肇事者在一片斥责声中被带离现场。
- 11. With this Xdebug configuration in place, you now have more clues to track down the perpetrator.
- 当此 Xdebug配置就绪后,您现在有更多的线索可以跟踪犯罪者。
- 12. And just because someone is arrested does not, of course, mean that they were the perpetrator.
- 当然,不能因为某人被捕就意味着他们是罪犯。
- 13. The lawsuit alleges that the perpetrator was inspired by his obsession with the controversial video game.
- 诉讼指控犯罪者受到他对这个饱受争议的视频游戏的沉迷的刺激。
- 14. BLOOD left at a crime scene could be used to estimate the age of a perpetrator, thanks to a new DNA test.
- 感谢全新的DNA检测技术,遗留在犯罪现场的血液可以用于判断罪犯年龄。
- 15. The most dramatic reason for this shift is Bernie Madoff, perpetrator of the world’s largest Ponzi scheme.
- 这一转变最具戏剧性的原因是Bernie Madoff,这个世界上最大“庞氏骗局”的策划者。
- 16. But as my own recent experience has taught me, the crimes of the psychopath are not merely a function of the perpetrator.
- 但是就我自己最近的经验教我的,心理变态者的罪行不仅仅是犯罪者的行为。
- 17. She told her story, saying that she only wanted to meet the perpetrator to forgive him and to ask him to forgive her.
- 她诉说了自己的经历,还说她只想见见那个曾伤害过自己的人,告诉他自己宽恕了他,也请他宽恕她。
- 18. At the funeral for Yoshino, a careless mourner comments, 'If the perpetrator was a college kid, that's some consolation.
- 一个哀悼者在佳乃的葬礼上毫不关心的说,“如果凶手是个大学生那还值得些同情。”
- 19. Killers oftenrepeated the same patterns, and with this data investigators could link crimes committed by the same perpetrator.
- 凶手们常常重复相同的犯罪模式,调查人员可以通过这些信息来确定哪些案件是同一个凶手。
- 20. Mr Radelet thinks the race of the perpetrator makes little difference, but juries respond more vengefully when the victim is white.
- Radelet认为罪犯的种族影响不大,但受害人是白人时陪审团复仇情绪更强。
- 21. There’s something eerily satisfying about cutting down the perpetrator which inflates the belief that our own world view is beyond reproach.
- 有一件事是怪异的,当我们杀死那些让我们信仰膨胀的犯罪者,我们会感到很满足,因为我们自己的世界观是无可非议的。
- 22. There's something eerily satisfying about cutting down the perpetrator which inflates the belief that our own world view is beyond reproach.
- 有一件事是怪异的,当我们杀死那些让我们信仰膨胀的犯罪者,我们会感到很满足,因为我们自己的世界观是无可非议的。
- 23. When subjects had their brains affected by TMS, they focused less on the intention of the perpetrator and more on the outcome of the act.
- 当大脑所思考的问题受到磁性脑刺激法影响时,则很少关注犯人本身,而是更多关注行为后果。
- 24. But this approach is crippled by a very high false positive rate - many partial matches turn up people unrelated to the actual perpetrator.
- 但这种方法缺陷是有极高的假配对概率:许多部分配对的结果是,配对人与实际的违法人员没有关系。
- 25. If the perpetrator is someone the injuredpartymust continue to see, each contact with the offender will cause the victimtofeel upset again.
- 如果被伤害的一方不得不继续和犯错的人打交道,那么每一次与之联系都会让被伤害者感到心烦意乱。
- 26. Mr Snyder shifts the usual geographical focus away from the perpetrator countries to the places where they first colluded and then collided.
- 作者将地理上的关注点从传统的两个罪恶国家,转移到了两国初次勾结而后又发生冲突的地方(即波兰)。
- 27. Mr Snyder shifts the usual geographical focus away from the perpetrator countries to the places where they first colluded and then collided.
- 作者将地理上的关注点从传统的两个罪恶国家,转移到了两国初次勾结而后又发生冲突的地方(即波兰)。