- 1. He looked relaxed and elegant and had the patina of success.
- 他神态轻松潇洒,给人成功的印象。
- 2. He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.
- 他任由马克杯里积上一层薄薄的咖啡垢。
- 3. Except for a patina of charisma, he was like a thousand other bright young men in Toronto.
- 除了小有点儿魅力外,他和多伦多其他众多机灵的年轻小伙子没有两样。
- 4. The trophy has a beautiful green patina.
- 这个奖杯表面有一层漂亮的绿锈。
- 5. Patina is a pretty word, and a beautiful concept.
- 铜绿是一个美丽的词语,也是一个美好的概念。
- 6. A face etched with a patina of fine lines and tiny wrinkles.
- 一张轮廓美观而有细微皱纹的脸。
- 7. The patina, color and surfaces are what I have always found fascinating.
- 光泽、色彩以及外观这些内容,我一直都很喜欢。
- 8. Graphic, color natural, patina road, has a great collection value.
- 图文有神,气色自然,包浆老道,具有极大的收藏价值。
- 9. The outside detail is kept to a minimum to ensure an even patina for the walls.
- 设计最小化了室外细节以取保确保木墙壁光泽的均匀。
- 10. The allure of drinking coffee has not just been the image of its crafted patina.
- 咖啡的吸引力不在于咖啡背后精工制作的魅力。
- 11. The trophy is very impressive and rather special because it has a beautiful green patina .
- 这个奖杯给人印象非常深刻,相当特别,因为它表面有一层漂亮的绿锈。
- 12. A patina of earthen clay or sandstone helps fit your landscape into its native surroundings.
- 一个土黏土或砂岩帕蒂娜有助于适应环境的原生景观。
- 13. The second set consisted of patina ― a chemical film encrustation on one of the limestone boxes.
- 第二套样本中包含有铜绿――在一个石灰石盒子上附着的一种化学物质。
- 14. This contemporary construction material gives a nice contrast of sleek lines to the patina of the old timber.
- 这些现代建筑材料的流畅型线条与布满铜绿的老线杆相映成趣。
- 15. Objects, some precious, some whose only value is the patina of age, pass from hand to hand in search of a home.
- 文物中有一些很珍贵,而另外一些唯一的价值就是岁月所赋予的古色古香。它们在寻找归宿的过程中不断易手。
- 16. The untreated cedar boards, which draw reference to the areas's wooden barns, are intended to develop a patina.
- 为了划出木质谷仓的范围,将对未经处理的杉木板进行绿锈处理。
- 17. Objects, , some precious, some whose only value is the patina of age, pass from hand to hand insearch of a home.
- 文物中有一些很珍贵,而另外一些唯一的价值就是岁月所赋予的古色古香。羇它们在寻找归宿的过程中不断易手。
- 18. Copper and patina color are the favorite for designers and owners, which manifest some kind of classic and nobility.
- 古铜色和绿铜色是很多设计师和业主喜欢的颜色,它体现了一种古典和高贵的气质。
- 19. The cedar will lighten, while the bronze will develop a dark brown patina and the weathering steel will further rust.
- 雪松将更明亮,而青铜将形成一种深棕色的铜锈,而耐候钢会逐渐生锈。
- 20. The roof and exterior walls are clad in recycled, corrugated steel panels intended to patina to a rusty, weathered finish.
- 住宅的屋顶和外墙覆盖着可回收的波纹钢面板,我们打算对面板进行锈蚀风化处理。
- 21. The structure of flyover is made from bronze which has a green patina and its form is a little like a gazebo folly or pergola.
- 跨线桥结构由古铜被做,有绿色古色并且它的形式是一点象眺望台、怪异建筑物或藤架。
- 22. The battles they fought in Normandy, France, are fading into history and acquiring the patina of Verdun, Gettysburg and Waterloo.
- 他们在法国参加的诺曼底之战现在也淹没在历史长河,像凡尔登、盖茨堡和滑铁卢战役一样生起古锈。
- 23. But they don't have the patina of the past, the decor of nostalgia that calls one back to childhood Saturday mornings in a library.
- 但它们缺乏那种古朴气息,装潢也不是怀旧风,无法让人回想起小时候在图书馆渡过的一个个周六上午。
- 24. We walked around one day looking at nice old hotels in New York, just to see what the patina for the train station might look like.
- 一天,我们在纽约四处游荡,观看着那些豪华的古老的酒店,就是想看一下火车站用的绿铜是什么样子。
- 25. The existing concrete floor in the corridor area is just polished with some added color giving it a warm and lively patina/ texture.
- 在走廊区域,抛光的彩色混凝土地板为该空间增添了色彩,创建了一个温暖活泼的空间。
- 26. Different patina processes were studied to achieve the dark bronze facing the room and the polished bronze on the interior of the hood.
- 研究了不同的铜绿过程,获得了面向房间的暗铜色和室内的抛光青铜。
- 27. The roof and flashing is of standing seam copper - another material, like the wood cladding, which will weather gaining a patina over time.
- 屋顶和防水板采用焊接铜——另一种材料,像木覆面一样,它会随着时间推移形成氧化层。
- 28. The brick walls of the old workshop are left exposed both inside and outside the building, presenting a varied patina of hues and textures.
- 老厂房的砖墙暴露在建筑物内外,呈现出不同的色调和纹理感。
- 29. The brick walls of the old workshop are left exposed both inside and outside the building, presenting a varied patina of hues and textures.
- 老厂房的砖墙暴露在建筑物内外,呈现出不同的色调和纹理感。