- 1. The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying.
- 这种说法是对间谍行为的常用外交辞令。
- 2. A Munro, in climbing parlance, is a Scottish mountain exceeding 3 000 feet.
- 芒罗,用登山术语来说,是指超过3 000英尺的苏格兰山峰。
- 3. The Leveretts' living room was painted a deep purple-aubergine in local parlance, and its windows were draped with velvet.
- 按照当地的流行,利芙瑞特家的起居室被刷成了深紫红色,窗户上挂着丝绒落地窗帘。
- 4. In browser parlance, a principal generally equates to a Web site.
- 在浏览器中,principal一般就等价于一个网站。
- 5. Not officially, of course, but in the coded parlance of Wall Street.
- 当然,不是正式的,而是以华尔街的隐晦方式。
- 6. In runners' parlance this is known as "hitting the wall", or "bonking".
- 用跑步者的行话来说这个叫“撞墙了”,或者叫“撞了”。
- 7. In PHP parlance, this means that the object can be treated as an iterator.
- 在php中,这意味着对象可以当做迭代器。
- 8. But, other than the use of pop psychology parlance, what exactly does that mean?
- 不过,除了使用时髦的心理学名词外,这到底是什么意思?
- 9. Results of the call. What this means in our parlance is that we want be able to.
- 结果通话。这一点在我们所说的意思是,我们希望能够。
- 10. But wrinkles are not solely a function of "animating," to use dermatological parlance.
- 但是,皱纹并不只有“(让脸)生动” (animating)——皮肤病学用语——的功能。
- 11. In programmers' parlance, it's a feature, not a bug - ie an intentional facility, not a mistake.
- 按照程序员的说法,它是一个功能,而不是一个缺陷——即它是有意识的的设施,而不是一个错误。
- 12. Tall, slim, and, in broadcast parlance, telegenic, he's a walking advertisement for what he preaches.
- 高挑、苗条、广播发言、上镜,他简直就是是他所宣扬的东西的活广告。
- 13. In common Chinese parlance "Yang" can be interchangeably translated as "sheep", "goat", or "ram".
- 但在中文中,“羊”既可以指绵羊,也可以指山羊,还可以是公羊。
- 14. In Web service parlance, data is called messages that are part of method parameters or return types.
- 对Web服务而言,数据也可称为消息,是方法参数或返回类型的一部分。
- 15. It could be purely instrumental but it's called "Buy a song," but we don't want to use that sort of parlance.
- 可能买的是纯器乐,却被称为“买首歌”,但我们不想用那种说法。
- 16. Anything at or just below the surface of the seabed-the benthic zone, in fishery parlance-gets dragged up.
- 海底或仅仅在海底表面下一点,用渔业的说法,就是深海底栖带,任何生活在这里的生物都会被拖上来。
- 17. One of the central features of Meme is the ability to 'repost' (in Twitter parlance, this would be a retweet).
- Meme的一个重要功能就是可以“重新发布”(用t witter上的说法,这就是重复推retweet)。
- 18. In the parlance of this research I've been discussing, we were able to see what it would cost to buy our vision of happiness.
- 按照在我讨论的那个研究中的说法,我们能够了解要达成属于自己的快乐的远景要花多少钱。
- 19. In common parlance though, when someone mentions the elbow they usually mean the pointy bit; the outside of the arm bend.
- 虽然从通常意义上讲,当一个人说到手肘的时候,他所指的常常是肘关节尖端的那一小部分,也就是手臂弯曲处的外侧。
- 20. The shock waves are formed when the trombone is blown particularly hard - in music parlance, "fortissimo" and "fortississimo".
- 当用力吹长号-用音乐术语讲就是用"ff"或者 "sf"来吹-冲击波就能形成。
- 21. Instead, they were forced to ask themselves: Will I marry a man who has poor prospects (" marrying down, "in sociological parlance)?
- 因此她们不得不问自己:我是不是该随便找个男人将就一下算了(用社会的说法就是“下嫁”)?
- 22. Anatomically, it consists of the distal manual phalanx of the fifth digit or, in layman's parlance, the tip of the little finger.
- 从解剖的角度讲,它包括第五根手指的末节指骨,或者说白一点,小拇指指尖。
- 23. Notes: The term was introduced into common parlance during the farewell address of President Dwight Eisenhower, avid armchair psychiatrist.
- 注释:通过一名热心的坐在扶手轮椅上的精神病专家DwightEisenhower的离职演说,该术语被引进为一种常用说法。
- 24. The paradox is resolved because unlearning (or “extinction”, in neurological parlance) is a process similar in its details to learning.
- 后来发现遗忘与学习在过程上是很类似的。
- 25. Living creatures are not numerous here: some bears, deers and many Arctic ground squirrels (in common parlance they are called "evrazhkas").
- 这里活着的生物并不多:一些熊、鹿、北极地松鼠(通常它们被称为“evrazhkas”)。
- 26. None of the five elections from 1996 to 2004 involved big swings in control of Congress (" wave elections "in the parlance of psephologists).
- 在从1996年至2004年间所有的五次选举中,没有一次选举导致过国会控制权的巨大震荡(用选举学家的语言就是“波浪式的选举”)。
- 27. Entire libraries of interceptors (more commonly and broadly meaning aspects in AOP parlance) can be developed and are available from open source providers.
- 截取程序的整个库(在aop用语中常指方面(aspects))都可以被开发,并可以通过开源提供商获得。
- 28. In 3-d graphics parlance, a texture is an image applied to a design area like wallpaper pattern: the image is repeated or cut as needed to cover the surface.
- 在3 - d图形用语中,纹理是指像墙纸模式一样应用到某个设计区域的图像:该图像可以重复,也可以根据需要裁剪,以覆盖平面。
- 29. One big advantage of a native XML database is that it can run queries that combine (or join, in SQL parlance) information contained in multiple XML documents.
- 原生XML数据库一个很大的优点是,可以运行能够将包含在多个 XML 文档中的信息组合在一起的查询(或者按SQL 的说法称为联结)。
- 30. In Model-View-Controller (MVC) parlance, I need a controller, which is often a servlet; I'll leverage a Groovlet instead because I'd rather write less code.
- 按Model - View - Controller (MVC)的话说,我需要一个控制器(通常为一个servlet);我将利用Groovlet替代,因为我希望编写更少的代码。