- 1. The paparazzi pursue Armani wherever he travels.
- 狗仔队追着阿玛尼到他去的任何地方。
- 2. "I don't do paparazzi anymore," confesses Galella, who is now 79.
- 现年79岁的格拉拉说:“我以后不会再做狗仔队了,我也跑不动了,因为我患有关节炎。”
- 3. Treat the paparazzi as your friends until you don't need them anymore.
- 把狗仔队当成朋友,直到你不再需要他们。
- 4. Coping with the paparazzi at any time is all in a day's work for the celebrity.
- 对于明星来说,随时应对狗仔队已经成为家常便饭。
- 5. The rebellious singer is well-known for quarrelling and fighting with paparazzi.
- 艾伦是位叛逆的歌手,曾和狗仔对骂打架。
- 6. This according to the OED was the first occurrence of paparazzi in English.
- 根据《牛津英语词典》的信息,这是单词 paparazzi首次在英语中的亮相。
- 7. I would never want to be a celebrity because the paparazzi would also be after you.
- 我可不想做明星,因为身后总会有狗仔队跟着你。
- 8. We thought the photos seemed as though Justin was protecting Jen from the paparazzi.
- 从照片中我们以为贾斯汀是在保护珍妮弗不要被狗仔队骚扰。
- 9. We wanted to make sure no paparazzi got into the wedding... I had to check everywhere!
- 我们要确保没有狗仔队进入婚礼现场……所以我哪儿都得检查遍了啊!
- 10. Trees, says Steve Sillett, are not like people. They "cannot run away from paparazzi."
- 史蒂芬说,树不像人,他们见到狗仔队躲不掉。
- 11. Those paparazzi capture, tag and gossip about her in their own photos, clips and "twitters".
- 这些狗仔队在他们自己的照片通过剪辑和“唧唧歪歪”来对她进行捕捉,标记和散布流言。
- 12. Paparazzi are aggressive photojournalists who intrude on the lives of the rich and famous.
- Paparazzi是指那些见缝插针、永不退缩的摄影记者,他们总是闯进富豪和名流的生活。
- 13. Because my kids are stalked by paparazzi, they cant always go to a park or a movie with me.
- 因为我的孩子们总是被那些八卦小报跟踪,他们也不能和我经常去公园或者影院。
- 14. The love-hate relationship shared between paparazzi and celebrities will forever be a catch 22.
- 明星和狗仔队之间爱恨交加的关系可能会是永远的矛盾。
- 15. More importantly, he said that he's fortunate no paparazzi were able to snap a shot of him drinking.
- 更重要的是自己很幸运没有被狗仔队拍到自己喝酒的画面。
- 16. The scuffle is the latest incident between celebrities and aggressive paparazzi at the Los Angeles airport.
- 这是洛杉矶机场最近发生的明星与狗仔队之间的争端。
- 17. The public was kept in the dark about their secret marriage, which even escaped the sharp radar of the paparazzi .
- 大众此前对他们的秘密婚姻毫不知情,甚至逃脱了狗仔队的敏锐视线。
- 18. Cameras? What cameras? Hilton did her usual preening and posing on the beach for the benefit of the waiting paparazzi.
- 在对着镜头“搔首弄姿”吗?希尔顿好像发现了狗仔队,她估计正对着镜头摆姿势呢。
- 19. It encourages people to push the limits: the more scandalous they are the more they attract the attention of the paparazzi.
- 它鼓励人们走极端:行为越出格,受到狗仔队的关注也越大。
- 20. The Mean Girls star was shopping at a Madison Store in Beverly Hills before giving onlookers and paparazzi an eye-full.
- 贱女孩明星在比佛利山庄的麦迪逊商场购物,在此之前公然露面令路人和狗仔队大饱眼福。
- 21. The paparazzi tracked down Angelina Jolieand four of her children in Venice last week, snapping photos of them eatingice cream.
- 上周,狗仔队在威尼斯跟踪 Angelina Jolie 和她的四个孩子,抓拍到了一些她们吃冰淇淋的照片。
- 22. Already Splash News, a paparazzi photo agency, is dreaming of using the drones to chase celebrities around the Hollywood Hills.
- SplashNews(一家狗仔队图片社)已经在幻想利用“黄蜂”环绕好莱坞山,追踪名人了。
- 23. The video was used to help pass the recent so-called anti-paparazzi law in California that would curtail unauthorized celebrity snaps.
- 这段视频在加州被用于帮助通过一项最近刚刚出台的反对狗仔队的法律,这项法律将缩减对于名人不合法的拍摄。
- 24. British pop star and MySpace hero Lily Allen recently tried to hide herself from the paparazzi in a quilt while walking down the street.
- 莉莉·艾伦是英国炙手可热的女歌手和网络名人。近日,为躲避狗仔的拍摄,她竟然将棉被披上身,把脸包得紧紧的出门。
- 25. Slusser's customers also include a few Hollywood celebrities who use the masks to fool paparazzi, but he declined to reveal their names.
- Slusser的客户还包括几位使用面具愚弄狗仔队的好莱坞明星,但是他拒绝透露他们的姓名。
- 26. Even if it is to get away from the paparazzi, always keep your kids safe in their car seats. And preferably not in the front seat either.
- 即使是正忙于逃出狗仔队的视线,也请照看好孩子,并且最好让他们一直呆在后座上。
- 27. Any time they're photographed in the same place, the rumor mill just starts all over again, and that makes the paparazzi hound them even more.
- 每次他们在同一个地儿被拍到,就又会有流言四起,狗仔队到处跟着他们。
- 28. Filmmaker: Fabrizio Corona, the self-fashioned rebel paparazzi, identifies with Scarface and has empowered himself in a completely different way.
- 电影人: 法布里奇奥·克罗那,这位自我标榜的叛逆狗仔记者,把自己叫做“疤面”(译者注:艾尔·帕西诺主演的电影《疤面煞星》中的角色),用一种独特的方式获得了权利。
- 29. Filmmaker: Fabrizio Corona, the self-fashioned rebel paparazzi, identifies with Scarface and has empowered himself in a completely different way.
- 电影人: 法布里奇奥·克罗那,这位自我标榜的叛逆狗仔记者,把自己叫做“疤面”(译者注:艾尔·帕西诺主演的电影《疤面煞星》中的角色),用一种独特的方式获得了权利。