- 1. A message was flashing on his pager.
- 他的寻呼机上闪现着一个信息。
- 2. Scores of messages on his pager have not been answered.
- 他寻呼机上的许多信息都还没有回复。
- 3. You have to carry a pager so that they can call you in at any time.
- 你得带个传呼机,以便他们随时可以联系到你。
- 4. Yahoo! Pager puts a small window on your screen containing a list of your "friends."
- 雅虎通在您的屏幕上弹出一个包含您的“朋友”名单的小视窗。
- 5. Review cell phone and pager use.
- 检查所有手机和寻呼机的使用情况。
- 6. Please help! There's a pager number.
- 之后留了一个寻呼机的号码。
- 7. It was basically just an email pager.
- 它基本上只是一个邮件呼机。
- 8. I don't have a pager, or PDA, or cam-phone.
- 我没有传呼机、PDA或者转盘电话。
- 9. Or, you may have to wear a satellite-based pager.
- 或者,你可以使用卫星寻呼页面。
- 10. Nagios offers pager and E-mail notifications by default.
- 在缺省情况下,Nagios提供了寻呼机和电子邮件通知方式。
- 11. Pager (Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol (WCTP)).
- 寻呼机(Pager,无线通信传输协议,WCTP)。
- 12. I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom.
- 我在信末留下了我的手机,呼机,家庭电话号码。
- 13. You should now have a functioning pager that provides the user a list of thumbnails.
- 现在有了一个可用的分页器为用户提供一些缩略图。
- 14. Next, you must provide navigation to the user similar to what you used in the pager.
- 接下来还要提供与分页器类似的导航机制。
- 15. For example, the pager utility less defines a number of useful environment variables.
- 例如,分页实用程序less定义了几个有用的环境变量。
- 16. The Beer Pager comes in the stylish design shown above, and can accommodate virtually any can or bottle!
- 啤酒寻呼机采用以上时尚的设计,且适用于任何罐装或瓶装饮料!
- 17. Radiation detectors come as hand-held devices, wrist watches and pager-size gadgets that hang from the belt.
- 辐射探测器有几种型号,有的是手持设备,有的腕式手表一样,有的像寻呼机一样挂在皮带上。
- 18. For the desktop user, two additional phone ICONS, home phone and pager number, can display for a contact.
- 对于桌面用户,可以为联系人显示额外两个电话图标,住宅电话和传真号码。
- 19. You can use key bindings to customize the behavior of less, say, to match the behavior of another pager or editor.
- 可以使用密匙绑定来定制less的行为,比如,匹配另一个页面或编辑器的行为。
- 20. Alerts can be sent using email or pager to the on-call administrator when problems reach warning and error thresholds.
- 当问题严重程度到达警告和错误的阈值时,能够以电子邮件或者纸质的方式向管理员发送告警信息。
- 21. Pager controls provided in JSF are used to paginate between these sets of data in the JSF pages being used as portlet views.
- 在jsf页面中提供寻呼机控制在这些数据组间的标记页码。
- 22. A special consideration is made when using the pager function and click-to-action functionality together in a Faces JSP page.
- 在FacesJSP页面同时使用寻呼机功能和click- to - action功能时要进行特殊的考虑。
- 23. The PEAR Pager package: Download this tool to add data from array as input and specify the parameters that divide it into pages.
- PEARPager包:下载此工具,将数组数据作为输入添加并指定将数据分配给页面的参数。
- 24. The action might also involve alerting people to certain threats in the environment by sending email, phone or pager notifications.
- 该行动还可能涉及通过电子邮件、电话或寻呼机通知就环境中的某些威胁向人们发出警报。
- 25. In addition to a text editor, the next most useful utility is a pager, or an application that lets you browse text files page by page.
- 除了文本编辑器之外,最有价值的实用工具就是翻页工具(pager)、或者允许您逐页浏览文本文件的应用程序。
- 26. Several of the pager messages point to the mass of confusion and rumour-mongering that set in after the first plane hit the north tower.
- 有几条寻呼机信息表明在第一架飞机撞上北塔之后,人们产生了大量的困惑,谣言四起。
- 27. For example, you could pipe the output to the pager "less" so that you can view the output one page at a time and scroll back and forth.
- 例如,您可以将输出由管道输送至分页程序“less”,这样您可以一次一页地查看输出并来回滚动。
- 28. For example, you could pipe the output to the pager "less" so that you can view the output one page at a time and scroll back and forth.
- 例如,您可以将输出由管道输送至分页程序“less”,这样您可以一次一页地查看输出并来回滚动。