- 1. Students were protesting at overcrowding in the dorms.
- 学生们抗议宿舍里过度拥挤。
- 2. Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to improving conditions.
- 过度拥挤仍然是改善条件的一大障碍。
- 3. Overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions led to disease in the refugee camps.
- 过度拥挤和恶劣的卫生状况导致难民营中出现疾病。
- 4. The government takes a cavalier attitude to the problems of prison overcrowding.
- 政府对监狱拥挤不堪的问题不闻不问。
- 5. It has a great deal to recommend it, since it might solve the problem of overcrowding on the earth.
- 它有很多可取之处,因为它可能解决地球上的过度拥挤问题。
- 6. It is irrefutable that poverty and hunger are two of the most critical consequences of overcrowding.
- 毫无疑问,贫穷和饥饿是过度拥挤的两个最严重的后果。
- 7. It also includes the impact of overcrowding, litter and the kinds of behaviour associated with noisy parties.
- 它还包括过度拥挤、乱扔垃圾以及与吵闹聚会相关的各种行为的影响。
- 8. Long queues, delayed flights and overcrowding at airports have become almost as much a topic for conversation in Britain as the traditional complaining about the weather.
- 在英国,排长队、航班延误和机场过于拥堵几乎已经成为频繁的谈论的话题,就像人们一直以来抱怨天气一样。
- 9. As a result, a new problem has emerged: overcrowding.
- 同时出现了新的问题:过度拥挤。
- 10. Inside the prisons, this means inhumane overcrowding.
- 在监狱里,这意味着缺乏人道和过分拥挤。
- 11. This suggests a better solution to the overcrowding.
- 这边引出了一个更好的解决机场过度拥挤的办法。
- 12. California must reduce its prisons' overcrowding and cost.
- 加州必须缓解其监狱的拥挤,并削减相关费用。
- 13. But in Belgium the Numbers locked up keep rising, causing serious overcrowding.
- 而比利时的罪犯人数却稳步增长,导致了监狱严重人满为患。
- 14. As overcrowding has increased, the state's control of the jails has weakened.
- 随着监狱人口不断攀升,国家对监狱的控制力在减弱。
- 15. One answer is that death is simply necessary - to avoid overcrowding, for instance.
- 有一种答案是:死亡仅仅是必然——例如:避免过度拥挤。
- 16. But in the last decade, poor maintenance has led to breakdowns, overcrowding and lengthy delays.
- 但在过去十年里,养护不良已经导致故障、过度拥挤和长时间误点。
- 17. A shortage of affordable housing has created severe overcrowding, and demographic changes have not helped.
- 由于经济适用房短缺造成过度拥挤,人口变化也于事无补。
- 18. But there are doubters who think that more community sentences may have to be used to prevent overcrowding.
- 但是,怀疑者们认为,更多的社区审判也许会被迫被用来防止过于拥挤的情况。
- 19. He pointed to chronic overcrowding, unsanitary cells, dirty lavatories, broken showers and mattresses on the ground.
- 他指出了长期的过度拥挤、不卫生的牢房、肮脏的厕所、破败的浴室还有扔在地上的床垫等问题。
- 20. Overcrowding had become so acute that, until recently, some prisoners were being released 18 days early, to free up space.
- 监狱人口过多的问题日趋严重,最近一些犯人甚至被提早18天释放,只是为了释放一些空间。
- 21. The human jaw shrank even faster, making wisdom teeth largely useless and creating the overcrowding that people face today.
- 然 而,人类下巴的缩小幅度更大,让智齿几乎变得没有用处,反而让现代人的脸部显得有些拥挤。
- 22. Top airport annoyances: Overpriced food and drink, mind numbing delays and overcrowding top the list of the UK’s airport annoyances.
- ——机场最让人不满之处:餐饮定价过高、让人麻木的航班延误以及过于拥挤,成为英国机场最让人不满的地方。
- 23. And overcrowding at state schools means students could be locked out of courses and have difficulty completing their degrees in four years.
- 而且公立学校的人满为患意味着,学生可能会选不上某些课程,难以在四年内完成学业。
- 24. Theoretically, sky cities will reduce overcrowding in urban areas, and some serious architects and engineers are determined to bring fantasy to life.
- 理论上讲,天空之城会减少城市区域的拥挤。一些认真务实的建筑师和工程师决心把这个幻想变为现实。
- 25. Finch clearly presents the information about the site and gives visitors a choice of options without overcrowding them with unnecessary content.
- Finch清晰地呈现了网站信息,让用户在没有无关内容干扰的情况下,做出进一步浏览的选择。
- 26. Even though prison-building is one of the country's great growth industries, overcrowding is endemic, with federal prisons operating at 131% of capacity.
- 即使修建监狱是美国最蓬勃发展的产业之一,过度拥挤的状况也已成蔓延之势,联邦监狱以最高容量的131%高负荷运作。
- 27. Even though prison-building is one of the country's great growth industries, overcrowding is endemic, with federal prisons operating at 131% of capacity.
- 即使修建监狱是美国最蓬勃发展的产业之一,过度拥挤的状况也已成蔓延之势,联邦监狱以最高容量的131%高负荷运作。