- 1. Exactly the opposite is true.
- 事实恰恰相反。
- 2. What is the opposite of heavy?
- 重的反义词是什么?
- 3. He sat down in the chair opposite.
- 他在对面的椅子上坐了下来。
- 4. The prison is opposite the law court.
- 监狱在法院对面。
- 5. Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.
- 吃早餐时,珍妮已坐在她的对面。
- 6. His words had exactly the opposite effect.
- 他的话产生了截然相反的效果。
- 7. He dropped gracelessly into a chair opposite her.
- 他毫无风度地往她对面的椅子上一屁股坐下。
- 8. St. Andrews was ten miles in the opposite direction.
- 圣安德鲁斯在相反方向的10英里处。
- 9. We live further down on the opposite side of the road.
- 我们住在马路对面再远一点的地方。
- 10. He pointed a stubby finger at a wooden chair opposite him.
- 他用粗短的手指指了指他对面的一把木椅。
- 11. Opposite me was a woman called Jasminder (Jazzy for short).
- 我对面是个叫杰丝明德(简称杰丝)的女人。
- 12. I felt the banner rip as we were pushed in opposite directions.
- 当我们被挤向相反的方向的时候,我感到横幅撕裂了。
- 13. The nomads' lifestyle was the polar opposite of collectivization.
- 游牧民的生活方式同集体化的生活方式刚好相反。
- 14. I watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction.
- 我目送他们离开,然后开车向相反的方向驶去。
- 15. The new moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.
- 15日新月会出现在天秤座的对面。
- 16. He looked up at the buildings opposite, but could see no open window.
- 他抬头看了看对面那些楼,但看不见一扇开着的窗户。
- 17. The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.
- 惟一的照明来自对面墙上位于高处的一扇小窗户。
- 18. I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.
- 我能看到烟从正对面的窗户里冒出来。
- 19. Her features were almost the opposite of the Japanese ideal of beauty in those days.
- 她的容貌几乎和当时日本的美人典范正好相反。
- 20. She starred opposite Tom Hanks.
- 她与汤姆•汉克斯联袂主演。
- 21. Their house is almost opposite ours.
- 他们的房子几乎正对着我们的房子。
- 22. Answers are given on the opposite page.
- 答案在对页上。
- 23. He jumped in and swam to the opposite bank.
- 他跳下水,游到对岸。
- 24. He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
- 他指向对岸的某样东西。
- 25. He's the diametrical opposite of his brother.
- 他和他的弟弟截然不同。
- 26. The results are illustrated in figure 3 opposite.
- 结果已在对页图表3中显示。
- 27. They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction.
- 他们撞上一辆迎面开来的卡车。
- 28. Their opinions were at opposite poles of the debate.
- 他们的意见在辩论中截然相反。
- 29. This data is shown graphically on the opposite page.
- 对页以图表显示这些数据。
- 30. This data is shown graphically on the opposite page.
- 对页以图表显示这些数据。