- 1. One mistake and you're toast.
- 要是出一次错,你就完了。
- 2. Each ticket admits one adult.
- 每张票只准许一位成人入场。
- 3. No one doubted his ability.
- 没有人怀疑他的能力。
- 4. You must give one month's notice.
- 你必须一个月前发出通知。
- 5. Knit one row, purl one row.
- 织一趟平针,织一趟反针。
- 6. He's the one who shoved me.
- 他是推我的那个人。
- 7. Amazingly, no one noticed.
- 令人惊奇的是,竟没有人注意到。
- 8. No one survived the crash.
- 无人在这次撞击中幸免于难。
- 9. One girl was chewing gum.
- 一个女孩在嚼口香糖。
- 10. No-one enjoys paying tax.
- 没人喜欢缴税。
- 11. Listen, I finish at one.
- 听着,我一点钟结束。
- 12. One minus one is zero.
- 一减一等于零。
- 13. No one likes to lose.
- 没人愿意失败。
- 14. There remained one significant problem.
- 还有一个非常重要的问题。
- 15. One tries one's best.
- 一个人尽其所能。
- 16. No one was at home.
- 没有人在家。
- 17. One more, please!
- 请再来一个!
- 18. Even if one person is hurt that is one too many.
- 伤员一个都不要出现。
- 19. Mr. Gould called for a move toward "one man one vote."
- 古尔德先生要求向“一人一票”制迈出一步。
- 20. I got it wrong. It wasn't the red one but the blue one.
- 我弄错了。不是红的那个,是蓝的那个。
- 21. According to one survey, one woman in eight is infertile.
- 根据一项调查,每8个妇女中就有1个不能生育。
- 22. One should never criticize if one is not sure of one's facts.
- 一个人如果对自己掌握的事实没有把握,就绝不该随便批评。
- 23. There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one.
- 这游戏有两个版本,一长一短。
- 24. There will be two ballot boxes—one for yesses and one for noes.
- 将设两个投票箱—一个放赞成票,一个放反对票。
- 25. For Christmas my brother and I got new underwear, one toy and one book.
- 作为圣诞礼物,我弟弟和我得到了新内衣、一件玩具和一本书。
- 26. We went into the room one by one.
- 我们依次走进了房间。
- 27. She's one of life's losers.
- 她是个生活的失败者。
- 28. I for one was sorely disappointed.
- 拿我来说,我非常失望。
- 29. She's one snappy dresser.
- 她的穿着很入时。
- 30. He's one of our regulars.
- 他是我们的一位老主顾。