- 1. Off-Broadway does not seem appropriate, somehow.
- 不管怎么说,非百老汇的演出也似乎不大适合商业会议的氛围。
- 2. Has performed on Broadway, off-Broadway, in film and on television.
- 曾在美国百老汇,外百老汇,电影和电视上。
- 3. All my friends were still doing theater off-off-Broadway and I was doing film.
- 我的很多朋友还在离百老汇很远很远的剧场表演,而我已经在拍电影了。
- 4. She spent many years in New York City performing on Broadway, Off-Broadway and regional stages.
- 她花了很多年,在纽约市的百老汇表演,场外百老汇和区域阶段。
- 5. Half-Deserted Streets, based on his brother's killing, opened at a small Off-Broadway theater in 1988.
- 他以弟弟被杀一事创作了剧本《半荒凉街道》(half-desertedstreets)。
- 6. He has also written a number of other off-Broadway musicals, a song cycle, a Cello Concerto, and other pieces.
- 他另外还写过许多外百老汇的音乐剧、一部组歌、一部大提琴协奏曲及其他作品。
- 7. "Hair, " the play known as "The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical, " moved from an off-Broadway theater to Broadway.
- 一部以美国种族之爱为主题的摇滚音乐剧(?)从外百老汇戏院搬到了百老汇舞台。
- 8. In 1998 Saturday Night received a professional recording, followed by an Off-Broadway run at Second Stage Theatre in 2000.
- 1998年,《酸甜苦辣周末夜》录制了一张唱片,随后在2000年得以在外百老汇的第二舞台剧院上演。
- 9. Actress kathryn harrold seems content with merely being one of the most brilliant experimental actresses on the off-broadway and "small" movie scene.
- 被誉为是百老汇外和小制作电影的最具才华和经验的女演员之一。
- 10. He showed off his acting skills by joining the cast of Spamalot on Broadway as Sir Robin in January 2008.
- 他于2008年1月在好莱坞的音乐剧《火腿骑士》中展现了表演才能。
- 11. Some nights it felt as though the meeting were in fact an Off Off Broadway show, feverish, vital, undisciplined.
- 某些夜晚,她感觉见面会像是置身于外百老汇秀场,狂热,生死攸关,混乱。
- 12. They married in September 2008, and by early 2010 Scarlett is appearing on Broadway every night while Ryan is off shooting Green Lantern.
- 2010年初,斯嘉丽每晚都在百老汇演出,而瑞安忙着在外面拍摄《绿灯侠》。
- 13. In addition to his vocal talent, Aiken showed off his acting skills by joining the cast of Spamalot on Broadway as Sir Robin in January 2008.
- 除了他的音乐天赋,他还于2008年1月在好莱坞的音乐剧Spamalot中展现了表演才能。
- 14. Soapy turned off Broadway.
- 索比离开了百老汇大街。
- 15. Kathleen: Do you want to get off the subway at 72nd and Broadway and not even know you're in New York City?
- 凯瑟琳:你想在第72街和百老汇下地铁,甚至不知道你是在纽约市?
- 16. There was a restaurant a little way off Broadway where one could be served almost al fresco in a tropic array of screening flora.
- 离百老汇不远有一家餐馆,在那里用餐几乎像是置身于户外一排热带遮护植物中一样。
- 17. Soapy turned off broadway. it seemed that his route to the coveted island was not to be an epicurean one. some other way of entering limbo must be thought of.
- 索丕转身离开了百老汇大街。看来他渴望去的那个岛不能以这种享乐方式达到。必须想另外一条进监狱的办法。
- 18. And Yadar, you go off to Beijing tomorrow along with Shenyang, and join the rest of us there at Starlight Broadway.
- 你马上上菜,今天这顿饭我包了,我请客。 丫蛋,你明天跟着大哥一起去北京,上《星光大道》 。
- 19. With the flourish of the Off-Off Broadway movements, the 1960s' American dramatic world saw the emergence of a particularly promising playwright, Sam Shepard.
- 山姆·谢泼德是美国六十年代“外外百老汇”小剧场运动中脱颖而出的杰出剧作家。
- 20. With the flourish of the Off-Off Broadway movements, the 1960s' American dramatic world saw the emergence of a particularly promising playwright, Sam Shepard.
- 山姆·谢泼德是美国六十年代“外外百老汇”小剧场运动中脱颖而出的杰出剧作家。