- 1. Yuhua's novelette Living is a piece of excellent works in the history of the contemporary literature.
- 余华的中篇小说《活着》是当代文学史上一篇非常优秀的作品。
- 2. Ray Bradbury's classic 'novelette' portrays a futuristic world where firemen start fires instead of putting them out.
- 雷。布莱·伯利的这部经典中篇小说描述了一个未来世界。
- 3. "Rubber Fellow" which is a novelette written by a writer Wangshuo, meant a flock of young people lost themselves.
- 《橡皮人》是王朔的一部中篇小说,原指一群迷失自我的年轻人。
- 4. The novelette of Mother with us creates a series of female characters, who, however, are obviously similar to each other.
- 中篇小说《母亲和我们》塑造了一系列女性人物,然而这些人物存在明显雷同的印迹。
- 5. Morisot the hero in Camus' novelette "the stranger", was always described as an apathetic. This article, declared that Morisot was a non-stranger.
- 加缪《局外人》中主人公莫尔索历来被当作对什么都“无所谓”的局外人,本文认为莫尔索是局内人而非局外人。
- 6. The marlin's skeleton is the final gain by the old man in his adventure on the sea, and it is also an important image created by the author in the novelette.
- 《老人与海》中的马林鱼骨架是老人出海捕鱼的最终收获,也是作者在小说中塑造的一个意义丰富的文学形象。
- 7. Then, after ten years of silence, Hemingway wrote in 1952 the novelette The Old Man and the Sea, which was considered to be his best work in his literary career.
- 1952年,在沉寂了十年之后,海明威写作了他一生最杰出的作品——中篇小说《老人与海》。
- 8. Forth is about female wanderer narrative, This kind of novelette always have romantic and idealism tendency, and bring some fresh air into new century literature.
- 第四个是关于女性流浪的叙述,这种元素结构的中篇小说往往更带有浪漫主义和理想主义倾向,这也给新世纪中篇小说创作带来了一股别样的气息。
- 9. Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families.
- 小说以一位敏感的知识女性在父权制婚姻家庭里备受压抑的经历,揭示了家庭这一“囚笼”对女性身心的摧残。
- 10. An JI is the hero of JIA Ping-wa's novelette of the same name who is quite similar in personality to Ah q, the leading character in LU Xun's Literary work "the True Story of Ah q".
- 阿吉是贾平凹的同名中篇小说中的主人公,其性格特征与鲁迅笔下的阿q颇多相似之处,可以说是一个阿q式的人物。
- 11. Evaluates Liaoning novelette of 2003. The materials of novelette are varied in Liaoning. The writers pay much attention to the technique of narration. The characters are various and individualized.
- 对2003年辽宁中篇小说进行了评析,认为辽宁中篇小说题材多样,作家注重叙事的技巧,注重从心理的角度刻画人物,人物形象丰富并富有个性化特点。
- 12. Evaluates Liaoning novelette of 2003. The materials of novelette are varied in Liaoning. The writers pay much attention to the technique of narration. The characters are various and individualized.
- 对2003年辽宁中篇小说进行了评析,认为辽宁中篇小说题材多样,作家注重叙事的技巧,注重从心理的角度刻画人物,人物形象丰富并富有个性化特点。