- 1. He gained a certain notoriety as a gambler.
- 他落了个赌徒的恶名。
- 2. His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.
- 他粗鲁的态度已经为他招来了一个无可羡慕的恶名。
- 3. She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator.
- 她因为和参议员的风流韵事而声名狼藉。
- 4. He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.
- 在水门事件中,他作为尼克松总统的首席辩护律师被搞得声名狼藉。
- 5. Mr. Dantas, who has acquired great notoriety in Brazil, was fined $5 million and sentenced to ten years in prison.
- 在巴西臭名昭著的丹塔斯先生被罚款500万美元,并被判处10年监禁。
- 6. While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates.
- 虽然暗示教学法因在现代语言教学上的成功有些不好的名声,但很少有教师能够模仿洛扎诺夫和他的同事们的惊人成果。
- 7. A crime or scandal brings much notoriety to those involved in it.
- 罪行或丑闻常使有牵连的人声名狼藉。
- 8. Fame brought notoriety.
- 名声也带来了毁誉。
- 9. The book earned him notoriety, confidence, a dictionary entry and lots of money.
- 该书为他赢得了恶名、信心、字典条目和大量的金钱。
- 10. Happiness is not dependent on amassing a certain amount of wealth or notoriety.
- 幸福并不取决于积累一定数量的财富或名声。
- 11. Because of its notoriety that part of town was shunned by most respectable people.
- 由于该城的这个区臭名远扬,大多数体面的人都不到那里去。
- 12. Yet the secretive billionaire achieved a notoriety in death that he had avoided in life.
- 然而这位神秘富豪却带着他躲了一辈子的恶名死去。
- 13. Sometimes from the notoriety of having written elegant code or built something great.
- 有时候,会因为他们写出优雅的代码或开发了出色的程序而获得的名声。
- 14. They can negotiate for millions of dollars for a starring role because of their notoriety.
- 他们可以凭借其知名度,为一个主演的角色索要数百万美元的片酬。
- 15. And she hopes that her name and notoriety will help get the public to take it more seriously.
- 她希望她的名字和名声会有助于公众更认真地对待这项运动。
- 16. It is also around this time that Depp gained notoriety for his hostility towards mainstream culture.
- 也是大约在这个时候,戴普因为对主流文化的敌意而恶名昭彰。
- 17. Over the past year, several people have shot to fame or notoriety thanks (or no thanks) to the Internet.
- 在过去的一年中,借助互联网,有人声名鹊起,有人却声名狼藉。
- 18. Notoriety: In 2009, Mexico's most-wanted man became the second narcotrafficker to crack the Forbes rich list.
- 声名狼藉之处 :2009年,墨西哥头号通缉犯成为第二个征服福布斯财富榜的毒枭。
- 19. Notoriety: The Uzans arrived in Turkey from Bosnia around 1910, building their fortune in construction and banking.
- 声名狼藉之处 :尤赞家族于1910年前后从波斯尼亚来到土耳其,凭建筑和银行业积累财富。
- 20. A combination of old media - the Guardian - and new - Twitter - turned attempted obscurity into mass notoriety.
- 老媒体《卫报》和新媒体t witter的联手将努力的沉默转变成了公开的恶名。
- 21. As the incident gained notoriety in the Chicago media, Northwestern University initially supported Prof. Bailey.
- 当此次事件在芝加哥媒体上炒得沸沸扬扬的时候,西北大学起初是支持贝利教授的。
- 22. For a late drink try Oxygen in Qeimariyeh, which gained notoriety by throwing out the U.S. consul a few years ago.
- 如果想要喝一杯,可以试一下Qeimariyeh街区的Oxygen,这家酒吧因为几年前把一个美国领事撵了出去而声名鹊起。
- 23. This immaturity may be greatly capable of making itself successful in this world and achieving fame and notoriety.
- 这种不成熟也许能够使它自己在这个世界上获取巨大的成功、赢得美名及昭著的臭名。
- 24. Eventually, however, his bizarre life-style and personal notoriety eclipsed his talent and his numerous achievements.
- 然而,他那怪诞的生活方式和不光彩的事迹最终还是让他的天赋和数不清的成就随风而去。
- 25. He gained notoriety when he 'walked' across the Thames in 2011 to promote a new series of his show Magician Impossible.
- 2011年他“行走”穿越泰晤士河一战成名,当时是为了他新系列节目《不可思议的魔术师》做宣传。
- 26. Historically, viruses were created by teenagers in order to earn notoriety and gain recognition for their coding skills.
- 从历史来看,病毒是青少年为了获取坏名声和对他们编码技能的认可而制造的。
- 27. Top clinical results exist in many Settings and are not necessarily related to the notoriety of the surgeon or institution.
- 最好的临床结果可以存在许多情况,而不必与医生或机构的声望联系起来。
- 28. Yet in spite of growing notoriety, at the end of 2009 he was downhearted - especially at how few leaks turned into major news events.
- 但尽管知名度逐渐提升,但他在2009年底消沉起来——尤其是因为他揭露的信息很少演变成重大新闻。
- 29. Yet in spite of growing notoriety, at the end of 2009 he was downhearted - especially at how few leaks turned into major news events.
- 但尽管知名度逐渐提升,但他在2009年底消沉起来——尤其是因为他揭露的信息很少演变成重大新闻。