- 1. There is equilibrium between a whole myriad of reactants and products.
- 在无数的反应物和生成物之间存在着平衡。
- 2. They would have to explain myriad compromises and abdications along the way.
- 他们将必须为其在其中无数的妥协及辞职作出解释。
- 3. Wittingly or unwittingly, we make a myriad of connections with people around the world.
- 有意无意中,我们与世界各地的人们建立了无数的联系。
- 4. We developed an example integration scenario that could be enabled by any of the myriad of coexistence mechanisms.
- 我们开发了一个示例集成场景,该场景可以由无数的共存机制所支持。
- 5. She is the mother of your children and a domestic goddess that runs your household and your family while still succeeding in a career and myriad other duties.
- 她是你孩子的妈,也是一个会持家的女神,既要打理家务维护家庭,同时还要有个成功的事业和无数其它的责任。
- 6. The myriad connections forged by these technologies have brought tremendous benefits to everyone who uses the web to tap into humanity's collective store of knowledge every day.
- 这些技术建立的无数联系已经为每一个每天使用网络来利用人类集体知识库的人带来了巨大的利益。
- 7. The extinction of myriad biological species aroused deep concern which led people to an understanding of the special importance of protecting rare animals and plants on the brink of extinction.
- 无数生物物种的灭绝引起了人们的深切关注,使人们认识到保护濒临灭绝的珍稀动植物的特殊重要性。
- 8. Designs are available in a myriad of colours.
- 各种色彩的款式应有尽有。
- 9. They face a myriad of problems bringing up children.
- 他们在抚养孩子上面临着各种问题。
- 10. He did what he could to allay his wife's myriad fears.
- 他尽其所能来消除他妻子的各种恐惧。
- 11. The magazine has been celebrating pop in all its myriad forms.
- 该杂志一直在赞美各种形式的流行音乐。
- 12. The Myriad case itself is probably not over.
- Myriad案本身可能还没有结束。
- 13. A myriad of lights twinkled like stars in the distance.
- 远处有无数盏灯像星星一样闪烁。
- 14. With luck, it will replace the myriad other duties and surcharges that pluck the fruits of Indian commerce.
- 如果运气好的话,它将替换其他抢夺印度商业果实的众多关税和附加费。
- 15. A federal appeals court overturned the prior decision, ruling that Myriad Genetics could indeed hold patents to two genes that help forecast a woman's risk of breast cancer.
- 一家联邦上诉法院推翻了先前的裁决,裁定米利亚德基因公司确实可以拥有两种基因的专利,这两种基因可以帮助预测女性患乳腺癌的风险。
- 16. Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards, they can't stop the dauntless explorers.
- 纵有千难万险,也挡不住英勇的探险队员。
- 17. That I have been able to attend a grand meeting such as this one, fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas.
- 我能参加这样的盛会,真是百感交集,思绪万千。
- 18. Our picks project their influence in myriad ways.
- 我们的选择反映了他们多种方式的影响。
- 19. It has now been picked up by myriad media and websites.
- 现在,这张照片已经被许多媒体和网站刊登。
- 20. People are inundated with a myriad of messages each day.
- 人们每天被大量信息轰炸。
- 21. This is just one of a myriad of possible probability distributions.
- 这只是无数可能的概率分布的一种。
- 22. They emerged from myriad possible shapes through natural selection.
- 这些是从无数可能的图形中通过自然选择出现的。
- 23. The obvious advantages of a small requirements backlog are myriad.
- 小规模型需求积压最明显的优势是,它们多的不计其数。
- 24. You can store audio, video, and metadata in a myriad of file formats.
- 您可以各种格式存储音频、视频和元数据。
- 25. Back on the hiking trail in Spain, I saw this play out in myriad ways.
- 回想在西班牙的徒步旅行,我没完没了地看到这样的情景。
- 26. XML plays an important role as a data facilitator across myriad systems.
- XML的一项重要作用是在大量系统之间传递数据。
- 27. This regression model is easy to use and can be used for myriad data sets.
- 这个回归模型很容易使用,并且可以用于很多数据集。
- 28. This regression model is easy to use and can be used for myriad data sets.
- 这个回归模型很容易使用,并且可以用于很多数据集。