- 1. It was middle-class votes they were pitching for.
- 他们试图争取的是中产阶级的选票。
- 2. His informants were middle-class professional women.
- 他的合作者是中产阶级职业妇女。
- 3. Politics is still dominated by the middle-class mafia.
- 政治仍然操纵在中产阶级帮派手中。
- 4. He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.
- 他来自一个非常体面的中产阶级家庭。
- 5. The area contains a disproportionate number of young middle-class families.
- 此地年轻的中产阶级家庭特别多。
- 6. They were middle-class university students, intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill.
- 他们是中产阶级大学生,聪明而且受过教育,却选择了绑架和谋杀。
- 7. There is a competitive streak in this generation of middle-class parents.
- 这一代中产阶级的父母中有一种竞争的倾向。
- 8. In the medium term, middle-class workers may need a lot of help adjusting.
- 在发展中期,中产阶级劳动者可能需要很多帮助来调整。
- 9. But in the medium term, middle-class workers may need a lot of help adjusting.
- 但在发展中期,中产阶级劳动者可能需要大量帮助来进行调整。
- 10. It's the average American middle-class family who's being priced out of the market.
- 美国普通中产家庭被挤出了市场。
- 11. Until now, a B.A. in any subject was a near-guarantee of at least middle-class wages.
- 直到现在,任何学科的学士学位几乎都能保证至少中产阶级的工资。
- 12. Many colonists were able to adopt a lifestyle similar to that of middle-class Britons.
- 许多殖民者能够接受一种类似于英国中产阶级的生活方式。
- 13. The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth.
- 关于中产阶级男人用钱来做什么的刻板印象或许更接近事实。
- 14. "This can give white middle-class children a sense of superiority or privilege," Dr. Adam said.
- “这可能会给白人中产阶级儿童一种优越感或特权感。”亚当博士说。
- 15. For my entire adult life, a good education has been the most important thing for middle-class households.
- 在我的整个成年生活中,接受好的教育一直是中产阶级家庭最重要的事情。
- 16. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class supervisors.
- 在很多情况下,工厂工人的收入与他们的中产阶级主管的收入相比,如果不是更高也会相等。
- 17. "I still grew up in an upper middle-class home with parents who didn't have college degrees," Schneider said.
- 施耐德说道:“我的父母没有大学文凭,但我仍然成长于一个上层中产阶级的家庭。”
- 18. When we left, Cheltenham, my hometown, was a town of white, middle-class families that were all very conservative.
- 我们离开的时候,我的家乡切尔滕纳姆小镇上住的都是非常保守的中产阶级白人。
- 19. Jennifer and her two younger brothers were raised in a middle-class suburb of Detroit by her mother and stepfather.
- 珍妮弗和她的两个弟弟生长在底特律郊区的一个中产阶级家庭,由母亲和继父养大。
- 20. Many middle-class occupations—trucking, financial advice, software engineering—have aroused their interest, or soon will.
- 许多中产阶级的职业,如卡车运输、金融咨询、软件工程已经引起了他们的兴趣,或者很快就会引起他们的兴趣。
- 21. But many middle-class occupations—trucking, financial advice, software engineering—have aroused their interest, or soon will.
- 但是许多中产阶级的职业,包括卡车运输、金融咨询、软件工程等,已经或者很快会引起他们的兴趣。
- 22. The current overwhelming promotion of white middle-class ideas and lifestyles risks alienating children from minority groups.
- 当前对于白人中产阶级思想和生活方式的大力宣传可能导致儿童疏远少数族裔。
- 23. "What white middle-class parents do not always understand," she said, "is how much pressure recent immigrants feel to boost their children into the middle class."
- 她说:“来自中产阶级的白人父母们总是不理解,新移民为了让自己的孩子跻身中产阶级要承担多大的压力。”
- 24. The magazine is very middle-class.
- 这份杂志太古板了。
- 25. Reform is popular with middle-class liberals.
- 改革受到了中产阶级支持变革者的普遍欢迎。
- 26. These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.
- 这些政策不大可能博得中产阶级选民的欢心。
- 27. He is rapidly losing the support of blue-collar voters and of middle-class conservatives.
- 他正在迅速失去蓝领选民和中产阶级保守人士的支持。
- 28. Central heating was present in every upper-middle-class home by the second half of the 19th century.
- 到19世纪下半叶,中央供暖系统已出现在每个中上层家庭里。
- 29. Central heating was present in every upper-middle-class home by the second half of the 19th century.
- 到19世纪下半叶,中央供暖系统已出现在每个中上层家庭里。