- 1. Fifty years ago, classical scholar William Russell and microbiologist Rex Burch developed abstracts on how to make animal experiments more humane.
- 50年前,古典学者威廉·拉塞尔和微生物学家雷克斯·伯奇针对如何让动物实验更具有人道性这个问题拟定了摘要。
- 2. Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of Chinas Antarctic operations since the 1980s.
- 中国微生物学家余勇向我们展示了这座宽敞的建筑,里面的课桌空空如也。他在一张配有插图的时间轴上详细描述了中国南极探险活动自上世纪80年代以来的快速增长。
- 3. Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of China's Antarctic operations since the 1980s.
- 中国微生物学家余勇向我们展示了这座宽敞的建筑,空荡荡的桌子,上面有带着插图的时间轴,详细介绍了自20世纪80年代以来中国南极行动的快速增长。
- 4. From 1942 to 1944, Borlaug was employed as a microbiologist at DuPont in Wilmington.
- 从1942年到1944年,博洛格在威尔明顿的杜邦公司担任微生物学家。
- 5. Dusko Ehrlich, is a microbiologist at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research.
- 达斯科·厄林奇是法国农业研究院的微生物学家。
- 6. "The findings are significant," added Robert Garry, a microbiologist at Tulane University.
- “研究成果意义重大”,罗伯特·盖瑞补充说,罗伯特·盖瑞是一名Tulane大学微生物学家。
- 7. Jeffrey Gordon, the microbiologist at Washington University who led the study, was not surprised.
- 领导这项研究的华盛顿大学微生物学家杰弗里·戈登对此并不惊讶。
- 8. Microbiologist Niall Hamilton likes to work with whatever he finds around the sink plughole using a swab.
- 微生物学家尼奥·汉密尔顿喜欢用棉签在水槽的排水孔附近随便挑起一些细菌,把它们用到自己的作品中去。
- 9. Fall, a former microbiologist who played at the University of the District of Columbia, wonders the same thing.
- 福此前是微生物学家,曾在哥伦比亚特区大学打过球,他也想过同样的事情。
- 10. More recently a German microbiologist discovered small mobile bacteria inside the yeast cells (endosymbionts).
- 最近德国微生物学家发现在酵母细胞内小的活动细菌(孢内共生物)。
- 11. Trained microbiologist, was studying food additives when he noticed the growing research linking sodium to hypertension.
- 培养的微生物学家,在研究食物添加剂时注意到把钠与高血压联系起来的不断扩大的研究。
- 12. LOUIS PASTEUR, the 19th-century French microbiologist and chemist, is credited with confirming that microbes cause disease.
- 确认微生物引起疾病的理论要归功于19世纪法国微生物学家和化学家LOUISPASTEUR。
- 13. Michael Imperiale, a microbiologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, says TMAdV isn't necessarily a public health threat.
- 密歇根大学安娜堡分校微生物学家MichaelImperiale说,伶猴腺病毒(TMAdV)不见得构成公众健康威胁。
- 14. In fact, says Harvard microbiologist Alex Bradley, the NASA scientists unknowingly demonstrated the flaws in their own experiment.
- 哈佛大学微生物专家AlexBradley认为,实际上,美国宇航局科学家在无意之中证明了实验的缺陷。
- 15. The microbiologist has applied for a patent on his strains and has sequenced the genomes so he can tell if someone else has stolen it.
- 这位微生物学家已经为这种菌株及其基因排列申请了专利,因此他可以把其他人的这类行为称为偷窃。
- 16. Microbiologist Rose Cooper of the University of Wales Institute has been on the cutting edge of honey research for the last few years.
- 威尔斯学院微生物学家,罗斯·库帕这些年一直以来站在蜂蜜研究的前沿。
- 17. Lovelock called this view Gaia. Together with microbiologist Lynn Margulis, the two published the view in 1972 so that it could be critiqued on scientific terms.
- 洛夫·洛克把这个观点称为盖亚[7],并于1972年与微生物学家林恩·马基·莉斯[8]一起公布了这个观点,以接受科学评判。
- 18. Microbiologist B. Brett Finlay of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and colleagues wondered whether certain microbes in the gut provided protection.
- 在加拿大温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学的微生物硕士专家布雷特.芬利和他的同事怀疑是否小鼠肠道里的某些微生物起到了保护作用。
- 19. I don't know the punch line, but rest assured it will have something to do with the microbiologist peering through a microscope, and the lawyer chasing ambulances.
- 我不知道这可笑在哪里,但是那些认为可笑的人们一定会想到微生物学家整天对着显微镜研究,而律师天天追着救护车跑。
- 20. A new drug studied by Abhay Satoskar, a microbiologist at Ohio State University, and his colleagues can control the symptoms of type 2 diabetes in mice when taken orally.
- 俄亥俄州立大学的微生物学家阿布罕·萨托斯卡和他的同事研制了一种新药,给II型糖尿病小鼠口服后可以控制其症状。
- 21. FIFTY years ago, William Russell, a classics scholar, and Rex Burch, a microbiologist, outlined how the use of animals in scientific research could be made more humane.
- 50年前,古典学者威廉·拉塞尔和微生物学家雷克斯·伯奇,针对如何让动物实验更具有人道性这个问题拟定了摘要。
- 22. To create a chain of elephants walking in single file, microbiologist Niall Hamilton created the the animal's bodies using pink-coloured fungus Aureobasidium pullulans.
- 微生物学家尼奥•汉密尔顿(Niall Hamilton)创作了这样一幅排成一行的大象图:他使用粉红色的出芽短梗霉菌(Aureobasidium pullulans)画出大象的身子,然后用深色的南极红酵母菌(Rhodotorula sp.) 点出大象的眼睛。
- 23. "It's an interesting paper," says Vanessa Sperandio, a microbiologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas who was not involved in the study.
- “这是一篇有趣的论文。”来自位于达拉斯的德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的Vanessa Sperandio说道,他并没有参与这项研究。
- 24. On Saturday, a microbiologist said officials had identified a restaurant in the northern port city of lubeck as a possible place where the bug had been passed to humans.
- 周六,一位微生物学家指出:卫生官员已证实吕贝克北部港口城市的一家餐馆可能是潜在疫源地,人们在那里感染了细菌。
- 25. "We have so many questions about these plants," remarks Guenther Stotzky, a soil microbiologist at New York University. "There's a lot we don't know and need to find out."
- “我们对这类作物有太多的疑问,”纽约大学土壤微生物学者史达兹基说,“我们不知道的多着呢,必须找出答案来。”
- 26. Rapid, reliable detection of food-borne pathogens and effective prevention or control of pathogen infection are always objective of microbiologist and relevant researchers.
- 快速、准确的检测和鉴定食品中的致病菌,进而有效预防和控制病原菌感染,一直是微生物学家及有关科研工作者所追求的目标。
- 27. A study by British consumer magazine "Which Computing" asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on 33 keyboards in a typical London office, a toilet seat and a toilet door handle.
- 这项研究由英国消费者杂志《WhichComputing》开展。该杂志让一位微生物学家对伦敦某办公室内的33个电脑键盘,一个马桶座和一个卫生间门把手进行细菌检测。
- 28. A study by British consumer magazine "Which Computing" asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on 33 keyboards in a typical London office, a toilet seat and a toilet door handle.
- 这项研究由英国消费者杂志《WhichComputing》开展。该杂志让一位微生物学家对伦敦某办公室内的33个电脑键盘,一个马桶座和一个卫生间门把手进行细菌检测。