- 1. Perhaps even more so than with letters, memorandum should start with the statement of the purpose early in the message.
- 也许备忘录比书信更重要的是,备忘录应该从信息的目的开始。
- 2. When the internal message is lighthearted and relatively unimportant, humor in a memorandum can distinguish its author as a person with personality and depth.
- 当内部信息是轻松的、相对不重要的时候,备忘录中的幽默可以展现作者的个性和深度。
- 3. One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police.
- 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。
- 4. The King exclaimed, turning to the jury, who instantly made a memorandum of the fact.
- 国王大叫道,转过身看着陪审员,陪审员立即作了记录。
- 5. The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Health Naturally, a small but expanding chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products.
- Health Naturally 公司是一家销售健康食品和其他健康相关产品的连锁店,规模虽小,但正在不断扩大。
- 6. Which memorandum are you talking about?
- 你说的是哪一份备忘录?
- 7. Tony notices a CTU memorandum that reports Walsh's death.
- 托尼在反恐组的记录报告中看到了沃尔什死亡的消息。
- 8. What Sanderson wrote in his own notations to Crowe's memorandum was that!
- 在针对克罗的备忘录里,桑德森是这么写的。
- 9. Under a revised “model memorandum of understanding” adopted last year
- 去年修订并实施的“谅解备忘录模板”中...
- 10. Two carry a peace message and one explains the Memorandum of Understanding.
- 这些海报一式三份,其中的两份印有和平标语,一份解释《谅解备忘录》的内容。
- 11. The partnership was recently made official through a memorandum of understanding (MOU).
- 这次合作签署了一份官方谅解备忘录(MOU)。
- 12. You can't know in advance that something like the Halloween memorandum is going to land on you.
- 您并不能预先知道象万圣节备忘录这样的东西会落在您身上。
- 13. Without Chinese explanatory memorandum, the data recorded quickly with English is needed to check.
- 没有中文说明书。匆忙用英文记录下来的资料,还需核对。
- 14. He also has a pacemaker, and once battled an addiction to painkillers, according to the memorandum.
- 根据记录,他装有心脏起搏器,而且曾与止疼药瘾搏斗。
- 15. The Crowe Memorandum is a document projecting a kind of ruthless common sense rather than profound complexity.
- 《克罗备忘录》这份文件提出的是残酷的常识,而不是深奥的理论。
- 16. According to the memorandum, a so far nameless new company will be producing the Cell CPU and the RSX chip.
- 据这份备忘录显示,一家还没命名的公司将承担生产Cell及RSX的任务。
- 17. That same evening the Bishop wrote out and handed to his sister a memorandum conceived in the following terms
- 当天晚上,主教写了这样一张单子交给他的妹子。
- 18. They stressed the need to ensure an efficient and smooth implementation of the modalities of the Memorandum of Understanding.
- 双方强调应确保备忘录的规定能得到顺利、有效的实施。
- 19. 'Well, I can't mind the exact day without looking at my memorandum-book, ' replied Crick, with the same intolerable unconcern.
- “啊,我要看看我的备忘录,不然我不记得准确的日子,”克里克回答说,说话里同样带着叫人无法忍受的漠不关心。
- 20. It included signing a Memorandum of Understanding with UK Energy and Climate Secretary Chris Huhne on areas for joint research.
- 期间,他与英国能源与气候大臣克里斯·休恩签订了一项有关合作研究领域的谅解备忘录。
- 21. In April the Institute of International Finance (IIF), a lobbying group, sent a confidential memorandum to the two standard-setters.
- 在4月,国际金融协会(IIF)——一家游说集团——寄了一份秘密备忘录给两家准则制定人。
- 22. He typed a four page memorandum to the admitting ER physician. He spoke with the admitting ER physician before he sent me to hospital.
- 当时,他给急救室的主治医师写了四页纸的备忘录,在送我去医院前也和急救室的主治医师进行了交谈。
- 23. He typed a four page memorandum to the admitting ER physician. He spoke with the admitting ER physician before he sent me to hospital.
- 当时,他给急救室的主治医师写了四页纸的备忘录,在送我去医院前也和急救室的主治医师进行了交谈。