- 1. The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion.
- 里氏震级是测量地动的单位。
- 2. We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated.
- 我们无法直接测量疼痛的程度,只能估计。
- 3. That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank.
- 那就是银行的局面已经糟糕到何种程度的衡量标准。
- 4. The dispatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.
- 派遣特遣队纯粹是应急措施。
- 5. They will usually send a salesperson out to measure your bathroom.
- 他们通常会派一名推销员去测量你的浴室。
- 6. The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure.
- 该地方当局说宵禁只是一项预防措施。
- 7. It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage.
- 在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。
- 8. I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor's office.
- 我继续根据医生办公室里的图表来估量他的进展。
- 9. It is a cosmetic measure which will do nothing to help the situation long term.
- 这是装点门面的措施,无益于局势的长期发展。
- 10. Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.
- 盖伊当选领导,在后来一次基数测量中发现他的情商是最高的。
- 11. Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy.
- 该措施的反对者说,正是政治上的哗众取宠可能验证对经济造成毁灭性破坏的这一结果。
- 12. Two electrodes that measure changes in the body's surface moisture are attached to the palms of your hands.
- 测量体表湿度变化的两个电极被连接到你的双掌上。
- 13. We will then have an objective measure of how colour discrimination and visual acuity develop at the level of the brain.
- 我们随后将进行一项客观的测量,看色彩辨别力和视觉敏锐度如何在大脑的层面形成。
- 14. He irritated me beyond measure.
- 他使我非常生气。
- 15. It's got four beats to a measure.
- 1小节有4拍。
- 16. How do you measure the volume of a gas?
- 你如何计量气体的体积?
- 17. Last year's intake just didn't measure up.
- 去年纳入的人数没有达到预期的要求。
- 18. You'll need to get a suit made to measure.
- 你得定做一套西装。
- 19. Which measure of weight do pharmacists use?
- 药剂师使用什么剂量单位?
- 20. The job failed to measure up to her expectations.
- 这项工作没有满足她的期望。
- 21. Nine Republicans joined in supporting the measure.
- 9名共和党人加入支持这项举措。
- 22. Sending flowers is a measure of how much you care.
- 你派人送花就说明你是多么关心。
- 23. Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension?
- 这种测试是判断阅读理解力的好方法吗?
- 24. He poured himself another generous measure of whisky.
- 他又给自己慷慨地倒了一杯威士忌。
- 25. We experienced the full measure of their hospitality.
- 我们领受了他们十足的盛情。
- 26. She achieved some measure of success with her first book.
- 她出第一部书就得到了相当的成功。
- 27. A measure of technical knowledge is desirable in this job.
- 做这项工作最好多懂一些技术知识。
- 28. A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary.
- 一种确切的可计量的质量检测是不必要的。
- 29. This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run.
- 从长远来看这项举措的结果就是要多纳税。
- 30. Don poured a generous measure of scotch into a fresh glass.
- 唐往新杯子里倒了很多苏格兰威士忌。