- 1. I read her poems in manuscript.
- 我读过她的诗作的手稿。
- 2. He had seen a manuscript of the book.
- 他见过这本书的一份手稿。
- 3. The original manuscript has been lost.
- 原稿已经遗失。
- 4. He made several deletions to the manuscript.
- 他在原稿上删去了好几处。
- 5. This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.
- 这是现存最古老的希伯来语手稿。
- 6. The manuscript had already been sent off to the printer.
- 手稿已经送到印刷厂去了。
- 7. These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400.
- 这些零散的断言是1400年后被补充进手稿里的。
- 8. Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician.
- 她的文稿被认为是女性内科医生写的现存最古老的手稿。
- 9. She tears a manuscript apart.
- 她撕碎了一份手稿。
- 10. The editors have polished the manuscript.
- 编辑们为这篇底稿进行了润色。
- 11. Please make a fair copy of the manuscript.
- 请把稿件抄一下。
- 12. I must return this manuscript to the author.
- 我必须把这篇文章底稿退还给作者。
- 13. That bound volume of Lett's diary has now disappeared with the blue manuscript book.
- 莱特的那本精装的日记现在和那本蓝色的手稿一起消失了。
- 14. A medieval manuscript called L contains all eighteen extant tragedies by the Greek playwright Euripides.
- 一份名为L的中世纪手稿包含了希腊剧作家欧里庇得斯所有现存的十八部悲剧。
- 15. It had been discovered that the book was a palimpsest, and beneath the surface writing of the manuscript laid, guess what?
- 原来人们发现这本书是重写本,猜猜在手稿字迹的下面是什么?
- 16. This weekend, there's no more need to practice your accio manuscript spells, as the wait for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will be over.
- 这周末,再也不需要练习你们的“手稿召唤咒”了,因为对《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》的等待已经结束。
- 17. Evidently, however, Hurston had prepared another version, a manuscript that was recently discovered and published after having been forgotten since 1929.
- 然而,赫斯顿显然准备了另一个版本,一部自从1929年以来就被遗忘了的手稿最近被发现并发表了。
- 18. However, if Mona Lisa was a famous novel, few people would bother to go to a museum to read the writer's actual manuscript rather than a printed reproduction.
- 然而,如果《蒙娜丽莎》是一部著名的小说,可能几乎没有人会放着印刷好的副本不看,而去博物馆参观作者本人当年的手稿了。
- 19. Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal's internal editors, or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers.
- 稿件将被标记为需要由期刊的内部编辑、现有的评审编辑委员会或外部同行评审员进行额外审查。
- 20. In accordance with this kind of purism came an emphasis on studying composers' manuscript notations, a relatively new field of musicology that is flourishing even today.
- 与这种纯粹主义相一致的是对作曲家手稿符号的研究,这是音乐学中一个相对较新的领域,直到今天仍在蓬勃发展。
- 21. To avoid further damage to the manuscript, the research team at the art museum has had to be extremely selective in the techniques they used to see the original writing.
- 为避免手稿遭到更多的破坏,艺术博物馆研究团队的人员在查看原稿字迹时,需要极其谨慎地选择所用的技术。
- 22. Nevertheless, the presence of floral-patterned rugs in court scenes from two paintings in a 1440s Timurid manuscript suggests that floral-patterned rugs were already being used at that time.
- 然而,14世纪40年代的帖木儿手稿中的两幅画中宫廷场景中出现的花卉图案的地毯表明,花卉图案的地毯在当时已经被使用了。
- 23. The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession.
- 这部手稿只是他们的珍藏之一。
- 24. The lines were interpolated into the manuscript at a later date.
- 这几行文字是后来加到稿子中的。
- 25. It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.
- 他的真实姓名没有附加在手稿后面,让人松了口气。
- 26. An editor reads the manuscript.
- 编辑阅读手稿。
- 27. How did Smith feel after reading the French manuscript?
- 史密斯读了法语手稿后有何感想?
- 28. Finally, the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher.
- 最后,作者把完成的手稿寄给出版商。
- 29. A manuscript is the text an author produces for publication.
- 手稿是作者为出版而制作的文本。
- 30. A copy editor reads the manuscript to correct any grammatical mistake.
- 文字编辑会阅读手稿以纠正任何语法错误。