- 1. A pure loyalist might answer "yes". A healthier answer is "no".
- 一个纯粹的忠诚主义者会回答“是”,一个更有益更好的回答是“不”。
- 2. Mr Obama's personal lawyer Bob Bauer, another campaign loyalist.
- 奥巴马的私人律师鲍勃·鲍尔(Bob Bauer)只是又一个竞选保皇派而已。
- 3. And indeed Chomsky cannot be written off as another regime loyalist.
- 的确乔姆斯基不是保皇党。
- 4. He was a Ladbrokes loyalist, staying with the company for 20 years.
- 他对立博忠心耿耿,在该公司呆了20年。
- 5. She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant.
- 她是科洛桑之外最伟大的忠诚者之一。
- 6. One Gadhafi loyalist appeared to be still alive, his right hand a bloody stump.
- 一个卡扎菲的拥护者出现时依然活着,右手被砍的血流如注。
- 7. I'm glad to find another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city.
- 在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。
- 8. I'm glad to find another true - hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city.
- 在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。
- 9. Mr. Zhang, a salesman in the city of Fushun, in northeastern China, was a Samsung loyalist.
- 张思童是中国东北地区抚顺市的一名推销员,他曾是三星的忠实用户。
- 10. In 1778, he was released, and organized a band of Loyalist guerrillas to fight for the British.
- 1778年获释后,他组织勤王游击队,为英国而战。
- 11. The current army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, a former Musharraf loyalist, could never allow that.
- 效忠于前任穆沙拉夫的现任陆军参谋长阿斯法科•卡亚尼将军决不允许这么做。
- 12. Loyalist forest is proud of our hardwood flooring, direct from the forests of Southeastern Ontario.
- Loyalist木业感到自豪的是,我们的硬木地板,直接从森林的安大略省东南部砍伐而成。
- 13. But the implication was that this would happen only after loyalist forces had regained control of the city.
- 但此意暗示将在忠义王师克城之后。
- 14. But loyalist forces are squeezed in a receding central buffer from Sirte on the coast to Sebha in the desert.
- 但是忠诚派被挤进沙漠中心从Sirte到海岸线Sebha的后倾的缓冲带。
- 15. He even dealt Palpatine an embarrassing blow by proving that a member of his Loyalist Committee had strong Separatist ties.
- 他甚至证明忠诚者委员会中的一名成员与分离势力有染,令帕尔·帕廷十分难堪。
- 16. The most valuable employee is no longer a loyalist willing to trail a candidate for months, but a skilled digital researcher.
- 最有价值的雇员不再是那种心甘情愿跟踪一个竞选者长达几个月的人,而是一个技术精湛的电子调查员。
- 17. "The long record shows that Clinton can indeed make mistakes, but that he is not capable of sustained error," says one loyalist.
- “长记录表明克林顿的确可以犯错误但他不是很有能力的持续错误”有人说的亲信。
- 18. Unionist leaders have set up a forum to talk about flags and other loyalist complaints, but the protesters are not co-operating.
- 联合党领导者开设论坛讨论悬挂国旗和其它保皇派埋怨的问题,但是反对者不愿意配合。
- 19. In one attack, a loyalist convoy hit a pumping station linking one of the country's best fields, at Mislah, to the port at Tobruk.
- 在一次攻击行动,效忠卡扎菲的卫队摧毁了连接全国藏量最丰油田之一Mislah油田与Tobruk港口的抽油站。
- 20. If Protestant farmers are murdered, it is not by reason of their religion, but rather because they are under suspicion as Loyalist.
- 如果新教徒农民被谋杀,那并不是由于他们的信仰,而是因为他们有保皇派的嫌疑。
- 21. A third loyalist, who drove the gunmen to the solicitor's home, was not an agent at the time but later told police he had been involved.
- 第三个是一位忠实成员,他开车把枪手送到律师的住所。当时他并不是一位特工但事后告诉警方他也涉及其中。
- 22. A Libyan rebel walks past the bodies of loyalist fighters lying dead at the south entrance of the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli on August 25, 2011.
- 2011年8月25日,在的黎波里,一名利比亚反对派人员经过忠实者士兵的遗体,忠实者遗体躺在阿齐齐亚建筑群的南入口处。
- 23. Loyalist paramilitaries, still armed to the teeth, may seek to even up the body-count. Trust between old antagonists, on which power-sharing rests, is fragile.
- 国会的忠实者们,仍旧全副武装,司机去算清这笔血债,昔日敌手之间对于权利分享的信任十分脆弱。
- 24. Senator Lexi Dio, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Uyter during the early days of the Clone Wars.
- 莱克茜·戴奥议员是一位接近最高议长帕尔·帕廷办公室的忠诚者议员。她在克隆人战争早期代表威特星球。
- 25. When Cook finally made him senior vice President, it generated goodwill inside and outside the company — and turned an important Jobs loyalist into a key Cook ally.
- 当库克最后把他提拔为高级副总裁的时候,此举在公司内外都释放出善意,并把一位重要的乔布斯追随者变成了库克的关键盟友。
- 26. Senator Onaconda Farr, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Rodia during the early days of the Clone Wars.
- 奥纳康达·法尔议员是一位接近最高议长帕尔帕廷办公室的忠诚派议员。他在克隆人战争早期代表罗迪亚星球。
- 27. Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.
- 滕德拉·道迈亚议员是一位接近最高议长帕尔·帕廷办公室的忠诚者议员,在克隆人战争早期代表蒙卡拉·马里星球。
- 28. Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.
- 滕德拉·道迈亚议员是一位接近最高议长帕尔·帕廷办公室的忠诚者议员,在克隆人战争早期代表蒙卡拉·马里星球。