- 1. "Cayman takes advantage of a legitimate loophole—and the financial system is none the weaker for it," says one regulator in Europe.
- “开曼群岛利用了法律的漏洞——金融制度也没有变得更弱。”欧洲一监管者说道。
- 2. It is estimated that 60,000 businesses are exploiting a loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
- 据估计6万家公司在钻法律的空子来逃避起诉。
- 3. If you're not a big fan of bitter, chemists have just the loophole for you.
- 如果你不喜欢苦味,药剂师则正好可以给你钻个空子。
- 4. Technically. There is a loophole.
- 但从严格意义上讲,这里存在着一个漏洞。
- 5. To fix this loophole, you'll create a custom validator.
- 为了修复这个漏洞,您可以创建一个定制的验证器。
- 6. The rules were loosely enforced and left a loophole.
- 可是当时的规定执行乏力并且存在漏洞。
- 7. But is it possible to find a loophole in the universal speed limit?
- 但有没有可能找到宇宙速度极限的漏洞?
- 8. We can't say for sure that no one will ever find a loophole in our ranking algorithms in the future.
- 我们不能肯定的说,没有人会发现我们排名算法的漏洞。
- 9. U.S.-based businesses hire huge teams of lawyers to navigate motley tax laws and widen every loophole.
- 业务重心在美国本土的公司则雇佣庞大的律师团队,在纷繁复杂的税法中寻找解决方案,利用好每一个漏洞。
- 10. There's a loophole when synchronizing on a mutable field, however, which can break down mutual exclusion.
- 然而,易变域的同步中会有一个漏洞,它可能破坏互斥。
- 11. This has been interpreted to include damage to mental health, which pro-lifers say creates a big loophole.
- 这些可以解释为包括精神健康的损伤,反堕胎人士认为这创造了一个巨大的漏洞。
- 12. This promised pot of gold was designed to support small generics firms—but Big Pharma has found a loophole.
- 这个被允诺的优惠政策用于支持小型的学名药制药公司,但是大型制药公司发现了其中的一个漏洞。
- 13. Monks must abstain from killing living things. Therefore, monks are vegan. Technically. There is a loophole.
- 僧侣戒杀生,所以僧人是素食主义者。但从严格意义上讲,这里存在着一个漏洞。
- 14. The existing loophole-ridden land rules, dating from 2001, give developers wide leeway to clear property.
- 这部2001年起实施的土地法规漏洞多多,给开发商在处理本已产权明晰的房产上有了大量余地。
- 15. Worse, a study in October found a loophole in the Kyoto Protocol that allows unfettered biofuel pollution.
- 更严重的是,10月的一项研究发现了《京都议定书》中的一个漏洞——允许无限量的生物燃料污染。
- 16. That’s the same loophole Greece was able to exploit, in line with the rules, aided and abetted by Goldman Sachs.
- 当然这一条款也成为了在高盛教唆和协助下的希腊可以利用的漏洞。
- 17. And that's the loophole. If the people who are making merit offer food with animals, the monk has to accept it. : .
- 漏洞就在这里。如果在家人提供了含动物成分的食物给僧人,僧人是不得不接受这些食物的。
- 18. The loophole they exploit is that senior managers, doctors and some academics are permitted home internet accounts.
- 古巴的一些高级管理人员,医生和某些学者被允许在家上网,他们就是钻了这个空子。
- 19. Now if this is the case, it seems to me that one has found a loophole in Gadamer's conservatism about what the reader can do.
- 如果是这样的话,我认为大家在葛达玛对,读者理解能力的保守主义论中,能找到一个漏洞。
- 20. It was alarmed by a controversial nuclear deal between America and India last year that created a loophole in anti-nuclear rules.
- 中巴的核武合作为世人所警觉,是因为去年美国和印度达成争议性的核武交易,造成反核规约的漏洞。
- 21. European laws prohibit the export of this dangerous waste, but labeling the trash as a "charitable donation" offers a loophole.
- 欧洲法律是禁止出口这类有害废弃物的,但是却钻了一个空子,他们在这些垃圾上贴上了“慈善捐赠”的标签。
- 22. A loophole in the 1996 Auction Law in China means that buyers have no recourse if they purchase a lot that turns out to be inauthentic.
- 1996年中国拍卖法有一个漏洞,这意味着买家如果买到一堆假货,并没有追索权。
- 23. An amendment to end a tax loophole for major oil companies, introduced by Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), failed in a 251-174 vote on Friday.
- 爱德华·马基(麻州)提出的终止大型石油公司税收漏洞的修正案周五以251对174的投票失败。
- 24. Since a loophole was opened in 2000, American farmers have become the main food supplier to Cuba, with exports of some $400m-600m last year.
- 自从2000年打开了一个小缺口之后,美国农场主已经成为古巴主要的食品供应商,去年出口总额大约在4000万美元到6000万美元。
- 25. This is a massive loophole. All rich countries except Switzerland are now trying to avoid the consequences of increasing the harvesting of forestry.
- 这是一个巨大的漏洞,除了瑞士之外所有的富裕国家现在正试图绕开增加林木砍伐带来的后果。
- 26. This is a massive loophole. All rich countries except Switzerland are now trying to avoid the consequences of increasing the harvesting of forestry.
- 这是一个巨大的漏洞,除了瑞士之外所有的富裕国家现在正试图绕开增加林木砍伐带来的后果。