- 1. The lighting was subdued.
- 这灯光很柔和。
- 2. The lighting at the disco was fantastic.
- 迪斯科舞厅里灯光奇幻。
- 3. The whole room is bathed in soft lighting.
- 整个房间笼罩在柔和的照明中。
- 4. Adjust the lighting so it is soft and restful.
- 调节灯光,使其看上去既柔和又给人以放松的感觉。
- 5. The play had excellent sound and lighting effects.
- 这次戏剧演出的音响和灯光效果极佳。
- 6. The costumes and lighting in the play were restrained.
- 这出戏的服装和灯光都很朴实。
- 7. The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene.
- 舞台灯光产生出月下景色的效果。
- 8. Clever lighting creates an impression of space in a room.
- 巧妙的照明会让人有屋子空间增大的感觉。
- 9. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.
- 点燃奥运圣火的风俗可追溯到几个世纪前。
- 10. Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more.
- 用音乐和灯光刺激购物者买更多的东西。
- 11. Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere.
- 柔和的音乐和灯光衬托出了适宜的氛围。
- 12. Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.
- 照明程度对无闪光灯摄影应该足够了。
- 13. Her mother was a doctor and her father was a TV lighting director.
- 她的母亲是一名医生,父亲是电视灯光师。
- 14. These of course took advantage of the new innovation of electric lighting.
- 这些当然利用了电力照明这一新发明。
- 15. He also paid much more attention to lighting and sound than had been done before.
- 他也比以前更注重灯光和声音。
- 16. Spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you.
- 在室内呆太久,那些人工照明会对你造成如此后果。
- 17. Bad lighting design allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky.
- 糟糕的照明设计使人造光向外向上照射到天空。
- 18. Perhaps each home will have a solar generator to provide power for lighting and heating.
- 也许每个家庭都将有一个太阳能发电机来提供照明和取暖的电力。
- 19. Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting, being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty.
- 作为照亮自由女神像的人,布兰斯顿对照明也略知一二。
- 20. Logic prevails on this one as with dim lighting, busy people and highly flammable fresh paint on the set.
- 在这一点上,逻辑是占上风的,因为灯光昏暗、人们忙碌,而且现场的油漆高度易燃。
- 21. As lighting expert Howard Brandston points out, "Generally, there are no bad sources, only bad applications."
- 正如照明专家霍华德·布兰德斯顿所指出的:“一般来说,没有不好的光源,只有不好的光源利用。”
- 22. Even simple visual cues, like plate size and lighting, have been shown to affect portion size and consumption.
- 即使是简单的视觉提示,如盘子大小和灯光,也会影响食物的份量和消耗量。
- 23. Single-storey greenhouses have the benefit of natural overhead light: even so, many still need artificial lighting.
- 单层温室的好处是自然采光。即便如此,许多温室仍然需要人工照明。
- 24. At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting, trams and other services to the taxpayers.
- 与此同时,大城市开始涉足商业,为纳税人提供照明、有轨电车和其他服务。
- 25. Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design, which allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky.
- 光污染在很大程度是因为照明设计得不好,人造光可以向外和向上照射到天空。
- 26. Furthermore, he used effects to make patterns of shadow and light, rather than using the uniform lighting that was common at the time.
- 再者,他运用各种特效打造光与影的图案,而不是当时普遍使用的统一的灯光效果。
- 27. Although she is remembered today chiefly for her innovations in stage lighting, her activities also touched Isadora Duncan and Ruth St.
- 虽然今天人们主要因为她在舞台灯光方面的创新而记住她,但她的活动也感动了伊莎多拉·邓肯和露丝·圣。
- 28. You get a listing in the catalogue in both Chinese and English, some basic furniture—a desk and four chairs—and electricity and lighting.
- 您会在目录中找到中英文两种语言的清单,一些基本的家具——一张桌子和四把椅子——以及电力和照明设备。
- 29. Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.
- 把灯光调暗–在刺眼的灯光下躺着不舒服。
- 30. Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes.
- 把灯光调暗–在刺眼的灯光下躺着不舒服。