- 1. Thousands of penguins have already died from a shortage of krill.
- 数千只企鹅因为磷虾匮乏已经死亡。
- 2. Krill fishing in the Antarctic has worsened the pollution of the pristine waters.
- 南极的磷虾捕捞加剧了对原始水域的污染。
- 3. Shrinking krill population and rising temperatures could force Antarctic whales to migrate.
- 磷虾数量的减少和气温的升高可能迫使南极鲸迁徙。
- 4. Industrial fishing for krill in the unspoilt waters around Antarctica is threatening the future of one of the world's last great wildernesses, according to a new report.
- 根据一项新的报告,在南极附近未受破坏的海域进行工业捕捞磷虾,会威胁未来世界上的最后一个大荒野。
- 5. This means that king penguins, which feed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for longer.
- 这就意味着,以这片水域中的鱼类和磷虾为食的帝企鹅,必须去到更远的地方觅食,而饥饿的幼崽则需要等待更长的时间。
- 6. A global campaign has been launched to turn a huge tract of Antarctic seas into ocean sanctuaries, protecting wildlife and banning not just krill fishing, but all fishing.
- 一场全球性的运动已经展开,目的是将大片的南极海域变成海洋保护区,保护野生动物,不只禁止捕捞磷虾,而是禁止所有的捕捞活动。
- 7. Brierley says that the find revolutionizes the view of krill biology.
- 布赖尔利说,这个发现革命化了磷虾生物学的前景。
- 8. NEWS: Penguin, Krill Populations in Freefall
- 新闻:企鹅和它的种群
- 9. Like all crustaceans, krill must molt in order to grow.
- 象所有甲壳纲,磷虾必须蜕变为了增长。
- 10. Don't worry. Whales don't eat clown fish, they eat krill.
- 别担心。鲸不吃小丑鱼,他们吃磷虾。
- 11. The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called Krill.
- 海洋里有大量的叫做磷虾的微小海洋动物。
- 12. After three weeks, the little krill has finished the ascent.
- 在三个星期以后,小的磷虾完成了上升。
- 13. Krill oils have also proved to have enormous health benefits.
- 磷酸虾油也给你的健康带来足够大的效益。
- 14. If South Georgia has a special dispensation, it is this river of krill.
- 南乔治亚有一种特殊的施与,它是磷虾的河流。
- 15. The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea - animals called krill.
- 海洋拥有巨量的叫做鳞虾的小型动物。
- 16. No one thinks krill are yet endangered, but no one fully understands them.
- 没有人相信磷虾也处于濒危,但是没有人完全了解它们。
- 17. The year 2004 was a poor krill year at South Georgia, and 2009 has been a very bad one.
- 2004年在南乔治亚是一个磷虾欠收的年份,而2009年已经是一个相当低谷的年份了。
- 18. One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimp-like creature called krill.
- 一种似乎具有很大收获可能性的微小的虾状浮游生物被称为鳞虾。
- 19. The fear is that devastating the krill population will set in train a series of changes that will affect other creatures.
- 一个担心是,损坏了磷虾种群数量将引起一系列影响其它生物的变化。
- 20. Plankton is essentially anything living in water that is too small to swim against the current, including krill and algae.
- 浮游生物是生活在水中的一切,包括磷虾和藻类,它们小到不能逆流而行。
- 21. When the gulf waters freeze over during the Antarctic winter, they hunt for the krill that lives underneath the ice surface.
- 在南极洲的冬天,海湾的水面都被冻住了,它们就会去捕捉冰层下面的磷虾为食。
- 22. Krill distribution was patchier than anyone had imagined, but dense schools of the small crustaceans were plainly here.
- 磷虾的分布比任何人设想的都更零散,但在这一带却密集地成群活动。
- 23. For example, Price said, the 160-metric ton blue whale evolved a huge mouth –allowing it to eat millions of tiny krill each day.
- 普莱斯表示,以蓝鲸为例,这个重达160公吨的大块头进化出了一张巨大的嘴,每天能吞下成千上万只小磷虾。
- 24. One of the most recent objects of concern is a small, shrimp-like creature called krill, which is now being fished in a big way.
- 最近令人担忧的是,一种被称为磷虾的类似小虾的小生物,正在被大规模捕捞。
- 25. The blue whale packs on its nearly 200 tons of body mass by consuming enormous quantities of tiny krill-some four tons every day.
- 蓝鲸靠每天吃大约4吨的巨量磷虾来维持近200吨的体型。
- 26. Photo 7 :Swarms of krill, a cornerstone of the entire Antarctic food chain, feed on phytoplankton that grows on the underside of sea ice.
- 图7:成群的磷虾是整个南极动物食物链的基础。 它们以浮游生物为食,生长在海冰的上层。
- 27. This could be a good thing, of course. More algae might mean more krill, and that might mean more whales and other large sea animals.
- 这当然是个好事,更多的藻类意味着有更多的虾类,更多的虾类意味着将有 更多的鲸类和其它大型海洋动物。
- 28. Krill spend their days in the depths of the sea, rising at night in what they believe to be the safety of darkness to snack on phytoplankton.
- 磷虾白天待在海洋深处,夜间浮到它们认为安全的暗处去吃浮游植物。
- 29. Krill spend their days in the depths of the sea, rising at night in what they believe to be the safety of darkness to snack on phytoplankton.
- 磷虾白天待在海洋深处,夜间浮到它们认为安全的暗处去吃浮游植物。