- 1. Like her friends, she knows how to run a business, deal with jet-lag, and how to mix a margarita.
- 就像她身边的朋友一样,她懂得如何去经营一盘生意,怎样去调整飞机时差,以及怎样去调配玛格·丽特鸡尾酒。
- 2. In March, the FDA turned down Cephalon's jet-lag application and questioned how good the data supporting it really were.
- 3月的时候,FDA就拒绝了一次Cephalon的申请,质疑他们的支持数据不够充分。
- 3. The boards of directors, all of which are still Brit-heavy, would have to be rejigged—unless board meetings were to become jet-lag experiments.
- 董事会已大部分英国化,需要重新调整,除非要将董事会议当作时差综合症实验。
- 4. Jet lag is caused because the body clock does not readjust immediately to the time change.
- 时差是因为生物钟没有立即适应时间的改变而引起的。
- 5. It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.
- 你假期的第一天晚上睡觉来消除飞行时差反应是个好主意。
- 6. It delves into everything from seasickness, jet lag and the hazards of camels to malaria and plague.
- 它探究了从晕船、时差和骆驼的危害到疟疾和瘟疫的一切。
- 7. The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across at some time.
- 喷气飞行时差综合症是每个乘坐国际航班旅行的人在某个时候都会碰到的问题。
- 8. And for those of us who fly more than a couple of time zones from home-particularly those who fly eastward around the globe-jet lag can be a serious challenge.
- 对于经常从家中出发,飞越时区的我们来说——尤其是那些飞往地球东方的人——时差综合症可能成为很严重的挑战。
- 9. If you are running a global division, teams will want to see you in the flesh.You can expect to have to live with almost permanent jet lag.
- 如果你管理的是一个全球部门,各个团队都会想看到活生生的你,所以可以想见,你几乎不得不永远生活在时差里。
- 10. The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across.
- 时差反应是每一个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。
- 11. No one likes jet lag. We get off a flight feeling wrinkled and exhausted and then head into a day full of meetings or jump full swing into a vacation.
- 没有人喜欢倒时差的感觉,我们不得不在刚下飞机的慵懒中一头扎进一整天的会议中,或者在疲倦中跳入一个如火如荼的假期。
- 12. Jet lag is tough and it may take a week or so go get back to normal.
- 时差反应很难受,你可能得花上一周或者更久才能回到正常状态。
- 13. This was because the subjects' circadian rhythms - which determine patterns of alertness and tiredness - had been disturbed, creating an effect similar to jet lag.
- 这是因为人体生理节奏--决定人机敏性和疲倦性的程序已经被打乱了,导致了一个像时差的后果。
- 14. The best-known ones, DeCoursey says, are circadian or daily rhythms such as the sleep-wake rhythm, daily activity rhythms, or jet lag and shift-work maladies.
- 最被熟知的,德库西说,是生理的或昼夜节律像睡眠-清醒节律、每日活动节律、或者乘坐飞机旅行的时差感和轮班工作病。
- 15. For example, business travelers often suffer jet lag or exhaustion trying to take the cheapest flights to save their employers money.
- 例如,为给雇主省钱、总是乘坐最便宜航班的出差员工,常常受到时差和疲劳的困扰。
- 16. Ferguson is notoriously reluctant to let his players be involved in international friendlies, particularly when it requires a long trip and the potentially sapping effects of jet lag.
- 众所周知,费爵爷是很不情愿地让他的队员参加这些国际友谊赛的,特别是需要忍受长途旅行的疲劳和时差带来的潜在不良影响。
- 17. Difference in time zone, jet lag, lack of morning coffee - are frequently cited reasons as to why you're especially grouchy.
- 时区的不同、时差、或者没有早茶,这些都是经常会引起你特别不高兴的原因。
- 18. You see, I take this long-hour plane frequently, but the jet lag still makes me uneasy.
- 你看,我经常长时间乘坐飞机,但是时差还是让我很难受。
- 19. Jet lag can be brutal to a child who feels the effects but doesn't understand why.
- 对于孩子来说,时差会非常难受,他们能感觉到时差的影响,但不明白这是为什么。
- 20. I get jet lag for a week after traveling overseas.
- 我出国旅游之后一周都会有时差。
- 21. If jet lag or extreme schedule changes leave you exhausted, make your travel workout shorter or lighter than usual.
- 如果时差或巨大的日程差别让你感到疲劳,那么就减少你的旅行锻炼或者比平时减轻些。
- 22. Social jet lag is described as the difference between biological time and external requirements.
- 社会时差被描述为生物时间与外部要求之间的差异。
- 23. Helpfully the scientists have come up with a name for the phenomenon - 'social jet lag'.
- 科学家们为这个现象总结出了一个名称——‘社会时差’。
- 24. Dr Magherini believes the syndrome is a result of jet lag, travel stress, and the shock of an overwhelming sense of the past.
- 马盖里尼医生认为这一疾病是由于时差、旅途压力以及强烈怀旧感的冲击而引起的。
- 25. Jet lag happens when your circadian rhythm is running on a different day-night cycle than the day-night cycle of the outside world.
- 当我们的生物钟周期与外部的昼夜交替周期不一致时,我们就有倒时差的感觉。
- 26. If you're the least bit fuzzed by jet lag, your ability to think and react will be impaired.
- 就算时差只让你稍微有点晕,你的思考和反应能力也会削弱。
- 27. Jet lag can also cause insomnia.
- 时差也会导致失眠。
- 28. Jet lag can also cause insomnia.
- 时差也会导致失眠。