- 1. Its claws lacerated his thighs.
- 它的爪子挠伤了他的大腿。
- 2. Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image.
- 素食主义已经摆脱了其古怪的形象。
- 3. The bank left its lending rates unchanged.
- 银行保持其贷款利率不变。
- 4. Its heavily subsidized economy is in ruins.
- 它的严重依赖于资助的经济已崩溃了。
- 5. Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle.
- 它的大致轮廓是一个等边三角形。
- 6. This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes.
- 这使得它的微型电脑与其主机不兼容。
- 7. Medical authorities were baffled, both as to its causes and its virulence.
- 医疗当局对其病因及有多致命都还不怎么了解。
- 8. Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves.
- 以色列拥有一支规模相对较小的常备军,它的兵力基于其预备役部队。
- 9. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
- 在我们能评估其含义以前,我们得先解释其基本假设。
- 10. Although the car is some 2 inches shorter than its predecessor, its boot is 20 percent larger.
- 尽管这款汽车比其上一代产品短2英寸,但它的行李箱大了20%。
- 11. The earth revolves on its axis.
- 地球环绕自身的轴心转动。
- 12. The elephant flapped its ears.
- 大象拍打着双耳。
- 13. The prosecution rests its case.
- 控方对案情陈述完毕。
- 14. The rocket steepened its ascent.
- 火箭飞速升空。
- 15. The tide was at its highest.
- 潮水那时正处于最高位。
- 16. The crowd howled its displeasure.
- 群众不满地怒吼着。
- 17. The plane dipped its wings.
- 机翼向下倾斜。
- 18. The bird ruffled up its feathers.
- 这只鸟竖起了羽毛。
- 19. The pony swished its tail.
- 小马刷刷地甩着尾巴。
- 20. Italy was at its sunniest.
- 当时意大利正值阳光最充沛的时节。
- 21. The bird folded its wings.
- 那只鸟收起了翅膀。
- 22. The skin loses its youthful bloom.
- 皮肤失去了年轻时的红润。
- 23. The swan flapped its wings noisily.
- 天鹅大声地拍打着翅膀。
- 24. The cat arched its back and hissed.
- 猫弓起背发出嘶嘶声。
- 25. Iran reopened its embassy in London.
- 伊朗重新开放了在伦敦的大使馆。
- 26. The horse reared, throwing its rider.
- 这匹马后腿直立,将骑手摔下。
- 27. Jordan reopened its border with Iraq.
- 约旦重新开放了与伊拉克的边界。
- 28. The bird flapped its wings furiously.
- 那只鸟使劲地拍打着翅膀。
- 29. Motherhood has both its pros and cons.
- 做母亲有其利也有其弊。
- 30. The plant bears its flowers in clusters.
- 这种植物开花成簇。