- 1. He just stood stiff in the center of the rug, in his hat, the shaggy iron-Gray brows twitching slightly above the pebble-colored eyes.
- 他只是直挺挺地站在地毯的中央,头上仍戴着帽子,卵石色眼睛上方铁灰色的浓眉微微抽动着。
- 2. Some believe that the hardened gray iron used to make the components simply "fatigues" with age-as metal parts that go through millions of stress reversals eventually do.
- 有些人认为硬化的灰铸铁过去曾使零件很容易腐朽老化(因为经过数百万次的应力反向处理后的金属零件最后都会这样)。
- 3. If the yolk turns greenish-gray, the iron in it has reacted with the sulfur in the egg white.
- 如果蛋黄变成灰绿色,就说明蛋黄中的铁已经与蛋白中的硫磺发生反应。
- 4. Gray iron has excellent dampening properties and is easily machined.
- 灰铁具有很好的阻尼特性,易于机械加工。
- 5. His iron gray hair was precisely parted and in place.
- 他铁灰色的头发在正当中分开,梳得整整齐齐。
- 6. The quantity, shape, size and distribution of graphite in gray iron influences the properties of material.
- 铸铁中石墨相的数量、形状、大小和分布对其力学性能有很大影响。
- 7. The mechanism of the effect of titanium on structure and properties of gray iron was proposed.
- 对钛对灰铸铁组织和性能作用的机理提出了看法。
- 8. The block is cast in one piece from gray iron or iron alloyed with other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Some blocks are cast from aluminum.
- 缸体是由灰铸铁或含有镍或铬的合金铸铁整体铸造而成的。有的缸体由铝浇铸而成。
- 9. This paper mainly studies the influence of the boron gray cast iron with its microstructure, mechanical properties and metallurgical quality index in different inoculating conditions.
- 同时研究了不同孕育条件对硼灰铸铁的力学性能及冶金质量指标的影响。
- 10. As one of the gray cast iron, boron gray cast iron is widely used in the department including automobile industry, mechanism industry and construction industry, etc.
- 硼灰铸铁作为灰铸铁的一种,广泛应用在汽车工业、机械工业、建筑工业等部门。
- 11. Our products: Various gray iron, ductile iron, common cast steel, low-alloy steel, high manganese steel, etc various parts of architectural and mechanical engineering.
- 本公司主要生产各种灰铁件、球铁件、铸钢件、高猛钢件等各种建筑、工程机械用零部件。
- 12. Experiments showed that the titanium of different contents had varied influences on the structure and proper-ties of gray iron.
- 试验表明,不同含量的钛对灰铸铁组织和性能产生不同的影响。
- 13. Some believe that the hardened gray iron used to make the components simply "fatigues" with age—as metal parts that go through millions of stress reversals eventually do.
- 有些人认为硬化的灰铸铁过去曾使零件很容易腐朽老化(因为经过数百万次的应力反向处理后的金属零件最后都会这样)。
- 14. This paper analyses the band structure with nodular graphite that was first found on the cross section of the gray iron bar in the experiment.
- 通过试验分析,首次在灰铸铁型材断面上观察到球状石墨的带状区,并对这种带状组织及成因进行了分析探讨。
- 15. The effects of inoculants and alloying elements on the properties of gray cast iron are studied.
- 研究了孕育剂和合金元素对灰铸铁性能的影响。
- 16. In certain range of contents, titanium had the effect to promote formation of the D-type graphite, to improve the graphite morphology of gray iron and increase properties of gray iron.
- 在一定含量范围内,钛促进灰铸铁d型石墨的形成,改善灰铸铁石墨形态,并提高灰铸铁的强度性能。
- 17. Controling conditions of production process to obtain developed isometric dendrite structure is one of the important measures to increase the strength property of gray iron.
- 控制生产工艺条件,获得发达等轴枝晶组织,是提高灰铸铁强度性能的重要技术措施之一。
- 18. The morphology of niobium compound of the gray iron with less than 1.2% of niobium addition and its influences on the structure and hardness were investigated.
- 研究了庆铸铁中含有1.2%以下的铌时所形成的铌化物的存在形态,及其对组织与硬度的影响。
- 19. Hologram reconstruction using white light is employed in NDT of crack and welding quality of gray cast iron.
- 本文介绍将象全息的白光再现用于无损检测裂纹和灰口铸铁的焊接质量。
- 20. The production of gray iron casting without thermal aging was suggested.
- 在调查分析的基础上,提出取消灰铁热时效的看法。
- 21. Gray cast iron was treated by means of laser melt hardening technology.
- 利用激光熔凝硬化技术对灰口铸铁表面进行了硬化处理。
- 22. Certainly at first glance the formation of iron gray and sullen blue looked very much as if a new mountain had thrust up from the ground.
- 在第一眼看见那铁灰和暗蓝色的结构时确实很像一座新的山脉从地面上升起。
- 23. The current studies and some new techniques on gray iron production are simply outlined in this article.
- 对灰铸铁的研究现状和生产中的一些新技术做了评述。
- 24. The current studies and some new techniques on gray iron production are simply outlined in this article.
- 对灰铸铁的研究现状和生产中的一些新技术做了评述。