- 1. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer printed its final edition yesterday.
- 《西雅图邮报》于昨日发行最后一期纸质报。
- 2. The Seattle Post - Intelligencer has become America's first major daily newspaper to publish online - only.
- 西雅图邮报已经成为最大的只提供在线新闻的日报。
- 3. The phrase was used in a 1938 headline in The Edwardsville Intelligencer to describe Corrigan's off-book flight.
- 1938年,《爱德华·兹维尔讯报》的头条标题使用的就是这个短语,来形容科里根这次计划外的飞行。
- 4. Diane Mapes, author of How to Date and a relationships columnist for the Seattle Post Intelligencer thinks that people are at their most seductive on the road.
- 迪恩·梅普斯,《如何约会》的作者和《固守岗位的智慧》的关系专栏作家,认为人们在路上的时候是他们最具吸引力的时候。
- 5. Already, in 2009, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Denver's Rocky Mountain News, among other historic names, couldn't find buyers and simply stopped printing.
- 西雅图知识人邮报,丹佛的落基山新闻和其它一些历史悠久的报业因为没有读者而只好停止印刷。
- 6. The crisis afflicting the industry has prompted several major US newspapers to cease print publication including the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Rocky Mountain News.
- 这场困扰报业的危机已迫使美国主要报纸停止印刷出版,其中包括《西雅图邮讯报》和《洛基山新闻》。
- 7. That's what the Seattle Post-Intelligencer did yesterday, shutting down after 146 years of publishing and thus subtracting another title from the vanishing roster of competing dailies in America.
- 这就是西雅图邮讯昨天所做的,在出版了146年后停工了,从此美国的日报业名册里又少了一个竞争对手。
- 8. That's what the Seattle Post-Intelligencer did yesterday, shutting down after 146 years of publishing and thus subtracting another title from the vanishing roster of competing dailies in America.
- 这就是西雅图邮讯昨天所做的,在出版了146年后停工了,从此美国的日报业名册里又少了一个竞争对手。