- 1. This vase has been preserved intact.
- 这个花瓶保存得完好无损。
- 2. Few buildings survived the war intact.
- 战争之后没几座完好的建筑了。
- 3. Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.
- 虽然过了两百年,这房子的大部分还保持完好。
- 4. Natural resources should be handed on to the next generation intact.
- 自然资源应该完好无损地传给下一代。
- 5. Customs men put dynamite in the water to destroy the cargo, but most of it was left intact.
- 海关人员把炸药放入水中以摧毁货物,但大部分货物却完好无损。
- 6. Five other marriages were intact but hanging by a thread.
- 其他五次婚姻都完好无损,但仍悬而未决。
- 7. But this only works if the site hasn't been touched, and the layers are intact.
- 但这只对那些完全没有被盗掘过的坑位才有效,因为这些坑位的地层都完好无损。
- 8. For some unknown reason, many were discarded, often still intact, and thousands have been found all over the Near East.
- 由于一些未知原因,很多被丢弃的物品还是被完整地保存下来了,而在近东的各地有上千件这样的物品出土。
- 9. In the process he discovered something surprising: it is always possible to guarantee information will get through random interference—"noise"—intact.
- 在这个过程中,他发现了一些令人惊讶的现象:保证信息能通过随机干扰——“噪音”——并完好无损地传递出去是完全有可能的。
- 10. Even if the new population is of a different species, it can approximately fill the niche vacated by the extinct population and keep the food web intact.
- 即使新的种群属于不同物种,它也可以大致填补已灭绝种群空出的生态位,保持食物网的完整。
- 11. The energy absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules of the unstable autumn leaf is not immediately channelled into useful products and processes, as it would be in an intact summer leaf.
- 不稳定的秋叶叶绿素分子吸收的能量,不会像在完好的夏叶中吸收的能量那样立即传输到有用的产品和工艺流程中去。
- 12. He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.
- 他受审获释,名誉丝毫未受损害。
- 13. She emerged from the scandal with her reputation intact.
- 丑闻过后,她安然无恙,名声丝毫未受影响。
- 14. It wants to keep its own environment intact.
- 它要维持自己的环境不受影响。
- 15. Because of the way the ship sank, nearly all of the starboard half survived intact.
- 由于船下沉的方式,其一半的右舷几乎都完好无损地保存了下来。
- 16. Evidence of this is the numerous Roman remains that are still standing, many of which are almost completely intact.
- 大量现存的罗马遗迹证明了这一点,其中许多遗迹几乎完整无缺。
- 17. Well over half of those ships were carrying cargo stored in large ceramic jars, many of which were preserved largely intact on the ocean floor.
- 这些船只中有一半以上装载着储存在大型陶瓷罐子里的货物,其中许多罐子被完好无损地保存在海底。
- 18. Using Bonferroni statistical tests, intervertebral motion redistribution of each construct was compared with the intact.
- 使用邦弗朗尼统计学测试,将每个构建体的椎间运动重新分布与完整状态进行比较。
- 19. The money was returned intact by its finder.
- 钱原封未动地被捡拾者送还。
- 20. When a bird's nest is overturned, no egg can remain intact.
- 覆巢之下无完卵。
- 21. The packages are intact.
- 包装完好无损。
- 22. The packages are intact. It's beautiful.
- 包装完好无损,很美观。
- 23. All the reactor units appear intact.
- 所有反应堆机组看起来都正常。
- 24. Nothing - Original message stays intact.
- 无——保留原来的消息不动。
- 25. Intact RNA produces the glowing green protein.
- 完整无缺的RNA生成可发出绿光的蛋白质。
- 26. The point is still intact and still very sharp.
- 它的矛锋完好无损,仍然相当的尖锐。
- 27. Fortunately the concrete fish tanks are intact.
- 幸运的是,水泥池塘完好无损。
- 28. BHF's managers want the bank to be sold intact.
- BHF银行的经理们希望银行能被整个收购。
- 29. Only gorillas have retained their reputations intact.
- 只有大猩猩仍旧保持着完好无损的名声。
- 30. That would make intact rainforest hot property indeed.
- 这无疑使得完好的雨林成为热销财产。