- 1. The contract would infuse the region with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries.
- 该合同将为该地区注入外资、创造约400个就业岗位以及衍生的服务业。
- 2. Theses terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and, as Rakesh Khurana, another professor, points out, increase allegiance to the firm.
- 这些词语旨在给工作赋予更深刻的意义,正如另一位教授凯什·库拉纳所言,这会提高员工对公司的忠诚度。
- 3. Please infuse with pencil powder into key-hole then running few times when door open is not flexible.
- 门锁开启不灵活时,请往钥匙孔内加入适量的铅笔芯粉末再往来转动几次即可。
- 4. Infuse juniper in the vodka overnight.
- 杜松子在伏特加里浸过夜。
- 5. Steps will be taken to infuse more liquidity if required.
- 如果确有需要,我们将采取措施注入更多流动性。
- 6. Helps infuse color to a house decor to attempt to increase design beauty.
- 尝试着增加设计美感有助于为房屋装修注入色彩。
- 7. Add remaining spices and herbs in the morning and let infuse all day.
- 第二天早上加入其余调料和香草,再继续浸泡一整天。
- 8. You can derive new inspiration that can infuse your life with vision and imagination.
- 你可以获得给你生活注入想象和幻想的新的灵感。
- 9. The employee's behaviour of outstanding airlines will infuse confidence in passengers.
- 杰出的航空公司员工对乘客的行为会是充满自信心。
- 10. I understand is, heart infuse each detail, share next go out, let an user realize your intention.
- 我理解是,将心注入每一个细节,然后分享出去,让用户体会你的专心。
- 11. Rub the fish with spices, chopped herbs, ginger, garlic, and chile peppers to infuse flavor while it cooks.
- 在烹饪前,用香料、切碎的香草、生姜、大蒜和辣椒腌制鱼肉,便于其在烹饪过程中入味。
- 12. By appearances, the Samsung Infuse looks very much like a large version of the iPhone 4, at least from the front.
- 外观上,至少从正面看,三星Infuse非常像一款放大版的iPhone4。
- 13. A breakthrough in the Doha Round would also infuse confidence in an economic system stressed by financial anxiety.
- 多哈回合的突破,也会为饱受金融焦虑困扰的经济体系注入信心。
- 14. A halo of mysterious dark matter is thought to infuse the space surrounding each of the bulge-packing galaxies.
- 一个围绕着暗物质的神秘光环是,它被认为是充满着每一个星系周围的空间。
- 15. Such feelings infuse Ekhrajiha, which is nonetheless an odd mix of slapstick humour and mawkish sentimentality.
- 电影Ekhrajiha(无家可归)是一部由幽默闹剧及令人厌恶的情节组成的奇怪混合物,其中到处充斥着这种感情。
- 16. We initially thought that day-to-day interaction would infuse the team with the characteristics we were looking for.
- 开始我们认为日常的交互会为团队注入我们所寻找的特征。
- 17. What if you could somehow infuse or coat cancer cells with a conductive substance and then zap them with radio waves?
- 可不可以给癌细胞包裹上一层传导性物质,然后用无线电波烧死癌细胞?
- 18. Singapore Airlines, one of the world's most profitable carriers, also would infuse managerial expertise at an operational level.
- 作为全球最赚钱的航空公司之一,新航还将向东方航空灌输运营方面的管理经验。
- 19. High strength carbon fibers give maximum stiffness but are also finer than most glass fibers and thus more difficult to infuse.
- 高强度的碳纤维具有最大刚度,但是比大多数玻璃纤维更为纤细,因此也更难灌注。
- 20. However, the most successful designs infuse these considerations at every stage, from idea to finished product. As Koren has written.
- 然而,最成功的设计,是从创意构思到成品,在每个层面上都注入这些因素。
- 21. Samsung had reasonable success with Android phones in its Galaxy series; with the Infuse, it hopes to take that one more step higher.
- 三星在Galaxy系列安卓手机中取得了成绩还算可以,它希望借助Infuse百尺竿头更进一步。
- 22. Luther’s genius was to infuse his translation with the words he heard on the street in his bit of Saxony, in east-central Germany.
- 路德生活在萨克森尼,一个德国中东部地区的弹丸之地。他的高明之处在于,将自己的译作中融入了在当地街头巷尾听来的词语。
- 23. Understanding the factory process of the stationery products and the production techniques to infuse your own knowledge for the product.
- 通过理解文具产品的工厂流程的和生产技术来注入你自己对产品的认识。
- 24. I intend on doing as much customer contact as possible, and I will infuse it into the culture of Rational even more than it has been in the past.
- 我打算尽可能地多做客户接触,并且我将把它注入Rational的文化,甚至比它过去时要多。
- 25. Perhaps in his imagination, he was such an angel, neither masculine nor feminine but both, and able to infuse the world with infinite longing.
- 也许在他的想象中,自己就是这样一个天使,非阴非阳而又二者兼具,为世界注入无限的希望。
- 26. My sense is that the Zachman Framework is easier to grasp when these principles infuse both the learning process and its practical application.
- 我的看法是当这些原则加入到学习过程和它的实际应用时,Zachman框架更容易掌握。
- 27. In our performances, acoustically or amplified, we infuse the audience with a wide range of emotions. In the end, generally, people start dancing.
- 在我们的表演,声学或放大,我们给观众注入广泛的情感,在演出的最后人们往往都开始跳舞。
- 28. In our performances, acoustically or amplified, we infuse the audience with a wide range of emotions. In the end, generally, people start dancing.
- 在我们的表演,声学或放大,我们给观众注入广泛的情感,在演出的最后人们往往都开始跳舞。