- 1. Every incumbency employee has his year-end bonus.
- 所有的在职员工都可以领到年终奖金。
- 2. This has added to the already awesome power of incumbency.
- 这更增加了任职期间本已令人敬畏的权势。
- 3. The dollar’s attractions as a bolthole are partly a benefit of incumbency.
- 美元作为避险货币的魅力,在一定程度上得益于它目前的角色。
- 4. Kerala tends to follow the "anti-incumbency" trend in states: power alternates.
- 喀拉拉邦在各邦中倾向于遵循“反在职”的趋势:权力交替。
- 5. Civic consciousness is a kind of self-knowledge about one's status in the country, right and incumbency.
- 公民意识是公民对自己在国家中的社会地位、社会权利和社会责任的一种自觉认识。
- 6. In addition, the incumbency engaged in insurance generation sales work, and obtain good sales performance.
- 此外,在职期间从事过保险代销售工作,并取得良好的销售业绩。
- 7. So we don't comment on natural phenomenon of the law of jungle according to our moral criterion of kindness and incumbency.
- 所以,我们也不能用我们自己订下的仁义行为标准,去评论弱肉强食的自然现象。
- 8. Objective to probe into the ways, time, influencing factors and contents for incumbency training of community nursing staff.
- 目的探讨社区护理人员在职培训的方式、时间、影响因素及培训内容。
- 9. Any good republican candidate would have had a chance of unseating voorhis in 1946 despite his popularity and his incumbency.
- 尽管沃勒斯深孚众望并且在职,可是任何一个出色的共和党候选人都能有机会在1946年夺去他的席位。
- 10. It was during his incumbency of this office that the Church in the East began to be agitated by the first mutterings of the Iconoclast heresy.
- 那是在他的任职情况这个办事处表示,教会在东部地区开始被激动,由第一绵蛮,言语微细的孤星叛逆者异端。
- 11. With six months to go until the mid-terms, and with politics haunted by a powerful mood of anti-incumbency, plenty of political surprises no doubt remain in store.
- 距中期选举还有六个月。就现在高涨的“反现任”情绪来看,政坛中出其不意的事件还会一波接一波地出现。
- 12. Her failure could be blamed in part on Indians' habitual anti-incumbency tendencies, and on the Congress party's unexpected success in a state that was once its stronghold.
- 她的失利可以归罪于印度人民习惯性的反对现任统治;亦可以说是国大党在其原据点取得意外胜利。
- 13. At the same time, convenient of study outlet in order to provide convenience at the student who study in the home, also gradually become incumbency study the student's choice.
- 同时,便捷的学习渠道为在家学习的学生提供了方便,也渐渐成为在职学习学生的选择。
- 14. The customer of this long range education company is to come from graduate student in the senior high school and for pursuing the incumbency student of high educational background.
- 这个远程教育公司的客户是来源于高中毕业生以及为了追求高学历的在职学生。
- 15. However, our Listed Companies of State-owned exist the serious Insider Control problem, for example making use of the job power to take the gray income, incumbency to consume to inflate etc.
- 然而,我国国有控股上市公司内却存在着严重的内部人控制问题,如利用职权牟取灰色收入、在职消费膨胀等。
- 16. However, our Listed Companies of State-owned exist the serious Insider Control problem, for example making use of the job power to take the gray income, incumbency to consume to inflate etc.
- 然而,我国国有控股上市公司内却存在着严重的内部人控制问题,如利用职权牟取灰色收入、在职消费膨胀等。